Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I wanna be a Jedi!

[member="Isabella Denko"] Silver Jedi are closet Sith. Always looking for fights. You want to be Jedi as Tea Parties is Jedi 101. First thing I learned when I joined the Order is how to make a proper cup of tea above a super frilly table cloth with lots of dolls.

:) Join the Jedi. We have dolls. And make-up. And ponies. We also don't betray other members of our order to go make closet sith that pretend to drink tea but really, it is coffee.
Verrin Ris'To said:
[member="Isabella Denko"] Silver Jedi are closet Sith. Always looking for fights. You want to be Jedi as Tea Parties is Jedi 101. First thing I learned when I joined the Order is how to make a proper cup of tea above a super frilly table cloth with lots of dolls.

:) Join the Jedi. We have dolls. And make-up. And ponies. We also don't betray other members of our order to go make closet sith that pretend to drink tea but really, it is coffee.
This dude knows what's going on.
*Ignores the other observations*

[member="Isabella Denko"] I would like that very much. *bows head with a friendly twitch of her lekku at the child* Of course your papa, [member="Josiah Denko"], would have to approve.
I want to be the best! Like no master ever was!
To kidnap them is my real quest to brainwash them is my cause
I will travel across the land kidnapping far and wide
Each padawan to understand the power that's inside
PAD-A- WANS!!!! Ooohh your my best slave
[member="Cambria Zadira"] *curtsies and smiles brightly* Thank you! Daddy can she train me, please? I promise to behave myself and be a good student. Josiah Denko

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] *giggles and his singing*

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