Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Identifying Statement: HK-50 reporting for duty


Hunter-Killer series assassination droid
NAME: Hunter-Killer series model-50 assassination droid A.K.A "HK-50"
FACTION: Imperial Remnant, Works in Bounty Hunter's Guild
RANK: Lieutenant
AGE: Thousands of years old
SEX: Male through masculinity programming
HEIGHT: 1.8 Meters tall
WEIGHT: Depends on equipment
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: None
SKIN: Metal, A rather poor shade of durasteel


remarkable proficiency in assassination and mass-slaughter.

a rather deceptive, devious, opportunistic method of causing deaths

Cannot resist against force-related abilities

A soft spot for non-hostile organics

Can resist the vacuum of space for long periods of time.

Lightsabers cut right through him.

1.8 meters in height, grey shade of durasteel painted over chassis, yellow glowing eyes, usual of an HK-50 droid.

Built for death, HK-50 started during the Sith Civil War, He was lost on the way to start the search for the Jedi Exile, many thousands of years later, he was found damaged in the void of space near the remains of Alderaan, Reactivated and renewed, he awoke learning that his mission was far over, slaughtering the person who wanted him for his own reasons, He left and started to travel the galaxy

A heavily modified HWK-290 light freighter that he stole from the person who reactivated.Measuring twenty-nine meters in length, the HWK-290 resembled the head of a large raptor. The freighter could accommodate up to six passengers and 75 tons of cargo.

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