Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG I Want To Meet Some New People

Hey it's me again to try and feed the insatiable monster that is my muse. But this time with a twist! Iris has, for the most part, been around the same crew and gaggle of characters. Like any good netflix series there are new characters every season that add a lot to the story, but y'know. Jedi. Always Jedi or someone dating a Jedi or ending up a Jedi. She rarely ever interacts with non Jedi. It's par the course for a Padawan, but now that she's a Knight I want to branch out!

Folks from other walks of life. Maybe they meet in a bar, get in some trouble they gotta work together to get out of, end up fighting because rawr Sith vs Jedi. The possibilities are as endless as this monster that won't let me stop writing please send help.

Oh and I guess I can keep writing with you Jedi too, if you got an idea for a thread. Imma be way more lazy about Jedi threads though because I'm saving that muse for Iris's eventual Padawan stuff.

Hit me up. Post. Send a DM. Invade my threads and godmode interactions. Idc whatever works for you.
tags building
Iris Arani Iris Arani

Howdy, I figured I'd throw a post in here showing my interest. Even though there's already a fair amount of attention here from some fine writers and their characters. Similarly earlier this year Iris's master Valery had a similar LFG post where I chimed in and threaded. Might be interesting for Cyran to interact with a Jedi who isn't a master war hero like Val, and Iris could interact with someone who is decidedly rather distrusting of FU (though a lesser extent to the Jedi) A notably "honorable" bounty hunter may be a good off set from what might be a more insular Jedi writing experience with your character. :D

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