Grief & Rage

N O T - T H I S - T I M E
She stood in the center of the cavern courtyard. Artificial light lit up the carved cavern. The cold of Kestri was warded off by the heating in her own beskar'gam, fully equipped on her frame. She turned her head. Two targets approaching from behind.
She pulled a pistol out, shot at one, then another. The two fell as the final approached. The third rushed forward, vibroblade glistening in the lighting. But she moved faster. She stepped to the side, grappling the arm with one hand while activating the blade on her opposite vambrace. In one clean move, the throat was slit and the opponent fell. The blade neatly retracted as the frame hit the floor.
Her buy'ce let her know that more were coming. One from the alley to the right, another from the gateway north. The alley opponent was farther. She lifted her vambrace and shot an explosive from her vambrace to the attacker. As the explosion rang out, she turned to the other opponent and engaged in Mandalorian Core. A solid kick with her left leg off balanced the opponent, but two more were rushing in too close. She pulled a magnetic detonator off her belt and tossed it at the dazed target before turning to the other two. She jumped, not even using the jetpack, but Force Augmentation, over the two and Force pushed them into the now recovering opponent that had been franticly trying to remove the explosive. She detonated the bomb in a flash, killing all three. As metallic armor showered the ground, she turned around and walked away. When a visor flew towards her from behind, the flick of a wrist redirected its course.
Meanwhile, more were coming.
She pulled out another pistol and started firing. One down. Two down. Three, four five... Then the sixth once again drew close. Furthermore, another mob was approaching from all sides.
She remained calm, using her jetpack to lift off the ground as she activated her wrist mounted flamethrower and turned. All around, the fire burned. Her opponents stepped back in the chaos. She flew upwards, stopping the flames and pulling out a second pistol. Six, seven, eight, nine.
With only the tenth left, she put her pistols away. The jetpack stopped and she free fell to the ground. But she was in control. As the opponent aimed and fired, a glowing white light extended out from the woman, blocking the blaster bolt. A lightsaber. As she came down, she sliced off the arm before aiming a rapid, second swing. The head flew clean off and landed in a thud behind her.
She had landed on her feet with grace. The lightsaber blade was swiftly deactivated and placed on her belt. She stood, alone, and looked around. Training droid parts littered the courtyard.
Another bout of promising training.
She pulled her buy'ce off. White hair fell and flowed as she tucked the helmet under her arm. She kicked a dismembered droid, frowning, "I should order better droids..."
She turned to leave the courtyard. Yet, as she walked, she was surprised to see that one final droid was rushing in late. She sighed, pulling her pistol out to finish it. Then - then she saw the weapon it was weilding.
In an instance, she was somewhere else. Strapped to a table, or dangling from the air in a containment device. Electrostavs were beaten into her, slammed into her frame with brute force. And of course, the electricity. The electricity hurt even more. Tears in her eyes, she cried out as she looked beyond the torture to her biological father, adorned in a white lab coat. The Arkanian was smirking in glee.
Present day, the girl panicked. She extended her hand and Force pushed the droid back. "Stay away from me!"
She opened fire with her twin M.I. Pistols, shooting over and over again. Even when the droid was demolished, she kept firing. She fired blindly, fearful and pale, until she ran out of ammunition. Even then, the triggers were blindly clicked for a couple long seconds until she started panting heavily. Finally seeing that the droid was not only dead, but had holes like swiss cheese, she lowered her pistols and fell to her knees. As she shook, her death grip on her pistols did not cease. Meanwhile, her dropped buy'ce laid several paces behind her.