Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

I ate my fries slowly, savoring the taste of each tiny potato sliver. This was the first time I'd ever actually had them before. It was easy to understand why they were so popular. Salty, warm, and crispy. I didn't really pay attention to what was happening around me. All I could think about was how much a good blanket would cost. Maybe a pillow, but that was only if I had enough for one.
[member="Judah Lesan Jr."]
[member="Sasha Voss"]
[member="Tes Dralyn"]
[member="Melissa Corek"]


Well-Known Member
I glanced at the guy that I was talking to, got up and walked over to the girl that had just walked in.

"Here." I said and slid a pile of credits to her, "Buy what you want with it." I told [member="Yoka Anume"] and walked back to my seat.

"You need sugar that badly?" I asked, resuming the conversation as if nothing had happened
[member="Judah Lesan Jr."]
[member="Sasha Voss"]
[member="Tes Dralyn"]
[member="Melissa Corek"]
[member="Yoka Anume"] [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] [member="Sasha Voss"] [member="Tes Dralyn"]
Melissa sighed as she looked around and then she found a sight that nearly made her heart break, a girl, maybe a year or two older than her that seemed like she was starving, only eating a tray of fries. Standing up, Melissa walked over to her and sat down on the stool next to her. Extending her hand, Melissa gave her a big smile. "Hi, my name is Melissa, what is yours?"

Tes Dralyn

"And could you get me a muja berry shake, please?" She requested of the employee that came with JJ's nerf burger combo, handing him the right amount of credits for her order. "Thanks!"

Then she turned back, just as JJ started bringing forth the thought that they should make like a banana and split.

"Cliff jumping? Now you're talking!"

Either she hadn't yet come down from the adrenaline of last night, or... well, Tes leaned over the table, fingers curled over the edge, eyes flicking from [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] to [member="Sasha Voss"].

"Maybe those two jerks should go take a long walk off a short cliff," she said in hushed, sharp tones quiet enough for her friends to hear, but not loud enough to carry across the shop. "Yeah, let's leave the snobs in our dust. You get things settled, I'll go invite those girls along..."

Her eyes narrowed almost suspiciously at the other brunet.

"...don't overthink this, Lesan."

Then with a laugh not unlike soft wind chimes, she shoved off the table, taking her muja berry shake with her, and made her way over to [member="Yoka Anume"], just as [member="Melissa Corek"] slipped into a stool next to the less-fortunate girl. She was just in time to hear one of them introduce herself, sidling up to the table, and latching onto the table edge, to interject before the girl with the fries could get her name out.

"Hey... Melissa? And..." she wagged a finger at the other girl, snapped her fingers, then gave it up, "... didn't catch your name, but hey! I was wondering if you two'd like to hang out with us?"

She jerked a thumb back towards JJ and Sasha, and took a sip of her shake.

"We're gonna blow this joint for somewhere less stuffy."

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
My ears pricked up when I heard a girl a few meters away call my favorite ice cream place stuffy. Really. I walked over to the table that hosted the group that'd been here before me, and I glared at the girl.

"So, you're saying that there's a better place to get ice cream, eh?"

I smirked.

"Well, I disagree. Strongly."

[member="Tes Dralyn"]
[member="Melissa Corek"]
[member="Yoka Anume"]

Tes Dralyn


Caramel eyes flicked sidelong over to [member="Jan VonFowl"], head following. The shake was set down on the table.

"Are you deaf, or did you completely miss the two snot-nosed little rich boys stinking up the atmosphere of what just so happens to be my favourite ice cream parlour?"

Her hands went to her hips, and she gave Jan the most indignant look. A particular look that JJ knew well. Hands curled halfway into fists, leaving her hips, until she forced herself to let it go, hands dropping to her sides.

"Oh, wait. You're one of them," she hissed, eyes narrowing at Jan, "Tch. Rude."

She turned away from him, and looked back to [member="Melissa Corek"] and [member="Yoka Anume"], rolling her eyes.

"Boys. Ugh."

But she recovered, and once again smiled brightly to the other two girls.

"So, you two wanna come with, or what?"

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
"Oh, rude, eh?"

I smirked at the girl who seemed to simply be interested at mouthing off at everything that drew breath in her vicinity.

"So, I'm the one insulting the guy who just pointed at me and my friends, and said 'hey, get'em whatever they want, on my tab'? I ask simply for information."

[member="Tes Dralyn"]
I don't really understand what I did to get myself a random tip, a greeting from a stranger, and invitation to hang out with strangers, and a sharp-tongued argument. This was beginning to get very uncomfortable. So, in the midst of the turmoil, I decided that this might be a good time to leave. My eyes darted back and forth innocently as I looked for the best route of escape. I scooped up the credits a boy had left and shoved them in my pocket. I them grabbed what was left of my water and fries and swiftly began heading for the door.
[member="Judah Lesan Jr."]
[member="Sasha Voss"]
[member="Tes Dralyn"]
[member="Melissa Corek"]
[member="Jan VonFowl"]

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
And now there was a girl just randomly heading for the door. No big deal, I guessed. But I turned around, anyway.

