[member="Qae Shena"]
Limits. All training was about finding out what your limits were...and then trying to push beyond them. After all, in actual battle your opponents would not kindly ask you whether you had enough. However, at the same time it was crucial to know what your limits were...and thus also when it was time to quit a battle. Even though doubtless a number of 'warrior cultures' populated by 'proud warrior race guys' would say that sort of behaviour was 'dishonourable'!
Siobhan was, at present, being confronted by the fact that her mental limits were being pushed. Unlike Qae, her mind, at this point, was not sealed. It was a state of mental fortification she was trying to achieve, erecting what amounted to a barrier around the bubble that was her mind, strong enough to withstand and absorb the mental blast, nullifying the shockwaves of energy that were being unleashed upon her by the scream of Tzeentchian power.
It was a strain upon her, concentration was etched over her features and her hands were balled into fists, with the nails of her organic hand digging into her palm so tightly that they were drawing blood. But she was getting better and more controlled. Then the Vong-shaped Nautolan Water Shaper Echani Martial Arts Guy decided to join the fun and probe around in her mind with his mental tentacles. Well, now that this writer thinks about it, this talk about poking and probing sounds sort of dirty, especially since the Nautolan had actual tentacles!
Insert moderately corny comment about filling holes. Well, this is a thread featuring Siobhan Kerrigan, so at some point there has to be lame innuendo. Siobhan felt the influence creeping up inside her mind. Said mind was pretty chaotic oftentimes. Also rather simple and one-track in a number of ways. There was also plenty of unpleasant stuff to be find in it, images of woe, suffering and slaughter on a ridiculously brutal and over the top scale. Oh, and rather raunchy images with certain ladies that qualified as over the top as well.
In any case, Siobhan was thrown off balance at the sudden intrusion, something the Voice of Tzeentch obviously sought to exploit! She had defied the Chaos Gods and laid the citadel of their disciples, the Bando Gora Acolytes, to waste, now she must suffer in burning hellfire. Or something similarly poetic and overdramatic like that. What it would attempt to do was turn her mind to paste and wipe it, ideally leaving her a vegetable, a mindless vessel trapped in her own madness. Movement was becoming more difficult as her limbs refused to obey her commands and felt like they were slackening and turning weak.
Suffice to say, it bloody hurt. A lot. As she breathed in heavily, Siobhan sought to rally her defences. A Sith Lord had tried to drive her into a catatonic state and then sought to flash wipe her on Alderaan, an attempt that had succeeded in making her temporarily lose a few years. The Cry of Chaos Daemons was seeking to tear through her mind with all the subtlety of a battering ram, but she could deal with that. And so she pushed her mental defences into an attempt to repel the onslaught, even as the voice of Chaos grew ever louder and a battle of wills raged, one trying to dominate the other as she pushed against all mental intrusions, trying to seal her mind in what could be described as a protective cocoon. Still mental walls fell against the onslaught of the Call of Tzeentch, her defences were stretched thin, though she refused to give way, with her bionic eyes flaring up under the severe strain she was being put under.
As the malignant power of the holocron tried to twist around her mind like a boa constrictor, closing in on her consciousness mercilessly in an attempt to deprive her of the ability to think, breathe, to move, Siobhan felt a surge of fear build up inside her, something the spirit fed off shamelessly, making its hold stronger. The logic was simple, if she was trying to retreat and wrap her mind in a protective barrier, it would simply lay siege to it and choke the life out of it. Of course, Qae's mind was sealed and he could switch off the holocron any time, but that was a logical thought that was far from Siobhan's mind at the moment. Likewise there was no [member="Coryth Elaris"] to shield her this time, as she had done on Alderaan. In her own mind Siobhan, covered in sweat by now, cried out in agony. Then, as the illusionary Jörmugandr, the Midgard Snake of Chaos, tightened its grip around her mind to agonising levels, inflicting visions of fear and torment upon her, she gathered her energy and released it, throwing it back at the spirit in a long, dragged echo of herself as she sought to expel and crush the dark tendrils.