Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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If Only You Serve Me

"The Force sent you to me, why I do not know. But, you have skill that cannot be denied. Perhaps the Force sent you to me so I may train you. You were once Jedi, but now you will serve me as a Sith. In exchange for your loyalty, I will show you paths to power your teachers would have considered blasphemous. Are you prepared to do so?" Now blue eyes focused in on [member="Talis Jzora"] , patiently waiting for an answer.
As Talis kneeled, he looked upward at the Sith Lord. He quickly questioned his actions that had led him here and the choice of truly joining the Sith. He quickly shut away his inner doubt and the whirlwind of questions. "My, Master I am honored to come under your tutelage. I am prepared to sacrifice myself in your name"
"Oh don't be so foolish." The Zabrak crouched before [member="Talis Jzora"] , another frown forming on his lips. Without warning, a red hand lifted to flick the young acolyte's forehead. "To be Sith is to be free. To find a path that no one can tell you how to walk. Your life is your own. You will do as I ask in exchange for knowledge, but you are not a slave. At least, so long as you continue to prove worthy. Only the worthy can truly be free, and you are worthy for now. Make sure to remember that, understood boy?" Ferox offered a smile before he stood, his gaze staring around the frozen wasteland. Damn, it was already getting far too cold to remain outside.

"Now come on. We're going back inside the ship, and I'll begin your lessons. There's a storm coming and we won't be able to leave until it passes, so we may as well make use of the time, aye?"
Talis quickly got up, picking up his lightsaber in the process. "I agree, [member="Darth Ferox"], let us get back into the ship". I look forward to learning the ways of the Sith under such an impressive bladesman. I have never seen and have definitely not fought anyone that approaches your skills in combat. I hope that you further my lightsaber and force abilities." Talis then proceeded to follow [member="Darth Ferox"] to the ship....
"You'd be surprised at how many people have defeated me despite my skill. It's not all fancy blade work and powerful control of the Force. It's the mind that uses it." The Zabrak tapped the side of his head as he stepped into the ship. "And don't grovel, or kiss up. You're to be Sith, not some slave. Take pride in yourself." The Jedi part of [member="Talis Jzora"] would be the first they would have to work on. "Do you know the Sith Code?"
"I believe you to mistake my admiration of your skill to mere flattery. I care little for what others think. As for you question, Yes I do know the Sith Code". I have been exposed to the surface of the dark side through the usage of some minor sith holocrons.
"You will be surprised how important the view of others on you matter for a Sith. You don't have to care of course, but always know how they view you. Lest you find yourself cornered by your allies without understanding why, hmm?" There was a chuckle from the Sith as he plopped down on one of the semi frozen chairs within the fallen starship. It was cold, but at least bearable inside the insulated, but broken, ship. "Regardless, tell me the code, and what it means." A trick question for [member="Talis Jzora"] . The Code meant many things to many more people, and there was no right answer. Ferox simply wanted to know what it meant to the boy.
Talis continued to stand as he watched [member="Krest"] casually sit down on a frozen chair.
"Regardless, tell me the code, and what it means."
"The Sith Code is about power and ambition". Talis quickly glanced at his master but didn't notice any objections so, he continued...
"There are two types of people in this world and all are made equal however, what makes the Sith unique and strong is that we realize that one can increase one's strength and power over others. Unlike the Jedi, we must work and search for power. We have ambitions and passions which act as both our greatest weapons and greatest weakness. The Sith code has nothing to do with loyalty or betrayal. It mainly points out that true freedom comes from power which must be acquired through any means necessary. Where you cross the line depends on the Force User rather than the true Sith Code". ​Talis took a deep breath and stared at his master. He was only met with silence...perhaps he said the wrong thing. He quickly grew worried and anxious at the Sith's seemingly cool and collected demeanor. Was this merely a façade? Talis continued to stand awkwardly staring [member="Krest"] in the eye.
"Very true, very true." After the moment of silence the Zabrak had spoken, chuckling. [member="Talis Jzora"] had indeed spoken true, but at the same time not. That was the wonder of the code. "Yet wrong. There are many people, not just two. Jedi, Sith, Mandalorian, thousands more. To simplify groups of people into two is limiting. Being Sith doesn't mean closing your mind, but keeping it open to all the different facts."
Talis grew puzzled but realization quickly dawned on Talis as to what [member="Krest"] was saying. "Master, you have asked me a question about the ways of the Sith. Please tell me, what is and should be the role of the Sith in the galaxy?". Talis had long wondered this question seeing the Sith taking many forms, serving and dominating the galaxy. Was corruption of the darkside truly necessary for the path of the Sith or was it merely propaganda spread against the sith? His master's question and answer openeded up a world of questions. Despite the raging questions in his head, Talis managed to keep silent and stared at [member="Krest"] respectably as he waited for an answer.
"The role?" He blinked as he stared at [member="Talis Jzora"] . And laughed. "The Sith fill all roles. Monsters to protectors. The wonder of being a Sith is freedom. Of choice. But, there is a price to this. To have freedom, you must free yourself from your chains. Just as the code says. You serve me, do as I say, when I say, and I will give you the strength to earn freedom. That is the deal of a Master and Apprentice of the Sith."

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