Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Identity Crisis | BOTM Dominion of Altiria/Anarris

Daro Roz’yrn

“150 years of getting shot at for a living”

Objective: rescue Kay-Larr Kay-Larr from the warzone

Forty-eight Gospel Class Dropships roared over the landscape at full throttle, sacrificing combat capabilities for speed. Sonic booms formed a massive collective wake behind the swarm of transports, tearing up the landscape behind them. As a concern, stealth was only secondary to haste.

Together, they all scaled up a mountain, riding low to the ground in an effort to minimize their sensor signatures. When they crested the mountain, a landscape of burning city, explosions, smoke, swarming aircraft, and canon fire was all that they could see beyond the foothills.

Daro Roz’yrn, veteran Knight of the Navis Sacra Religion, and Marine of the Nomadic Peoples Coalition, watched this all unfold while standing behind the copilot’s seat in his transport. While his pilot was the unit commander, Daro was in nominal command of the mission. He activated his unit-wide comm and spoke quickly, “all transports, this is Bad Dog. We’re about to enter a hot LZ. Switch over from cruise mode to combat mode so that we don’t get chewed up in there. We can afford to pace ourselves now that we’re close.”

The group of transports immediately began to slow down, and Daro could he heavy clanking sounds as the little ship’s gimbal engines unlocked for more maneuverability. More clanking could be heard after the pilot added over the comms “Extend weapons, prepare an overlapping countermeasure grid” as the Mangy Cat Defence Turrets popped out.

All of a sudden, dozens of tiny, smoking darts shot up from the foothills, as they were not yet over the city, and then arced in towards the dropships. “Incomings rockets! Mangy Cats and Flares are weapons free!” The pilot yelled.

The group of dropships somehow managed to maintain some level of cohesion as the swarm of tiny rockets — most likely shoulder fired — slammed into a wall of defensive gunfire and blooming flares. The missile deactivation transmitters did some damage to the incoming ordnance, but they couldn’t do everything. The Mangy Cat guns tried to clean up what the transmitters missed, and the flares tried to take out what was missed after that. Overall, it was an amazing display of defensive gunfire that left even Daro in a state of awe.

But even still, the rockets kept coming. Somehow, it was an endless supply hidden in the foothills, and a carpet of land that seemed to have nothing but hidden launch points over its limitless terrain. The defensive gunfire continued, but so did the rocket fire. Eventually, a panicked voice came over the comms, ~ Mayday! Mayday! Ventral turret is jammed, we need extra support in our sector, we — ~

Even from inside the cockpit, Daro watched as three rockets snuck through the virtual wall of overlapping bullets, and slammed into one of the dropships on the edge of the formation. The first two ruptured the shields, and the third sheered off the port-side engine. The dropship began to spiral and descend as flames, scrap, and smoke began to pour out of it. Daro felt his gut wretch a little as he saw that no jetpacked figures made it out before the ship impacted the rocky ground below.

The rocketeers below now noticed the opening in the dropships’ defences and poured more ordnance into the newly created gap, trying to whittle down their numbers. Defensive gunfire struggled to keep up with the new intensity, and plug the gap, but it took more time than they had to adjust the formation. Some rockets began to make it through the wall of gunfire, striking the shields of random ships in that area of the formation. Panicked reports of shields dropping and minor damaged started coming in over the comms as more dropships began to take hits and weaken. Suddenly, one exploded, taking two hits to the belly at once. The ship above it failed to stop two more rockets that swept up through the cover of the explosion and sheered off its tail and starboard engine.

Two more dropships went down after that. This time, as they fell, eight tiny figures, four per ship, shot out from the rear hatch and began flying towards Daro’s transport. Urgently, he practically leapt out of the cockpit and into the large cargo are behind him. He strode past three other knights and his Dog Hal as he pointed at the soldiers and yelled
“you three. Come with me.”

He slammed the button on the bulkhead that opened the rear door and it swung downwards, letting buffets of wind inside the ship. “Mag-boots and whipcords” was all Daro ordered, and the other soldiers complied, locking their mag-boots to the floor and prepping the whipcords in their wrists, just as Daro did. Suddenly, eight jetpacked knights swung into view behind the hatch and Daro ordered “fire whipcords!”