"That food really would taste better in here.... Where the air is slightly less likely to make it inedible. Don't you love the city?"

[member="Yoka Anume"]

Tes Dralyn

Oh, that was it!

"No," she snapped, markedly annoyed, her fingers curling around the edge of the table. "You want to know what's rude?"

This time, her whole body turned towards [member="Jan VonFowl"].

"What's rude is that you," for emphasis, she jabbed a finger at his chest, "think you can just throw credits at everything, and buy peace and quiet. Oh, I'm not deaf, either. I heard you. That you think you can make us shut up, by sending over a bunch of food..."

Her nose wrinkled in disgust.

" if we're greedy pigs?!"

She swiped her shake off of the table, and glared at Jan.

"You are a self-important, spoiled, ignorant ass," she seethed. Then, she threw the shake-free hand up in the air as if to say 'I'm done with this.'. "Ugh! I am leaving!"

Tes stormed off, back to her friends, turning around partway, and walking backwards for a few steps, looking pointedly at [member="Melissa Corek"].

"You can come with, Melissa, or suffer these fools! Your choice, girl! Make it quick!"

And then she turned back around, walking the last few steps back over to [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] and [member="Sasha Voss"], slapping one hand on the tabletop, trying her hardest not to glare or snap at her two friends. This was only so effective.

"We're going. Now."

Then Tes whipped around and made a bee-line for the exit, not bothering to check if anyone followed, sipping angrily at her shake. It was all she could do to keep herself from doing what JJ said Sasha wanted her to do to that guy in the game, last night...

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
I talked to the girl's back as she walked out. My jacket was, of course, dripping with ice cream and malted milk.

"Of course I am... I'm Jan VonFowl. I'm supposed to be a self-important ass."

I turned back to the remaining people at the table.

"Now do any of you actually want something, or am I getting more shakes thrown in my face, today?"

[member="Melissa Corek"]
[member="Yoka Anume"]
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]
[member='Sasha Voss']
[member='Judah Lesan Jr.']
A sip of his caf to go. That was nice. It was a little chilly out today for Leon's tastes, so he wore a neat little blazer with a scarf tucked... typical student attire. Nothing extravagant or fancy. He was having a normal, quiet day. A reprieve between one lesson and another. Well, sort of. They were his personal study sessions, given he'd graduated his course just recently. That was a relief in of itself, really. Not having to worry about classes, or due dates, or whether or not he'd run out of caf- WHAM!

"Ack- wha- GAH!" were the mixed exclamations that left Leon's mouth as [member="Tes Dralyn"] stormed straight into the nineteen-year-old. His caf went flying, her shake spilled out over both of them, and he was either sprawled on the ground or draped awkwardly on her (depending on whether or not she avoided falling), and he groaned and tried to reconfigure his long limbs in such a way that they weren't some strange symbol from a religion that didn't exist.

"Ugh... what hit me..." he muttered, not quite aware of his surroundings yet.

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
"Oh, look... A collision."

I stepped outside to help the rather spindly guy up, and to glare evily at the girl. I looked up and grinned crookedly at the red-haired guy who'd

"You spilled your coffee.... That's bad, right?"

I looked up at the girl, and sighed. I glanced down at the milkshake all over the girl's right hand, and held mine out to shake. A peace offering, if a rather unsatisfying one. Probably for her, anyway.

"I'm very sorry I tried to get you lot to keep quiet for me. It was tasteless. Unlike the milkshake you threw all over me."

I smirked slightly, and I laughed.

"You're pretty good at angry ranting and storming off, though. Ever consider being a politician?"

[member="Leon Heath"]
[member="Tes Dralyn"]
...and JJ wasn't supposed to overthink this. His job was to simply get out and to the cliff while Tes invited the other girls to get out of the parlor. The Corellian looked over to [member="Sasha Voss"], an annoyed look on his face.

//"Let's get out of here,"// he said to Sasha through the force, happy to be a Jedi at this particular moment.

JJ wanted to punch the guy for being an insensitive butt hole, but how would he explain to his dad the Jedi, and his mother who had way too many connections in law enforcement, that he got busted for fighting at Twisters. Instead he just sighed as he motioned for Sasha to follow as [member="Yoka Anume"] walked out the door.

"Hey wait up," he called out. "Hey, I'm JJ and I kinda lost my appetite in there and I noticed you didn't try the best thing in the menu, the nerf burger. You gotta try it and since I'm not so hungry anymore, if you want, you can take mine."

There it was, the country boy side of JJ that Sasha didn't really understand, Tes liked because most guys were just jerks, and was just natural for the Corellian born Jedi to exhibit despite also being very, very, Corellian as well. [member="Melissa Corek"]
Nomad walked pasted the group huddled near the door. He could sense some of them had been trained in the force.

He walked and abandoned table and ordered his meal. The reason he was eating there. None. He was just given a voucher for the place by someone and it seemed rude to throw it away.

