Anaya let out a low chuckle. "This isn't about money, Alec. This is about principle. About setting an example, and who better to set one with the the son of the famous Darron Wraith? Good day Alec, look after the old man, I imagine he's not got much fight left in him now."
She ended the call and sat back in the chair, a finger raising the Captain on the in ship comms. "Alastair, get us out of Mandalorian space."
"Is there a problem, my lady?"
She grinned. "Yes, I just pissed off the Rekali's. I'd like some distance between us, rather not face a head on collision when I'm not quite ready."
"Contruum. And put a call out to [member="Moira Skaldi"], I require her assistance."
She ended the call and sat back in the chair, a finger raising the Captain on the in ship comms. "Alastair, get us out of Mandalorian space."
"Is there a problem, my lady?"
She grinned. "Yes, I just pissed off the Rekali's. I'd like some distance between us, rather not face a head on collision when I'm not quite ready."
"Contruum. And put a call out to [member="Moira Skaldi"], I require her assistance."