Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I need YOU!

skin, bone, and arrogance

Hello! As most of you know, I have recently been dragooned into service elected Faction Owner of the First Order, and as such it is my privilege to do what I can to continue to improve our faction in whatever way I can. I have a lot of ideas for how to improve the faction, but due to time constraints and lack of ability, some I am unable to do on my own. But that's the joy of having a team -- we can work together, and many hands make light work. While I would like to start gathering YOUR ideas about some ways to improve the faction, I do have a few projects in mind that I'd like your help with -- some of which are already underway.

I'm not just looking for free labor here. I'm a very strong believer that every member should own the faction, and feel responsibility for it. We should all have a stake in its survival and growth. I feel that by expanding these projects to everyone in the group, everyone will feel that much more connected to the faction and fellow members. Also, I like slavery -- sue me.

Feel free to sign up for one of the projects below. You can contact the members tagged under each heading. If you don't see a member tagged there, and you'd like to take the lead on the project, either post here or shoot me a PM.

Key Contacts: [member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] | [member="Asharad Graush"]
We've begun to update our Navy with additional starships to fill out some roles that our fleet has been missing. In addition, [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] suggested taking our canon vessels and updating them with submissions, bringing them to "Mark II" status and updating their weapons loadouts to be within SWRP's current level of firepower -- this project is for Star Destroyers on down to TIE fighters, so this will require more eyes on. If you think this might be of interest to you, please contact one of the three above. Many of these projects are already underway, so in order to avoid duplicating efforts, it would be best to coordinate with others already working on the projects.

Key Contacts: [member="Ludolf Vaas"] | [member="Asharad Graush"]
Just as a note, the above two did not volunteer for this, but they are fairly high-ranking members of the army/stormtrooper group, so they should be able to tell us what kind of ground vehicles/deployment methods could be helpful. Essentially I'd like to see the same thing happening here: both an expansion of what's available to us as well as an update of any existing 'canon' resources to be on par with current tech.

Key Contacts: [member="Natasi Fortan"]
This one is my baby, and I admit that I have neglected it for awhile. I've been wanting to streamline the ranks and roles, as well as add in equivalent diplomatic roles. I did a poll a few months back asking who would be interested in joining an OOC committee to help with this, and got some positive response. We've had some new members since then, so I thought I'd open the doors to anyone else. I imagine us having a Skype chat to discuss it and could reflect the changes on the board. Let me know if you're interested in this, and we can set something up.

Key Contacts: [member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Asharad Graush"]
We need cities, and fortresses, and military bases, and space stations, and satellites, and listening stations, and training outposts, and all sorts of other "places" to populate our empire. If you're good at these types of codex submissions, please let me know what type of structures you'd like to build and where. We can coordinate efforts to avoid duplication of effort and get you working on things that you're interested. We can tackle any development thread requirements as a group, making things go smoooooth.

Key Contacts: [member="Aram Kalast"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"]
Again, Aram is being 'volunteered' for this (sorry, friend) as the founder of the faction. I'd like to get our history, lore, and culture squared away, so that we can have all the information packaged nicely and easily digestable by new members (and old members). One thing there seems to be some confusion about is the role of the Knights of Ren (h/t [member="Ciardha Ren"]) and their interplay with the rest of the faction (or lack thereof). I'd like to get all of us on the same page, on the KoR and everything else, so if you think this is something you'd be interested in tackling, please let me know!

Key Contacts: [member="Natasi Fortan"]
We've had some fabulous bling made by [member="Valessia Brentioch"], [member="Marzena Choi"], and [member="Boo Chiyo"] (big thank you to you!) and we have a lot of great graphics out there. What I'd like to see is for us to switch to one unified set of graphics -- for instance, I'm using Guy's old "Grand Moff" tag in my signature, while others are using a thinner, sleeker looking rank tag. I think it would be cool if we all had a similar "style" of graphics -- i.e. similarly shaped, similar aesthetic. Ideally we could get a small selection of options and have the membership vote on which option would be preferable, but we can certainly discuss it.

Also along this line, [member="Ludolf Vaas"] has requested some medals and service ribbons and the like. If you're interested in contributing to this effort, please let us know.

Last, I wonder if it might not be time to update the faction's banners, etc. I love them dearly -- they make the place feel like home -- but I don't want to cling to tradition if everyone else thinks it's time to move on. Another topic for discussion.

