Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private IGBC │ The Empress

Then so be it.”, Krev offered back before he lurched forward in a masterful Ataru form; practically slicing at Adekos with two blades at once; as strong as Makashi was, it lacked a certain flair of the far more aggressive form.​
At the same time, six Knights lept from the shadows - two on Adekos, three on Maliphant; forcing both Sith Lords on the back step as the tried to juggle their various opponents, whiel the Jedi tried to time their strikes in time with one another. It seemed the one benefit the two Sith had was that the vast amount of Jedi weren’t proficient in Battle meditation.​
You had to…”, Maliphant offered as his blade stopped one strike, only to duck another -​
... Try and take the morale high ground with a Jedi, huh?”, he finished as his hand reached up to grab one Jedi by the throat, and slam them into another; giving him a few careful moments to switch his form to a mix of Juyo and Ataru, taking out one of the Knights with pure overwhelming speed.​
Adekos, on the other hand, faced down Krev - who seemed to the best duelist of those around them. Perhaps Adekos was right, the young man fought more like a Master than a Knight; but also that his wide, rapid strikes did just as much to put Adekos on the back foot, as it did discourage his allies from striking out with him.​
Krev came forward like a tidal surge, slashing with great force and speed, but hardly any accuracy. An amateur's move. Still, Adekos barely avoided the first slash, and then managed to intercept the second with his own lightsaber. He held it there, eyes locked with Krev, drawing the Jedi's focus in before shoving forward with unreasonable strength. It was the work of the Nanogene, not the Force, and it caught Krev by surprise.

Alarm flared in the Jedi's eyes as he was forced back, stumbling into a wall. The hidden Knights leapt into action immediately, determined to intervene on behalf of their handler. Adekos turned to catch one strike, flicking the blade aside to give him space to weave away from the other.

It put him with his back to the tunnel, and now all three of his attackers were in front of him, where he could see them plainly.

The two interlopers were a Mirialan youth and a Bothan, now between him and Krev. He could sense hesitation in the three of them, unsure of what order to take him on in. The last thing Adekos wanted was for them to think about it, so he took a few backward steps, appearing to retreat towards the tunnel.

That got them moving again. The two Shadows came forward, swinging their blades with practiced, deliberate blows. They were a natural team; perhaps friends. But camaraderie had little effect on the powers of the Dark Side. Darth Adekos moved with a fluid, alien grace, swatting away what strikes he didn't outright avoid.

Makashi was all footwork. Maneuvering. And so that was what he did, continuing to shift locations even under a downpour of lightsaber swings, playing them against one another. Soon they were stumbling over one another, growing frustrated. It was like Adekos was playing with his food - which, of course, he was.

But all meals have their end.

His lightsaber scraped a stone wall, purposefully flinging heated gravel into the Mirialan's face. The Shadow cried out, moving a hand to shield her eyes. She didn't get to see Adekos sever her sword arm neatly at the elbow, but she certainly felt it. She took an awkward step back before falling away entirely, stunned mute by the pain.

Krev wasted no time filling the opening she left. The Jedi Knight quickly pressed into her former position, working desperately with the Bothan to lock their opponent down. These two made an awkward pair. Uncoordinated. It was to no avail.

Krev came in far too wide, allowing Adekos to lock his saber to his and twist it in a direction of his choosing. The blade wrenched up and to the right, scoring the Bothan across the face and blinding him in one eye. The Bothan howled bloody murder, and Krev could not help but hesitate a moment, perhaps aghast at what he'd done, however unwitting.

It was all the time Adekos needed to land another shallow cut, this time diagonally across the Bothan's chest. And that was followed by an unceremonious kick, sending him sprawling across the unforgiving stone floor.

