I think my writer is probably a tad bit cruel. I've precisely one important decision to make in life and it took me six months to finalize, what was it for? Changing where I live most of the time. I could probably count the number of girls on both hands I've had a crush on them, and I don't need hands at all to tell you how many of them I got into a relationship with. I can count on one hand at least the times I got the balls to ask any of them remotely towards the question of a relationship. My life. Is by far. The slowest event. EVER. I'm told I'm brilliant in everything I do... but am so. God. Damn. Slow.
Come on Man/Woman/Thing/Other! Be a little creative! You could be writing about some ordinary kid that thinks FASTER than everyone else, giving him plenty of time to formulate an answer so that he appears like a genius, and then write about how he founds a company that commercializes robots that have a special command to house arrest every living person on earth to become the Grand Emperor of Humanity! Maybe the Antagonist could be that other kid you were writing about, who sees the threat long before anyone else, but takes years after the over throw to build the weapon to stop him, thus by that time it's too late to save anyone.
Let's just say I wish my writer could just get his plot rolling already.