Location: Boz Pity
Objective: Speak with Kahlil
Tags: Kahlil Zambrano
Speeder bike
WEAPONS - Custom Concussive Baton, Collapsible Electrostaff
EQUIPMENT: Utility Belt inludes - Hush-98 Comlink, Liquid Cable Launcher, Fibercord Whip, Holoprojector, Holo-map, Rebreather, Security Spike, Scramble Key, Anti-security blade, Field Security Overloader, Canteen/Waterskin, Energy/Food Capsules
ECM-598 Medical Backpack includes - Shock Cloth, Bactade, Antidote Synthesizer
Spider Silk Clothing
Armorweave Overclothes, Coif, Kama equipped with a Small Energy Shield
WEAPONS - Custom Concussive Baton, Collapsible Electrostaff
EQUIPMENT: Utility Belt inludes - Hush-98 Comlink, Liquid Cable Launcher, Fibercord Whip, Holoprojector, Holo-map, Rebreather, Security Spike, Scramble Key, Anti-security blade, Field Security Overloader, Canteen/Waterskin, Energy/Food Capsules
ECM-598 Medical Backpack includes - Shock Cloth, Bactade, Antidote Synthesizer
Spider Silk Clothing
Armorweave Overclothes, Coif, Kama equipped with a Small Energy Shield
"Sounds like a solid plan. I'll see you when I see you. Take care." She nodded to him before making a small sound and throwing a credit chit his way from the brim of her cowl.
"Get yourself a good meal. And you are welcome. I am glad to be among those you call friend." She added, shooing him out before gathering her things. With one track finished, she began pondering the next.