Daro Roz’yrn
“150 years of getting shot at for a living”
- Holy Communion Neural Implant
- Set to level 5, bonded to the Nephilim Marine Armour
- Nomadic Under-Uniform Skinsuit
- Nephilim Marine Armour
- Spinal hard-point:
- Nomad Marine Jetpack
- LPD-66 Flashfire Blaster Rifle magnetic "holster" on jetpack's hard-point
- Computerized Interface Scope added to Rifle
- Nomad Marine Jetpack
- Thigh hard-points:
- SV-5 "Phanes" class survival kit
- A custom-made double holster for holding Haon Hafey’s Twin Heavy Mandalorian Blasters (acquired here)
- Computerized Interface Scopes are added
- Mk XIII Smartgunner Chips have been re-keyed to Daro’s space armour AI.
- Forearm hard-points:
- x2 Fallen Angel Energy Shield(one per forearm)
- Waist hard-points:
- x1 EMP Grenade
- x1 pouch with x10 concentrated vials of Stim Tea and x10 concentrated vials of Root Tea
- x1 Fusioncutter
- x2 pouches with spare blaster gas magazines for the rifle, 6 magazines per pouch
- x1 pouch with spare blaster gas magazines for sidearm, 6 magazines in pouch.
- Spinal hard-point:
- Modified Garmr Battle Dog companion named Hal
- Linked to the Operating System in the Nephilim Marine Armour
- Now wears a fancy leather smuglger’s hat that Daro recovered from the corpse of Haon Hafey
Objective: rescue

