Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I need some action too...

Connor Harrison

My new character, Kaan, aiming to be a Chaos Villain, is live.

I'm not adverse to him joining the Sith in any way, shape or form, but I want him to start from the bottom up and be enjoyable both to write and read. He's a scientist twisted by loss and heartbreak and a mean streak for vengeance, with no lightsaber combat or training at all.

I want him to work to become someone great, and to be a worthy ally for the villains and memorable foe for the heroes.

If you'd care to see where he can go, just drop me a PM or shout here and we can see what happens.




*also sets entire body on fire and creates a pillar of fire* FLAME ON!

We should totally do a thread.


[member="Corvus Raaf"] i would do something with ya as naga but....given your position and the force light ...we might have a tiny issue XD...#sithspawnproblems :(

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