Eight whipcords, one per wrist, shot out towards the eight flying knights. Both of Daro’s struck their targets, wrapping around a limb and a torso respectively. Daro began to winch them in, relying on his strength and his mag-boots to keep him from getting yanked out himself. Another knight, a wookie judging by the height of the armoured figure, also managed to snag two of the flying knights for himself. He appeared to be able to winch in his catches with ease, thanks to his greater strength. He shot Daro a smug look, and Daro rolled his eyes.

The next attempt was made by a female human in Daro’s group. Only one of her shots connected with a target and the other missed. Being not as strong as Daro and the wookie, she struggled to hold on to her one catch, while the other attempted to fire his own whipcords at the transport as to not get left behind. But his shots were firing into the wind and didn’t have the power to make the distance. Then, all of a sudden, the distinct sound of a harpoon-and-towcable ka-chunked out from beside Daro, and he saw his personal Battle Dog, Hal with his little hat, beside him, with the cable coming out of its back. The harpoon struck the struggling knight, and locked on magnetically, dragging the soldier awkwardly behind the ship. Daro shot his trusty dog an appreciative nod.

The final two flying knights were starting to fall further behind now, unable to keep up with the dropship with their jetpacks. The last of knights in Daro’s group had taken too long to fire his own whipcords, and it was going to get harder for him to bring them in. Daro yelled at the man to hurry up and he nodded compliance. He fired his two whipcords, and they both hit their targets, but only just as the two knights fell out of the slipstream of the ship’s flight path. The sudden extra wind pressure proved to be too much for the one man and his mag-boots, and he was yanked off of his feet and out of the ship, still attached to the two other flying knights.

Daro shook his head in disappointment. They all had jetpacks, so they would be fine for now, but they would be on their own. There was nothing for it. The mission came first.

It took a few minutes to pull the rescue-ees into the ship, and the rocket fire had died down, now. When the 6 troops were secure, Daro strode back to the cockpit and addressed the pilot, “report”

“We lost three more dropships before we plugged the gap, and we appear to be out of the screening field now, sir. Four more knights were recovered mid-flight by other dropships, and four are reported to have made landfall as no one could catch them. They made a call saying they can make it to the LZ on their own. The rest are lost. We have forty ships remaining, and we received a comm from Kay-Larr Kay-Larr .”

“What did she say?” Daro didn’t bother pointing out that the four other grounded knights wouldn’t have time to reach the LZ on their own.

The pilot shrugged, “she said ‘we’re on our way’”

Daro scratched the side of his helmet, “how many folks is she bringing with her?”

“She didn’t say, but scans show a train of industrial cargo skids trailing out of the city and towards the LZ”

Daro nodded understanding. They brought two squadrons of dropships for a reason after all… “how far are we from landing?”

“We’re about to touch down now, sir.”

Daro keyed Kay-Larr Kay-Larr ‘s current frequency, ~“Lady Kay, we’re making landfall now. Load your skids into the dropships as-is and tell your people to help themselves to medical gear once they are on board. I want to be able to take off as fast as we arrive, understood?”~

As he shut off his Commlink, he grumbled to himself, “The Navis Protects…”

tags: Caedyn Arenais | Kay-Larr Kay-Larr | Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Trelan Kalien

Objective: The Last Stand
Allies: Maw
Enemies: Altrinians

The path towards the presidential palace would be bathed in the blood of Altrinians. The looming Heathen Priest would step over the bodies of innocent civilians, and protectors that would dare strike back against the Brotherhood. Any that have tried to stop Caraxes would be torn apart by fanatical acolytes of the Maw, or the raiders that had accompanied them. Along the path the Maw mantra would be shouted by the Annarians. "WAR, DEATH, REBIRTH." They shouted carrying the blood banners of the Maw tribes. The Annarians carried the maw of the faithful upon them, marked arms, heads, legs made to show absolute devotion to the Avatars and the way of the Maw. Caraxes would watch the streets impassively, as if the corpses of the innocent nonbeliever simply didn't face the arcane being.

"Come my brothers and sisters. The palace lies close, and so does that of the false believers." The chants of the Maw's own mantra would grow louder and louder. The blazing of plasma torches would light the way, while some of the Annarians would carry severed heads on pikes parading them around, while some of the Annarians would whip themselves offering flesh to the Avatars in exchange for eternal salvation. The crowd was large and many wondered how many could it be? A hundred, a thousand Maw believers would follow the holy man. The palace would soon near the sight of the Heathen Priests, and before him stood two Altrinians who stood on guard. They shook with fear, but held their weapons as if meaning to put up a fight. "Surrender and I promise quick deaths..." Caraxes would calmly tell them, his voice didn't show the slightest emotion. "W-We won't submit to a foreign band of murdering fanatics" One said determined, albeit he was shaking like a leaf. "Then may you suffer in the eyes of both Avatar and Mawite." He said standing aside only the two to witness a pack of fanatics eager for blood.