Forty-eight Gospel Class Dropships roared over the landscape at full throttle, sacrificing combat capabilities for speed. Sonic booms formed a massive collective wake behind the swarm of transports, tearing up the landscape behind them. As a concern, stealth was only secondary to haste.
Together, they all scaled up a mountain, riding low to the ground in an effort to minimize their sensor signatures. When they crested the mountain, a landscape of burning city, explosions, smoke, swarming aircraft, and canon fire was all that they could see beyond the foothills.
Daro Roz’yrn, veteran Knight of the Navis Sacra Religion, and Marine of the Nomadic Peoples Coalition, watched this all unfold while standing behind the copilot’s seat in his transport. While his pilot was the unit commander, Daro was in nominal command of the mission. He activated his unit-wide comm and spoke quickly, “all transports, this is Bad Dog. We’re about to enter a hot LZ. Switch over from cruise mode to combat mode so that we don’t get chewed up in there. We can afford to pace ourselves now that we’re close.”
The group of transports immediately began to slow down, and Daro could he heavy clanking sounds as the little ship’s gimbal engines unlocked for more maneuverability. More clanking could be heard after the pilot added over the comms “Extend weapons, prepare an overlapping countermeasure grid” as the Mangy Cat Defence Turrets popped out.
All of a sudden, dozens of tiny, smoking darts shot up from the foothills, as they were not yet over the city, and then arced in towards the dropships. “Incomings rockets! Mangy Cats and Flares are weapons free!” The pilot yelled.
The group of dropships somehow managed to maintain some level of cohesion as the swarm of tiny rockets — most likely shoulder fired — slammed into a wall of defensive gunfire and blooming flares. The missile deactivation transmitters did some damage to the incoming ordnance, but they couldn’t do everything. The Mangy Cat guns tried to clean up what the transmitters missed, and the flares tried to take out what was missed after that. Overall, it was an amazing display of defensive gunfire that left even Daro in a state of awe.
But even still, the rockets kept coming. Somehow, it was an endless supply hidden in the foothills, and a carpet of land that seemed to have nothing but hidden launch points over its limitless terrain. The defensive gunfire continued, but so did the rocket fire. Eventually, a panicked voice came over the comms, ~ Mayday! Mayday! Ventral turret is jammed, we need extra support in our sector, we — ~
Even from inside the cockpit, Daro watched as three rockets snuck through the virtual wall of overlapping bullets, and slammed into one of the dropships on the edge of the formation. The first two ruptured the shields, and the third sheered off the port-side engine. The dropship began to spiral and descend as flames, scrap, and smoke began to pour out of it. Daro felt his gut wretch a little as he saw that no jetpacked figures made it out before the ship impacted the rocky ground below.
The rocketeers below now noticed the opening in the dropships’ defences and poured more ordnance into the newly created gap, trying to whittle down their numbers. Defensive gunfire struggled to keep up with the new intensity, and plug the gap, but it took more time than they had to adjust the formation. Some rockets began to make it through the wall of gunfire, striking the shields of random ships in that area of the formation. Panicked reports of shields dropping and minor damaged started coming in over the comms as more dropships began to take hits and weaken. Suddenly, one exploded, taking two hits to the belly at once. The ship above it failed to stop two more rockets that swept up through the cover of the explosion and sheered off its tail and starboard engine.
Two more dropships went down after that. This time, as they fell, eight tiny figures, four per ship, shot out from the rear hatch and began flying towards Daro’s transport. Urgently, he practically leapt out of the cockpit and into the large cargo are behind him. He strode past three other knights and his Dog Hal as he pointed at the soldiers and yelled “you three. Come with me.”
He slammed the button on the bulkhead that opened the rear door and it swung downwards, letting buffets of wind inside the ship. “Mag-boots and whipcords” was all Daro ordered, and the other soldiers complied, locking their mag-boots to the floor and prepping the whipcords in their wrists, just as Daro did. Suddenly, eight jetpacked knights swung into view behind the hatch and Daro ordered “fire whipcords!”
Eight whipcords, one per wrist, shot out towards the eight flying knights. Both of Daro’s struck their targets, wrapping around a limb and a torso respectively. Daro began to winch them in, relying on his strength and his mag-boots to keep him from getting yanked out himself. Another knight, a wookie judging by the height of the armoured figure, also managed to snag two of the flying knights for himself. He appeared to be able to winch in his catches with ease, thanks to his greater strength. He shot Daro a smug look, and Daro rolled his eyes.
The next attempt was made by a female human in Daro’s group. Only one of her shots connected with a target and the other missed. Being not as strong as Daro and the wookie, she struggled to hold on to her one catch, while the other attempted to fire his own whipcords at the transport as to not get left behind. But his shots were firing into the wind and didn’t have the power to make the distance. Then, all of a sudden, the distinct sound of a harpoon-and-towcable ka-chunked out from beside Daro, and he saw his personal Battle Dog, Hal with his little hat, beside him, with the cable coming out of its back. The harpoon struck the struggling knight, and locked on magnetically, dragging the soldier awkwardly behind the ship. Daro shot his trusty dog an appreciative nod.
The final two flying knights were starting to fall further behind now, unable to keep up with the dropship with their jetpacks. The last of knights in Daro’s group had taken too long to fire his own whipcords, and it was going to get harder for him to bring them in. Daro yelled at the man to hurry up and he nodded compliance. He fired his two whipcords, and they both hit their targets, but only just as the two knights fell out of the slipstream of the ship’s flight path. The sudden extra wind pressure proved to be too much for the one man and his mag-boots, and he was yanked off of his feet and out of the ship, still attached to the two other flying knights.
Daro shook his head in disappointment. They all had jetpacks, so they would be fine for now, but they would be on their own. There was nothing for it. The mission came first.
It took a few minutes to pull the rescue-ees into the ship, and the rocket fire had died down, now. When the 6 troops were secure, Daro strode back to the cockpit and addressed the pilot, “report”
“We lost three more dropships before we plugged the gap, and we appear to be out of the screening field now, sir. Four more knights were recovered mid-flight by other dropships, and four are reported to have made landfall as no one could catch them. They made a call saying they can make it to the LZ on their own. The rest are lost. We have forty ships remaining, and we received a comm from

“What did she say?” Daro didn’t bother pointing out that the four other grounded knights wouldn’t have time to reach the LZ on their own.
The pilot shrugged, “she said ‘we’re on our way’”
Daro scratched the side of his helmet, “how many folks is she bringing with her?”
“She didn’t say, but scans show a train of industrial cargo skids trailing out of the city and towards the LZ”
Daro nodded understanding. They brought two squadrons of dropships for a reason after all… “how far are we from landing?”
“We’re about to touch down now, sir.”
Daro keyed

As he shut off his Commlink, he grumbled to himself, “The Navis Protects…”
tags: Caedyn Arenais |