Key Contacts: You?
What do you think we should do to improve? If you don't see anything here that catches your fancy, what would you be interested in?
[member="Natasi Fortan"]

Worldbuilding also.

Not my idea, but actually [member="Valessia Brentioch"]'s with listening stations along the border worlds.

Could also come up with a Starfighter Base in an asteroid belt somewhere for [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] for him and his goonies. I was thinking something like this.

Listening stations / asteroid belts could even double as starfighter bases too.

In addition, [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] if he's around could have some additional ideas if asked.

Tanomas Graf

[member="Natasi Fortan"]

Give me a template, a looped star wars soundtrack, and some encouragement, and I can invent new ships for the First Order.

I've known my way around GIMP long enough that I can take on doing service ribbons, medals, and the 'like' [member="Natasi Fortan"] and [member="Ludolf Vaas"]. Give me a name and an idea for what you want and I can crank out ribbons/medals faster than the United States of America in 1944.
[member="Natasi Fortan"]

Myself and [member="Darth Veles"] are heading up some roleplay regarding the theft recovery of some Sith Holocrons that I know the whereabouts of. Most of the Knights of Ren are up to join in, but if people out of the Order of Ren would like to participate, then feel free to set yourselves up into the roleplay. The more the merrier.
Worldbuilding & Military Assets
I can help in populating the empire with some creations, be it military bases, fortresses, training academies, etc.

Lore, History and Culture
I can also probably help with that as well. If any of you need any help with that, I offer my assistance for whatever it is worth. If you need some help in the propaganda area, I can also assist in that.
Can we please get an established list of companies to spread our submissions around to assure that we build not only the faction but those willing to invest within us as well.

[member="Natasi Fortan"].
I am definitely down for more of this. Both OOC and IC. I think we've been very dominion-crazed recently. And while those are good avenues for certain kinds of rp, I think roleplaying some of this stuff out in straight up faction threads (or dev threads when necessary) would also be killer.

Count me in for any government/diplomatic services, worldbuilding, lore/history/culture. More than happy to do codex submissions for anything along those lines as well.

I've already talked with [member="Valessia Brentioch"] with a couple of Intel related things but I'm more than happy to branch out into other fields as well, [member="Natasi Fortan"].

A recommendation for any who would want to take it on (and one I'd be happy to help depending on interest): it would be excellent to have a clear understanding of who the Knights of Ren are. There was a kerfuffle recently regarding tags because the general populace of Chaos doesn't see the Knights of Ren as a clearly defined order. The First Order didn't have Episode VII to go off of when the faction first started. We're still pretty in the dark with the rest of the trilogy impending, but I say kark it. We should make it clear to any who join just who a Knight of Ren is. Not the movie's version, but our version. That's just my opinion.
Hi guys -

For anyone who wants to help out with Army submissions, what we need is an official AT-AT style walker for the First Order, as well as tanks. I will be working on the AT-AT walker and if anyone wants to take a crack at developing some tanks, that would be awesome.
As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm definitely up for expanding on the KoR (and anything else) in the Lore, History and Culture section.
As Sentiri just said, the Knights of Ren are more than likely going to have a lot more revealed about them in the coming years. Some of this stuff will probably contradict what we establish here however I don't think that's any reason to stop building what we can now and adapt if necessary later. We need to establish what they stand for, their relationship with the rest of the First Order and what makes them stand apart from the Sith.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Dunames Lopez said:
Worldbuilding - I did create a few locations for FO worlds after all. This is where Star Tours fits in the grand plan.
Certainly you're welcome to pitch in with any of the projects. However please bear in mind that this project is meant to benefit the faction as a whole, not just a specific corporation.

Let me know what you'd like to build and where. I think you mentioned some facilities on Sump, no?
Asharad Graush said:
[member="Natasi Fortan"]

Worldbuilding also.

Not my idea, but actually [member="Valessia Brentioch"]'s with listening stations along the border worlds.

Could also come up with a Starfighter Base in an asteroid belt somewhere for [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] for him and his goonies. I was thinking something like this.

Listening stations / asteroid belts could even double as starfighter bases too.

In addition, [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] if he's around could have some additional ideas if asked.
An asteroid base for the starfighter corps would be cooler than cool, my man!

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