In an instant things turned ugly. The rabid band of Annarians would unleash themselves soon going in one by one until they swarmed the guards. The guards would scream, even trying to fire blasters. The screams would be silenced by the chant said over and over. "WAR, DEATH, REBIRTH!!!" As the mob would start to rip the guards into pieces, until some of the faithful were holding up body parts like trophies. For once Caraxes face would twist at the sight, and what emerged was a smile as nothing pleased him more than to see how far the faithful of the Maw would show they're absolute devotion to the Avatars.

Trelan Kalien

The chaos that ensured in the coming seconds was beyond belief. There was crackle of strange energy from nearby and quickly the comns from every walker, tank and armored resources went haywire. Various pilots lifesigns started to turn offline in the course of a minute, almost a dozen pilots fell from the life drain in the Force as several walkers fell over lifeless and tanks running directly into buildings...and one of them left was Trelan who suffered the same effects. The feeling was strange, he felt his body start to ebb, as if one was getting drunk and every movement was getting harder. The breath of his started to grow short, gasping out as oxygen refuse to process in the Rodians body.

The Rodian Felt It
He was Going to Die

"We have lost groups six, ten and eleven. Life signs are dropping, Acting Prince, status report."

"Control, Force User. Breath Difficult, Transfer Command. Retreat."

"Transfer Command? Retreat? Elaborate Order Acting Prince? Acting Pri-"

Communication was shut off in the Strap-Fly, quickly flipping the switch and slamming the control sticks forward as the Strap-Fly went from cover, the massive armored walker starting to sprint forward towards the group in a suicidal manner. Flicking a few more switches with his strength leaving with his body leaning forward onto the controls, all three Blush Cannons and the twin Heavy Repeating Mass Drivers erupted blindly forward onto the group. The grounds now destroyed terrain from the previous Seismic Missile was now more or less apparent, each hit from the opposing group destroying parts of armor or blowing a weapon socket off. Moving his right hand, he felt the energy kept leaving him as he barely could pull a lever for loading the missiles into the rack, all of them he had left available.


Glancing to the left, the vision in his eyes started to fade and the mind of his started to draw blanks. He barely could remember the next action to do, slamming with what little strength he had left with his left hand onto a large button. Rather quickly, the maneuvering jets erupted loudly as it began to lift itself into the air over a very rough piece of terrain. After just moving upwards a few feet, the walkers right leg was blown off. Without the support of helping it land, the Strap-Fly descended before smashing directly into the ground, tumbling as it rolled straight into the tribal forces. The Rodian felt rattled with each hit, his body becoming throttled and his body feeling as if every bone was fracturing or breaking, the feeling unsure as the life being drained from his body.

The Armored Walker finally came to a rest as it was in the middle of a Tribesmen crowd, cockpit face down with the Theiaglass broken, shards in the cockpit and some embedded into the Rodians skin. The Rodian could no longer move, his strength was gone and his mind was almost completely gone, his vision now nothing more than the blooms of lights. The tribesmen were climbing on top of it, some trying to go around and finish the deed, end the pilots life. Trelan had no idea though it was going to happen, but he kept a thought in mind, the Neurocrown being the last viable thing that can communicate with the Strap-Fly and execute his orders. One thought that kept repeating since he crashed and the Armored Walker finally processed the command as it spoke out from the cockpit.


Trelan would then cease to exist, the missiles launched out as Anti-Armor, Cluster Missiles and Brilliant Missiles struck the ground directly point blank. The explosion slammed into the cockpit and burnt the body of the Rodian, ceasing his life in an instant. Among the group, was the final Seismic Missile as it erupted with the rest of the missiles. The big blue orb would expand out and engulf the entire Strap-Fly, the Armored Walker vanishing from view before slamming into a disc with the distinct BANG noise being emitted.

The ring rockets out at a random direction, shards of metal and pieces of the walker flew at dangerous speeds across the tribesmen army with one piece of Theiaglass in particular almost striking Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren by mere inches from the debris. It would calm down after a few seconds, the remains of multiple Armored Walkers now littered the battlefield, a lot of them having lifeless bodies now in it. There would be multiple reports of them in retreat, many of them regrouping towards the spaceport in haste.