He could tell there had been something going on but he didn't care that much.

He didn't notice that one of his friends was in the small building.


Well-Known Member
Mit ignored the argument.

The girl was being a complete ass. They had paid for the food and doubled it...

He glanced up though, and got a glimpse of a friend, "Nomad!" he shouted and jumped up.

Walking over to [member="Nomad Crimson"] he glanced back at the girl, [member="Jan VonFowl"] was apparently trying to make friends, but if the girl wanted to be an ass she would stay that way.
Seeing [member="Yoka Anume"] sitting there disheveled (not bad considering), hungry, and weary, Sasha knew exactly what the young girl was going through having lived the very same way on the streets of Denon as an orphan before Jedi Knight [member="Judah Lesan"] offered her a chance at a better life. It brought back melancholy memories of trying to survive her childhood first at an orphanage, then subsequently on the streets after she ran away. The raw feelings began to overwhelm Sasha so she slammed down her mental shields and quietly excused herself, going to the fresher to be alone.

After splashing some cold water on her face and managing her emotions like Jedi Knight [member="Cambria Zadira"] had taught her to do, the magenta-haired padawan bladed back out to find the situation there had gone to hell in a hand basket with their friend [member="Tes Dralyn"] arguing with [member="Jan VonFowl"].

Sasha mentally sent a message back to [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] through their growing sibling-like bond, or at least that is what it appeared to be like. // "Roger that!" //, then slurped down the rest of her shake quickly. She followed the others toward the door without a word. Pity the rich boy had to spoil things by flashing his credits around. Was he trying to be nice or just attempting to buy their friendship? What ever his reasoning was, he had failed and now they were leaving. Sasha wished she was on a mission right about now with either of her two masters, well almost. Hanging with friends was fun too, if jerks weren't involved.
As I walked out, it sounded like someone was talking to me. I was going to ignore them, but the angry girl stormed past me and right into some poor fellow ahead of me and cutting off my original route. Crap. My only escape was actual street, but I'd seen people get run down by speeders and such. NO WAY was I risking that. So, I took a deep breath, and turned back around to see the other girl and boy from the crowded table approaching me. The boy offered me his nerf burger. I looked down at it, suddenly remembering that my meager portion of fries had barely even dented my hunger pains. The next thing I knew my eyes were staring daggers into the patty between the bun and my nimble hands were swiping it from his grasp. I began nibbling on the burger like a small animal, eating slowly but also quickly. "Thanks," was all I could say.
[member="Judah Lesan Jr."]
[member="Sasha Voss"]
[member="Tes Dralyn"]
[member="Leon Heath"]
[member="Melissa Corek"]

Tes Dralyn

And next thing she knew, she was face to chest, then ass to ground, and decorated with muja berry milkshake.

"Ugh... what hit me..."

It wasn't the worst being-to-being collision she'd ever suffered - that was one advantage to playing grav-ball seriously. Still, her mood was acerbic to say the least, and she was good and ready to... well, until she got a good look at just what she had smacked into. She blinked, her bubble of rage popping because [member="Leon Heath"] looked like a nice person. Tes sighed. The whole argument played over in her head, and her mood sank just a little at her reactionary behaviour. Her... instructor would not be proud of her at all.

It could be worse.

She took stock of just how her clothes looked, spattered with muja-flavoured 'mud', sighed, then clamoured not very gracefully to her feet, to help the guy up, sticking her right hand out for him to grab onto.

"I'm..." ...and she had just about been fit to apologise, even looking sheepish, if not a tad remorseful, when [member="Jan VonFowl"] arrived, taking his nose out of the air long enough to stick it in someone else's business again. Her head whipped to the side, glaring daggers at him.

She wanted to chastise him for continuing to not keep his nose out of other people's business.

She really wanted to clock him one.

But what came out instead was a heavy sigh, as she stood there, her hand still out for the boy with the scarf.


Another breath, in and out. See? We can do this 'keeping our cool' thing!

"...okay, I don't find your apology very sincere, but I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and accept it, anyway."

Because that's what civil people do. She ignored the comment about her unsightly performance, and continued.

"And also... I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have reacted like that."

She still wanted to tell him how nosy he was.

But... "Now could you please leave me alone? I'm more than capable of handling my own problems, thanks," ...she said that, instead. She just wanted to make things square with the guy she'd knocked over, and get out of here with [member="Judah Lesan Jr."], [member="Sasha Voss"], [member="Yoka Anume"], and [member="Melissa Corek"]. Jumping off a cliff seemed like an even better idea with each passing moment.

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
"I could.... And I should.... But I'm not. For one reason: You have joined the ranks of the many who got the wrong image of me within thirty seconds of meeting."

I smirked.

"Call it my lack of social skill, or whatever, but I don't have friends."

I spun back towards the door, and concealed a crooked smile.

"Of course, you have my thanks for the longest conversation I've ever had with another person my age. Have fun colliding with things."

[member="Tes Dralyn"]

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