Ardgal Raxis
More than a Man

- Intent: To create an anti-aircraft tank for RMIA and those who hire them
- Image Source: Here
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: RMIA
- Model: Icarus-Class Anti-aircraft Platform
- Affiliation: Closed Markets
- Production: Minor
- Material: Durasteel, Speeder Parts, weapon Components, Electronic Circuitry
- Classification: Anti-Aircraft Battle Tank
- Role: Anti-Aircraft Defense
- Size: 8m long
- Weight: 38 Metric tons (Average for a tank)
- Minimum Crew: 2
- Optimal Crew: 6 (1 pilot, 4 gunners and 1 commander)
- Propulsion: Tracks
- Speed: Average: 60 Km/h
- Maneuverability: Low
- Armament: High
2 Heavy Anti-aircraft Flack cannon repeaters (360 x 90 coverage)
4 All purpose launch Tubes (Side mounted to the Flack cannons, user's choice. Seller recommends a variety of SAM and SSMs. Ordinance for this vessel holds a total of 18)
Anti-personnel repeating railgun (360 x 30 coverage) - Defenses: Very High
Ray Sheilds
Deflector Shields
Re-enforced hull - Squadron Count: 14
- Maneuverability Rating: Low
- Passenger Capacity: 1
- Cargo Capacity: 400kg
Faraday Cage
Long-range encrypted comms
>>Advanced heat scanners
>>Electromagnetic scanners
>>Heat scanners
>>Infared scanners
>>Utlraviolet scanners
Air Filters
Sealed environment
Advanced targeting system
- Great Firing arcs: All of the weapons on this vessel are wide and have 360 firing. Pretty much anywhere you could go, this thing's guns are gonna follow.
- High cargo capacity: For a tank, this thing has a pretty large cargo hold. It is able to bring all those needed munitions for the troops going along with it or fuel for the lovely tanks in its convoy.
- Swivel Swivel! The Icarus tank is designed to pound holes in fighters doing fly-bys. With that in mind, the tank's gun/missile combo twists with some pretty great speed.
- Targets to the max: While we all love to hold down the trigger and waste bullets around here, the Icarus' targeting systems are designed to ultilize their sensors and computer systems so that you get the most possible out of each auto-fired projectile.
- Exposed gunner: If the anti-personnel rail gun is manned, the gunner is exposed as can be. Their armor alone is the only thing protecting them.
- One-trick Pony: The Icarus is designed to help the crew bring down aircraft, and to that end its pretty great. However, when it comes to more "traditional" tank roles like shooting a bunker down with a single blast or blasting another tank to bits, it would have pretty serious challenges.
- Slow Reload: The four launch tubes take quite some time to reload, so when they are empty--better start reloading fast. A savvy captain would fire and reload them in tandem instead of emptying all four before reloading.
The Icarus was crafted out of the thought, "what if we do something about all those pesky fighters overhead that keep trying to blast us?" The twin main guns on this odd-ball tank are focused on nailing fighters out of the sky and peppering their hulls with enough lead to teach them a lesson. And since one shot is hardly ever enough, the guns are designed to track these ships with the best of them and have a wildly great firing arc. Sure, someone could use this maybe to shoot a passing infantry guy or two, but that'd honestly be a waste of some AA rounds unless that was all you got.
Of course, when the bad guys come back around for a second pass, the targeting systems of this thing is more than ready, with the targeting computer, this thing is more than ready to use target lock and send some missiles down range to finish the job, or just help you fire more accurately. And when those pesky meatcans start charging your beautiful Icarus, pop that top open and let them get a mouthful of your top rail gun. But you'd do well to make sure that gunner is wearing some dope armor or bring a few spare gunners to replace him because the railgun is exposed like a raw nerve. That of course could be some bad news for those bellow deck. As long a the hatch that access the rail gun is closed though, the cabin of the tank is sealed tight with fresh air and a controlled environment.
All in all, this is a pretty slick tank intended to help pop those pesky flyboys out of the sky for you so your troops can keep squashing whoever stands in your way!