The Acting Prince, the Second Prince Trelan Kalien was no more. The one going to be in command, was at the Spaceport and now had to make the difficult choice after seeing the lifesign of Trelan, finally end.

Nalana Baxa


The bridge was a chaos of communication and it was starting to get worse by the second. People that were not even in the Court of Blades was filling into the bridge, people that were joining in for the evacuation. Screens were completely filled up with causality counts, the Spaceports almost never ending flow of civilians and the Armored Walkers status group by group. The numbers were terrifying, they started with almost a hundred and twenty unique Armored Walkers deployed. Now? They were at ten of them in the span of a few days, the majority killed in the last two hours.

"Marquis Nalana, we just lost Acting Prince Trelan. Chain of Command now comes down to you, do you have orders?"

The eyes of Nalana would glance rather quickly to the side towards the female Chiss. There was so much going wrong, so much that was unprepared and trained for. Every duke has now been killed or off world with the Callum Saville. Everything was getting worse by the second, the explosions outside the Spaceport were getting worse and the skies were filled with more starfighters than before. Making the decision after thinking of Trelans words, Nalana leaned over towards one of the consoles and spoke as it echoed into every pilot on active duty and the Moritat.

"This is Acting Prince Nalana Baxa, we are issuing a direct order of evacuation effective immediate. All forces are to return to the dropships, we are lifting off. AW-TS will pick you up shortly, Moritat, initiate lift off and get White Claws flying."

The communication would end, various people started to run around the cruiser in preparation for takeoff. Nalana looked out from the bridges viewport towards the crowd below as they were now almost stampeding into the Moritat. She could not save, HE could not save everyone. No matter how Nalana thought, he had to act masculine for a while, he had to take charge and not let others see weakness. The hissing of tubes being detached, he would take his seat on the bridge and await. Two Minutes...then it was time to take off.

Location: Low orbit
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

Piloting - Torr'Chir
Eyes of Khoine
Pulsiva flight suit
2x Cartridge Revolvers
Retractable Neural Stinger

Accompanied by three squadrons of eight Chir'Shada Starfighters

Squadron quipped with a mixture of proton torpedoes, disruptor torpedoes and Witchfire Missiles

The Palliduvan pilot snarled in glee as the communication came through from Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood and one by one his assault ships slammed home into the station. Her every action intended to further the cause of the Nebula, and a friendly ship yard in the hands of an allied tribe... beautiful.

<<Enjoy the pickings my violent friend>> she replied in her heavily accented basic to Zachariel on the comms. <<The nebula are with you all the way and against all comers, for the Avatars, for the tribes!>>

Khione switched the comms back to her secure channel and ordered her family back into combat the moment they had reformed. A relief shuttle was ascending from the planet below, no doubt filled with heavily armed reinforcements for the beleaguered station guards. <eskader 1 duik op my, shuttle, sesuur> squadron 1 dives on me, shuttle, six o'clock. Her other two squadrons went into roving attacks of opportunity on base defenses and stray combat patrols but her first Squadron pulled in tightly. Her favourite wingman was a young man who enjoyed a drink but was an exceptionally professional pilot, he streaked to one side just as an interceptor cut between them with its lasers glowing, Khione watched him pull a brain haemorrhagingly tight S-loop and blew the interceptor apart by its engine unit. She flipped a hand signal to him as his cockpit went passed hers and lined up her own attack run on the shuttle.

Listening to the buzzing noise on her dash she fired a pair of proton torpedoes that were rapidly joined by several others. The shields on the shuttle crackled as the first salvo hit but the last of the torpedoes slammed one after another into the port side of the ship causing it to roll over as explosions ripped through it showering space with the deceased.

That was at least 50 men that the bloodsworn would not get the pleasure of killing, she almost felt selfish.

Caedyn Arenais


Starfighter: NJO - Jedi Vector Mk 2.
Inventory: Jedi Garments | Armistice Staff Lightsaber.
Objective II: Provide overwatch for Kay-Larr, Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn & Allies.

It seemed that Kay-Larr Kay-Larr had a few allies of her own already trying to help her get clear of the danger over Altiria, much to Caedyn's relief. "Copy that, I'm heading in to provide armed escort for you and your people" the Jedi Knight replied through his comms headset in response to Kay's request. Caedyn didn't know who of Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun 's friends were there, he was hardly familiar with them at all but if Lori had people helping their Mother then they were people worth knowing.

