Saera Willamina Savan
~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
I have three dominions, five dev threads and seven capital ships to finish. Good God, I'm drained. My muse isn't dying, but I'm simply tiring myself out mentally from all the strain.
If people could just pick up a bit of the slack from me, they'd be rewarded, whether it's alchemy or fighters/starcraft or almost anything really. Plus, the CIS as a whole benefits hugely from the new additions its on the verge of getting.
So if anyone wants to help the cause, I have to standing offers up right now, here:
Edit: Looks like two people are on the Elite Fighter job. Now, just to find two miners/freighters. For any of you in the Techno Union, feel free to help/suggest/contribute there as well! It all makes my life easier and the CIS a little better.
If people could just pick up a bit of the slack from me, they'd be rewarded, whether it's alchemy or fighters/starcraft or almost anything really. Plus, the CIS as a whole benefits hugely from the new additions its on the verge of getting.
So if anyone wants to help the cause, I have to standing offers up right now, here:
Edit: Looks like two people are on the Elite Fighter job. Now, just to find two miners/freighters. For any of you in the Techno Union, feel free to help/suggest/contribute there as well! It all makes my life easier and the CIS a little better.