Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question If we nuked the map and the majors whats a cool event to explain that

If the reason for this is the big factions not giving up their major status because of activity then it shouldn't be the way to go either. Faction owners should seriously consider going major if there's evidence to prove no movement within that group, because at the end of the day it is blocking future factions from settling on the map and from the looks of this threatening to disrupt active faction's stories.

Going minor can sometimes be beneficial. For example, Darkwire used to be a major but after finding it a bit more stressful than they thought they switched to minor. This in the end has been one of the key factors as to why they've survived for so long.

Taking a step down is not the end of a faction by any means.

So for now, it's a no.
Well I mean, mandalorians used nuclear bombs in the Mandalorian Wars.
But I'm pretty sure the Empire had Flaghsips cannons which dealed greater damages than a Mandalorian nuke.
So yeah, you can make these condensed gases lasers go boom on a whole galaxy. Not sure everyone would like to get evaporated.
If the reason for this is the big factions not giving up their major status because of activity then it shouldn't be the way to go either. Faction owners should seriously consider going major if there's evidence to prove no movement within that group, because at the end of the day it is blocking future factions from settling on the map and from the looks of this threatening to disrupt active faction's stories.

Going minor can sometimes be beneficial. For example, Darkwire used to be a major but after finding it a bit more stressful than they thought they switched to minor. This in the end has been one of the key factors as to why they've survived for so long.

Taking a step down is not the end of a faction by any means.

So for now, it's a no.

Darkwire is a great example and I’m glad you brought them up. Today it could seem like they made that decision for themselves.

…They didn’t. They thought they were about to get axed.

They were sweating harder than most I’ve ever seen, because they thought being Major was what you had to do, even when the passion was barely there.Yet today you couldn’t tell. Literally a minor faction success story, one of the few where passion in lieu of salt drove the roleplay and writing. Fast forward and you just would have no idea that at the beginning of the year, they were just another moping Major Faction, scared of losing reputation and writers, scared of moving on to the next idea.

They’re not unique. Anyone can do it, and you don’t need to suffer the headaches of Majordom to do so. It’s annoying how many writers have never understood this and simply want Chaos to loan them a 100+ member discord so they won’t feel alone on the weekends.
Revealing Fire of Life
Alot of the ideas regarding Hyperspace anomalies/storms/etc. are interesting (and creative.) In that vein you could have something with Starweirds, Space Wraiths, or other weird, creepy, eldritch hyperspace creatures.

One idea I had was that some sort of anomaly or creature causes a galaxy-wide outbreak of hyper-rapture cases which causes everyone to lock down and avoid using hyperspace for a time to avoid literally the entire galaxy suffering psychosis, thus crippling the transportation and communications necessary for interstellar systems to survive.

Bring back Palpatine. That's what the new trilogy did, so you already know it's a tried and true method.

Now Now, let's not be too derivative. How about we bring back Revan instead? No one will expect that.

Emberlyn Rekali

I see alot of the Hyperspace stuff being mentioned.

What about Navcomputers? Maybe a virus (unleashed by an Anon NPC) devastates hyperspace maps and thousands of years worth of information and over time (Whatever is deemed appropriate) Remapping? I remember there were a plethora of exploration/treasure threads back in the day, mostly driven by a handful of people and if you wanted to avoid story leading up to and executing the event itself - you could always use this as a brief, few month event that culminates to the rediscovery of the Galaxy?

I mean, it's possible. It's occurred in the books and in Chaos but in a different manner.

Use the technology against the Factions/Map and see what chaos ensues.
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Darkwire is a great example and I’m glad you brought them up. Today it could seem like they made that decision for themselves.

…They didn’t. They thought they were about to get axed.

They were sweating harder than most I’ve ever seen, because they thought being Major was what you had to do, even when the passion was barely there.Yet today you couldn’t tell. Literally a minor faction success story, one of the few where passion in lieu of salt drove the roleplay and writing. Fast forward and you just would have no idea that at the beginning of the year, they were just another moping Major Faction, scared of losing reputation and writers, scared of moving on to the next idea.

They’re not unique. Anyone can do it, and you don’t need to suffer the headaches of Majordom to do so. It’s annoying how many writers have never understood this and simply want Chaos to loan them a 100+ member discord so they won’t feel alone on the weekends.
I’ll have to disagree on a few of those points Tef

During their second stint as a major I joined them as my first ever faction. The writers at the time had loads of passion, and though they probably had fewer members compared to the factions they still completed checks and events. Even if it meant “sweating” to do so.

In my opinion Darkwire was never made to be a major faction, it’s one of the reasons why we made the vote after choosing to write better quality stories compared to being rushed to complete some at the time. I don’t doubt they could of been axed, but the same could be said for many of the factions at the time. That wasn’t why they chose to be minor in the end though.

In terms of unique, I agree with you. It can be done by anyone. It just requires passionate writers who are not all about putting popularity and recognition in front of creating a good story, as well as building something that will benefit everyone.

It’s who you surround yourself with that matters
My comments are based off a private conversation I had with the OG of Darkwire in 2021, prior to going minor. I get the better quality story narrative, but I’ve had these talks aplenty, I sussed there was a fear of being forced minor hence why the discussions started that led to the vote.

Activity checks are always problematic, as the gauge for it has to be measured by humans. I.E., GA today would likely fail an activity check in 2014. We have to adjust contextually to the times.

My point being, I wish Staff didn’t have to force situations that start these talks that lead to votes. I wish leaderships were more self-aware, as Darkwire quickly became. I’m not publishing any of these reciepts, but it’s more often than not that Staff/Tef is blamed for being power hungry control freaks rather than these factions having healthy inner dialogues as Darkwire did.

Not arguing, just illuminating what I was privy to and my thinking when approaching these very common situations with factions.
My take? Nuke it all. No explanation is needed other than a map reset was due. Story reason that needs no/minimal staff interaction could be any number of things from a mass campaign of destabilization by a shadow faction (could be a minor or major or just on mentioned as part of a timeline update after the fact) to the hyperspace anamolies and creatures (or a combination of more than one). As for reason could range from hatred for the constant conflicts being waged and a hope to end at least the largest scale ones to simply an obsession with anarchy.

Ala Quin

If it was a hyperspace issue, you could recreate the map with pinch points and bottlenecks where hyperplanes survived. Create a more game like board unlike the open hex system currently in place. This would create natural boarders, defined coastlines.

It would require some suspension of metaknowledge, which I will admit is difficult for some, but if their were patches of space cut off from one another, you could create a fog of war type scenario In Character. If hyperspace lanes are able to be reforged via Chiss Skywalker types, you have in character first contact situations, negotiations etc.

Again. This requires a time jump. I like my stories and don't want a time jump. But these gamifying aspects still excite the not so secret board gamer side of me.

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