Descending down through the clouds over Altiria, it wasn't long before the wartorn state of the city came into view. Kay's tea shoppe was down there somewhere, quaint and quiet; She was no threat to anyone. Just caught in the middle as the Galaxy finally caught up to her whereabouts. After this, he imagined his Sister would surely find out the truth.

As the Jedi Vector Mk 2 neared the coordinates of her home, the squadron of transports carrying Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn came into sight, bearing friendly IFF tags according to his ship's intel databank. "Looks like your friends are just ahead of me. I'll do a pass-over and bank around. Make sure no one's looking to shoot them down" Caedyn informed Kay once more over the communications frequency, passing the rear of the transport squadron at high speed and starting to veer back around, taking a good look at both the air and ground fighting within sight.

Relevant Tags: Khione Khione , @Zachariel @Steelblood, Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch , Crane Baxa, Max Sinn Max Sinn .


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: 2
Allies: Ned-V, Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch , Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn , Caedyn Arenais
Enemies: The Maw

The battle sounded close. Kay looked over her shoulder for a moment as she steered the train of platforms through the trees. Explosions could be seen, some falling from the sky. Each bang caused the ground to tremble and the citizens escaping with her to scream and cover their ears.


"Oh no...."

One of the fallen dropships crashed into the trees, causing a near domino effect. "Hang on everybody!" Kay wasn't a pilot by any means, yet she was quite efficient on speederbikes having raced through the Twin Canyons on Commenor multiple times in her youth. She veered the train of platforms, hard banking to the left, being mindful of the length of platforms behind her. Yet the trees were too tightly close together for the train to get around them. The last three platforms struck the trunks of the trees, scraping along them and peeling off the bark. Two of the crates fell off. Ned-V hopped off of the platform he sat on, holstering his blaster rifle before he picked up the two crates and started bounding after them.

The clearing was just ahead.

Already some of the dropships had landed. Kay took the train of platforms towards them. "Everyone get in and move away from the doors!!" Ned-V lumbered behind them, moving to the nearest dropship and tossing the two crates inside as though they were nothing. He helped Kay unhitch the plaforms from eachother and one by one, began giving them a hard push directly into the dropships. It wasn't hard to hear the clanging of crates as they struck the inner walls of the dropships. Kay knew that she'd pay for the damages later but for now getting out was her top priority.

Caedyn's voice was heard over her commlink. Good, he got her message from earlier. "Thanks Cae! We're loaded up and about to clear the area! Hopefully they're all focused elsewhere and we're too small of targets to be worth it." That was what she hoped anyways.

Ned-V joined her side, signing to her that everything was on board. Kay nodded her head in thanks and just waited for them to take off. They were almost out of danger.


Daro Roz’yrn

“150 years of getting shot at for a living”

Objective: rescue Kay-Larr Kay-Larr from the warzone

Two more dropships went down before they finally made landfall, bringing Daro’s new total to 38. The one ship dropped like a sack of grain and slammed into the forest below. The other spiralled up, then down, right into the area where Kay-Larr Kay-Larr would be coming from. Daro cringed hard, hoping that the evacuees would be ok.

Half of his ships touched down, while the other half ran cover. What few troops they brought scrambled out of their holds — by foot by the ones on the ground, and by jetpack from those running cover — and began warding off tribal skirmisher groups. Between the fire support from the air, and the formal training they had all received from Omar Dobson , they had little trouble keeping the tribal skirmishers at an arm’s length from the perimeter. The Garmr Battle Dogs that the dropships carried in their lockers were quickly dropped on the ground and acted as disposable recon units that would paint targets for the arial support could lay to waist with Gatling gun fire.

Reports rolled in of two more of Daro’s air cover that had gone down in the North. Four smaller aircraft — light air support from the tribesmen no doubt — were picking away at Daro’s outer perimeter. While he was confident that his dropships could hold them off, the fact those tribal air support had more mobility than the Nomad ships meant that they could take their time and cause more harm to Daro’s forces. There wouldn’t be enough time for the Mawites to fully thwart the evacuation effort, but the losses would be excessive all the same.

Then, suddenly, a small fighter craft (Caedyn Arenais) roared overhead. Daro recognized that the lines of the craft’s hull did not match up with anything he knew that was Mawite in nature.

