Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: Broodworks, New Cov Biomolecule Company
Type: Chemical
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small


  • Upon inhaling Ice, users experience euphoria alongside the performance-enhancing benefits of a battlestim.
  • Stimulation: Ice confers the temporary benefits of allowing the mind to ignore minor received damage and increasing mental acuity.
  • Forceful: Ice temporarily allows Sensitive individuals to overcome subconscious limitations, thereby "enhancing" their ability to access and manipulate the Force.
  • Addiction: Ice, by design, is a highly-addictive substance. Force Sensitives are especially susceptible to this addiction.
  • Euphoria: Ice provides a sense of euphoria to its users, which can intrude upon an individual's decision-making processes. What would typically be anathema to a user would be a high possibility while using Ice.

"We called it Ice.

On paper, this little inhaler has everything going for it. One puff and you feel great - euphoric even. You can focus on the task at hand even in the midst of a firefight. And if you're a Jedi? Suddenly you can touch the Force like never before. Ice is like a dream come true.

For a moment.

And that's when it hits them. Reality. Coming down feels awful, especially to Force Sensitives. Who wouldn't want to feel ecstasy while slinging lightning, right? Ice is designed to be so good that being normal doesn't cut it anymore. It's so addictive that one hit will make a repeat customer for years to come. I wouldn't be surprised if this gets outlawed overnight, because imagine if we got a whole Order of Jedi hooked on this stuff.

Then imagine what'd happen if we took it away."



Out Of Character Info

Intent: A narcotic to be distributed by the Haxion Brood.
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Haxion Brood
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Yaladai, Slick, Battlestim
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