~who’s that?~ Daro asked his suit’s AI through the neural interface.

~a friend. IFF pegs him as some guy named Caedyn Arenais .~

~Oh! I know him!!! patch him through…~

The comm crackled, “Hey Frumpy! Long time no see! I hope that your time as a marital councillor was productive. Anyways, we have light aircraft skirmishers harassing our northern perimeter. You mind keeping those guys off of us?”

Suddenly, a train of cargo skids crashed out of the trees, bearing people, crates, and a running droid on foot. Daro quickly shut off his Commlink and ran towards them waving his arms madly like an imbecile to get their attention, yelling, “HEY! HURRY THE HELL UP AND THROW THOSE SKIDS IN THE TRANSPORTS! I DONT CARE IF YOUR PEOPLE HAVE TO LAY ON TOP OF EACH OTHER! WE ARE LEAVING IN SIXTY SECONDS!”

The loading of skids and cargo went quickly. A couple injuries here and there from the hazardous way the skids were loaded, but they had medical supplies for that…

Daro quickly recalled his troops, cramming them in the holds with the refugees, and hoped Kay-Larr Kay-Larr was amongst them. The hatches closed, and the engines roared. The ships hulls groaned with the weight of all the cargo they were holding, and Daro’s own ship filled with the moans of Altrerians that were extremely uncomfortable. Daro himself couldn’t move, being pressed up to a woman and her child, so he switched on his Commlink to include Caedyn Arenais and his squadron channel at the same time, “Alright, we’re loaded! Let’s burn the feth out of here as fast as we karking can and get back to the Shii-Cho. Frumpy, we could really appreciate the extra air cover!”

tags: Caedyn Arenais | Kay-Larr Kay-Larr | Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Trelan Kalien
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Location: City Streets
Objective: Urban Assault
Allies: Maw

Kyrel would watch with glee at the explosions, and the mess caused by his most trusted weapon. With a hand outstretched he would summon the weapon back into his grip. He called out to the mix of fanatic Annarians, and the bone and hide covered stormtroopers that would follow Kyrel down the bloody streets. “Do you see… The nonbelievers think that tanks and such crude weapons will stop us. My brothers and sisters of the Maw not even they can stop the blessings of the Avatars.” Kyrel spoke with his conviction evident in his tone.

“Yes!!! Death to the heretics!!” May of them cried out in unison carrying the banners of both the Brotherhood and the Crimson Hands. It would wave with drops of blood while Kyrel would continue with the fanatical procession. The crowd would move, and what followed was more fierce fighting along the streets. Those that didn’t willingly give into the Maw were either captured to be used as fodder, or killed in the most brutalizing way. Some pieces of them would be strewn along the banners.

The streets ran with the blood of the enemies. Kyrel would slowly come marching across the destroyed armored line. He would see a mixture of twisted durasteel, and that of charred bodies. The Hunger had flickered its Sith runes in acknowledgement of the carnage it had caused. Kyrel would soften his grip on the holy spear as if giving it his approval. He could see fires start from some of the buildings, and he could feel the pain and rage that echoed through the Force. His eyes went to that of the palace. There at the gates of the presidential palace he could see the masses gather, and while the destruction was all over from the city streets to the deepest buildings, and at the footsteps of the Annarian’s revolution against the Altirians he could hear the chant of War, Death, Rebirth.

Allies: Maw
Enemies: Altirians/Jedi
Objective: Last Stand

Caraxes would stand over the frenzied mob of Annarians that started to bash against the heavy durasteel doors. The chants of "War, Death, Rebirth." Would grow louder with the makeshift rams the citizens carried in the furious attempts to break down the doors. The guards that were slain would add to the growing number of pikes holding Altirian heads strapped to them. "Come my faithful. With these doors being brought down so does the fall of the heretics." The Heathen Priest would say with mad glee. The ramming would only increase faster, and faster the doors soon starting to budge against the pressure.

Soon the doors were sent crashing down. The Annarians would chant. Some saying. "Yes, bring us the heads of the heretics.!" One would call out as the mob started to storm the palace. The Altirian guards seemed frightened against the frenzied onslaught of the mob that was armed with rusty blades, and make shift blasters. The guards would attempt to defend themselves even when their hands shook in fear. "There is nothing but the death and the Maw." The Priest would say somberly while the angry mob didn't hesitate to move in and start tearing the guards apart.

Caraxes would slowly make his way down the halls. Separating himself from the mob that stormed along all parts of the palace. The Mawite chant would mix with screams that was sweet music to the priest. What drew the priest was the surge of light side energy emanating from the throne room. He was not concerned with the Altirian leader but the Jedi aiding him. Caraxes would draw his lightsaber. His mouth curled into a disturbing, and wider smirk. "I knew the stench of the light would be here." He said to himself excited all the more for the hunt.

His path would lead him to the throne room. The chants and the screams didn't cease where Caraxes would stumble upon a man meditating. "I had hope you came." He said softly. The man appeared to be a beggar monk of sorts. Standing up slowly he would stare at the priest defiantly. Soon a green blade would emerge. Caraxes would let out a small chuckle. "I'm eager to offer you to the Avatars. You're death will secure the favor I need in the eyes of the Maw." He would finish with the hiss of his own crimson blade, and the dark priest would ready himself for combat.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: 2
Allies: Ned-V, Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn , Caedyn Arenais
Enemies: The Maw

The dropships were cramped, but they all made it inside. Kay say on top of a crate beside V. She cradled her satchel in her lap, ever so glad to have secured the contents inside.

The word from the soldiers was that these invading forces were called 'The Maw'. Given that the planet was so secluded and she had avoided the holo-news, this was the first that she had ever seen of them. Another Sith sect, from what she could tell. And their invasion had chased her from her home. Yet it was better that than to let what she had to fall into their hands. There was more to her shoppe than just tea and Empire coffee, yet the less that those like the Maw knew, the better.

Kay gave those within the dropship an encouraging smile, but hidden in her eyes she carried a lot of doubt. Where would they all go? And for how long? Was there another safe place to hide out again? It was surely going to be a long time before they would ever be able to travel back to Altiria/Annaris again.

~We made it Burtch, by the skin of our teeth. Coming back to you now. And it just so happens that I've got some of your shipment with me.~ Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch was addicted to Empire Coffee. At least it didn't blow up before his eyes.

Location: Presidential Palace
Allies: Maw
Enemies: Altirians, Jedi
Objective: 3

The Heathen Priest would stand before the ragged looking Jedi who seemed calm and serene with the blade in his hand. “The cruelty of the Maw ends here priest.” The Jedi would say towards the horn headed priest. The priest would give the Jedi an ugly smirk as if he found the words amusing. “Do you think I am going to let an infidel still live. No the Avatars will reward me with this world as soon as I send you into the void.” Caraxes would say his fanatic rhetoric dripping into his own convictions while the hiss of his blade ignited.

The dark hall was illuminated in crimson and green light that shined around the two. There was tense silence between the two. The Jedi paced around the Heathen Priests nervous to even face him in a sense. Caraxes just turned his fork to match the Jedi’s own movements. “Brother and Sister Jedi will be avenged today…” The Jedi would say with determination readying his blade to strike. “I don’t think you will.” Caraxes would retort with the same sadistic smirk still on his face.

The tense silence was finally broken when the Jedi tried to strike at the large Heathen Priest swiftly. His green blade soon met the Priests own red blade with a crackle of light and sparks. The Jedi would use his quickness in trying to overcome the large form that the Priest possessed. The priest would use his saber with little effort in one hand. His blade blocking desperate attacks made by the Jedi. While Caraxes would only move two steps in, and with his same blade hand would deliver strikes that would send the Jedi stumbling back.

“The light won’t easily submit to a vile being like you.” The Jedi spat out along with a few drops of blood after facing a fist crash into his jaw. The priest moved as fast, and just as powerful as any Sith Lord. The Jedi soon moved from desperate strikes to a defense that was slowly starting to crumble. “This day belongs to the Maw… Jedi Heretic.” The priest said before another stroke of his weapon would send his enemy’s blade away from his hands.

Caedyn Arenais


Starfighter: NJO - Jedi Vector Mk 2.
Inventory: Jedi Garments | Armistice Staff Lightsaber.
Objective II: Provide overwatch for Kay-Larr Kay-Larr , Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn & Allies.

“Hey Frumpy! Long time no see! I hope that your time as a marital councillor was productive. Anyways, we have light aircraft skirmishers harassing our northern perimeter. You mind keeping those guys off of us?”

A familiar voice crackled through his fighter's communications hub, Caedyn's headset relaying a rather familiar voice that influenced a smile to follow. It was that furry friend of Lori's that the Jedi Knight had met aboard a civilian space station within Elysium Territory. The walking carpet had called him something out of jest, and Caedyn had found himself amused. A fair first impression and typical for one of Loreena's friends.

"Copy that hairball. Frumpy moving to intercept" Caedyn replied through the mic. Humour always helped during such situations, if at the very least to try and lessen the weight on his shoulders. This was a do-or-die moment, a fight that could easily go south fast. He needed the sarcasm, the humour.

The engines whined and the thrusters erupted with far greater force as Caedyn sent his Starfighter veering around, changing his trajectory towards the incoming skirmishers who had come within range of his vessels' combat sensors. His Starfighter had been designed to be used by those gifted in the Force, and in this, Caedyn made full use of her maneuverability.

The blaster cannons opened up on the incoming enemy craft while Caedyn sent the craft into a barrel roll. Hostile fire came hurling back at him, yet he managed to avoid it as the enemy passed over him. The Squadron looked to be turning back judging by his scanner, however, Caedyn was already onto it, lifting the nose of his fighter and spinning the body in order to swiftly change course in pursuit.

The blaster cannons once more opened fire, catching not one but two of the hostile craft from the rear and sending them exploding into debris, soon to rain down over the city skylight.

Relevant Tags: Khione Khione , Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood , Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch , Crane Baxa , Max Sinn Max Sinn .

Objective: Fight
Equipment: Weapons | Chosen
Tags: Khione Khione | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Crane Baxa | Sinestra Sinestra | Caedyn Arenais | Open

Zachariel grinned at Khione's words, a bloodthirsty, evil grin. If she followed through, then she would have free access to these shipyards should they be secured for the tribes. If not, the warlord would still reward her for aiding him, most likely with access to Osseriton's shipyards, though to a lesser degree there. Regardless, he was glad that she would aid him in taking and holding this place, it would solidify alliances between the tribes further. Glancing to a display showing Sularen's fleet, Zachariel smirked.
"Not today Marlon, not today." Looking forward, the warlord responded over the comms to the leader of the Nebula, bloody grin evident in his words. "Excellent my friend, good hunting. For the Avatars and the tribes!"

With those words exchanged, the boarding pods slammed home, disgorging its deadly payload into the heart of the station. The Bloodsworn poured forth, tearing into the defenders with murderous ease, hollering their joy to the Avatars as they did. Beyond them, Zachariel's fleet continued to stand in the way of Task Force Vader, physically in the way. Even then, they also fired into the defenders ships and fighters. Their goal was clear, to thin the enemy and aid the Nebula. The more souls they sent to the Avatars, the better.

Within the shipyard, Zachariel led his warriors from the front. His Chosen and he had easily dispatched the first squad of defenders, before quickly stalking deeper into its hold. Few were the defenders brave enough to stand against them, fewer still those who lasted long. Zachariel and his Chosen tore through them with ease, quickly nearing a secondary command point. Closing on the door, they placed further explosives. With but a button press, the door was blown inwards and the Bloodsworn surged through, quickly setting about the slaughter once more.


Objective: extract Kay-Larr Kay-Larr from the war zone


The battle in space was going well enough for Burtch and his little flotilla. He wasn’t winning, but he wasn’t losing either. The superior technology of his DZA fighters seemed to stack up evenly against the greater numbers and experience of the Clawcraft pilots and the match-up was at something of a standstill.

His gunnery seemed to be also successful in keeping the Mawite forces preoccupied, preventing forces in orbit from interfering with the extraction efforts by Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn and his unit. He wasn’t gaining any kills, but the enemy wasn’t obstructing his objectives either. The dropships had lost a dozen of their number on the way in, but had done well when pulling out thanks to the surprising intervention of Caedyn Arenais and his fighter piloting skills.

Overall, the mission was a success. But a success that was made bitter by the burning world at the hands of Mawite cultists…

Burtch turned to his flight control officer, “recall the fighters that are engaged and provide covering fire with the long range guns and our TECMIS software. Bring in all the transports as well. I want medical teams at the ready when we receive refugees. Get everything and everyone tucked into the bays and begin the jump to light speed.” He was about to turn away when a thought occured to him, “And invite Caedyn Arenais to dock inside the logistics hangar where the rest of the refugees will be received. We owe him an immense amount of our gratitude for helping our people come back safely, and he will be given fuel, provisions, payment and a good meal if he accepts.”

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr | Max Sinn Max Sinn


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