"Moment of truth, Krev," Adekos announced, giving his lightsaber a pretentious little flourish. "If you'd like carry your wounded to safety, I'll get out of the way. Or you can try your luck, and likely join them."
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The Jedi rushed about Maliphant in a vague display of connection; likely hoping their numbers would work for them in the encounter. As Adekos had already proven, it wasn’t as useful as perhaps they hoped - and Maliphant would prove no different. His blade danced through the air in an all too odd way; as neither Maliphant or the Jedi could see it due to the Ghostfire alchemization.​
Maliphant wasn’t near the expert in Makashi as Adekos was, choosing to spread his skills out over a variety of forms; but for the moment, a careful defense seemed all the more pleasant as his vision was brought to watching how Adekos fought. Diverting the blades into one another - masterful footwork, and all too cunning use of the ‘High Ground’ using the stairs to his advantage. A blue blade hovered next to Maliphant’s face as he finally set his attention back to where it belonged.​
Twisting, he forced himself free as the other of the duo charged him. Maliphant’s response was simple, he pointed the blade directly at the Knight - and changed the length of the blade. A hole formed in the center of the Jedi’s forehead, and he fell in a slump, forcing the last one to suddenly lose his calm; and as his breath began to heighten in pace, and the panic in his heart grew, Maliphant fed off that emotion.​
A cruel grin formed as the Jedi rushed forward - and once again he blocked, narrowly avoiding the blade - nearly touching his cheek. In that precarious moment, Maliphant’s hand reached out to press against the Knight’s chest, and the raw snap of Telekinetic energy sent the Jedi flying across the tomb; landing with a sickening snap against where the wall met the ceiling. Landing with a limpness that implied his fate, Maliphant sighed and rested the blade back on his hip, taking a step back to Adekos and the heroic Jedi.​
I…”, Kev began as he held his lightsaber out before him. His gaze left Adekos for a moment, suddenly letting out a hoarse -​
Maliphant had begun to lift the other two in the room by their throats, the Force slowly squeezing the life out of them. Krev rushed forward with his blade, past Adekos, to strike Maliphant down; only to witness and oddity. His lightsaber, caught in Maliphant’s iron grip, began to glow ever brighter as the twisted, alabster haired sith offered his own cruel grin.​
The blade suddenly broke its containment, and the audible crack of the Kyber crystal in the hilt could be heard - though it was hard to say if it wasn’t the necks of the two wounded Jedi Maliphant had lifted. They fell to the floor in a heap as Krev fell backwards, panic in his face - as Maliphant stepped forward to tower over the collapsed man.​
Unlike my friend, I don’t carry such mercy.”, he offered as a hand rose - and pushed the Jedi hard across the floor. A trail of dust picked up at the acceleration, and the Jedi found his neck snapped against the far wall in the blink of an eye; with Maliphant sighing.​
You didn’t really intend for them to leave, did you?”, he idled with a testing glance to Adekos.​
Wouldn’t be hard to mark Caulder Dune and Dorian Harper as suspects like that, Adekos.”, he sighed.​
The blade snapped back into its hilt, quick as you please. Darth Adekos' left arm moved stiffly as it came out from behind his back, and he cracked his knuckles to relieve tension. It had been a while since he exerted himself like that. For a moment there...

He sighed wistfully, "Who, Artorious? No, that one rubbed me the wrong way. But I did want to see what he'd do."

Frankly if he had gone for it, Adekos still wouldn't have stopped him. As if he'd get very far carrying two people. A gunship could intercept them later and the results would be, more or less, the same. He interacted with so few Jedi these days, it was nice to be able to prolong the experience where he could.

Adekos made his way down the stairs, arriving before the Bothan, who he nudged with his foot - checking for signs of life.

"These two, though, I might've gotten some use out of. Fallen Jedi bring a different sort of perspective to the ranks."
A Fallen Jedi…”, he mused.​
And here I didn’t think you were one for cliches.”​
Maliphant took a moment to grin at the Ex-Emperor before walking away from the corpses - sufficicently satisfied they were dead and gone. Their force energies were no longer in the room, and unless they were led by a Master neither of them could sense - they were probably find. Those upstairs would be airlifted from the place - and seen to a proper burial. Burned to a crisp, and jettisoned out into space; fitting their position as ultra secret Sith private military.​
With the key he had found in hand earlier, Maliphant wandered back over the tomb that sat below the statue of Kresh, and glanced over its stone set up for somewhere to put the small, electrum plated orb. After a moment, he found an eye hole - missing its eye, and thought that the trope was prevelent enough that he should start there. To his great expectation, the tomb broke its magick seal with a small crack, and a hiss of ancient air releasing with it.​
A small push of the Force, and the tomb slid open to expose its contents. Within, a corpse of a long dead Sith that likely fancied himself the second coming of Exar Kun; though were he, he would have found himself facing two Sith Lords as the Jedi had. With a sigh, Maliphant looked about the tomb as Adekos either waited, or closed in next to him.​
When he was satisfied, Maliphant lifted out only a leather wrapped box - everything else in the tomb rotted away long ago. Leaning himself against the stone, he unwrapped it, and felt the specially carved containment with some suspicion - but its beauty was immaculate, and its form exceptional. He acquiesed to his curiosity, and broke the magical seal with a pop once more, quiet as this one was; and glanced inside.​
Maliphant let out a slow whistled as he pulled out the Holocron - beaming at what it was. Black and gold, with a soft red glow on the inside of the pyramid; shaking it slightly in Adekos’s direction.​
Looks like the contact was right, Adekos.”, he offered with a quiet appreciation.​
Come - let's return. I’m sure our rooms are waiting for us.”​
Adekos scoffed. Him? Cliché? How rude. "Whatever you say, tomb raider. Collect your bauble and let us be done here."

While Maliphant went about his tinkering, Adekos relieved the dead of their lightsabers. A few of them carried datapads and commlinks, which lost all records and ability to function as soon as Adekos passed a hand over them. Whatever insights they recorded in their eternal stakeout of this tomb would be lost forever.

Unless they had reported quickly to their superiors before they had entered the tomb, obviously. Then the jig could still very well be up for Harper and Dune. But if it wasn't, it never hurt to be sure.

When Maliphant finally turned around, Adekos was still waiting for him by the stairs, arms folded across his chest... And now with half a dozen lightsabers clipped garishly to his belt. Shining, shimmering, splendid.

"Whenever you're ready, Director."
When the Sith Lord turned back around to witness Adekos, he couldn’t help but pause and glance at the garish display on his hip. His gaze hovered on it for a moment before simply shaking his head -​
I didn’t realize you were a Grievous fanatic.”, he idled as he passed by him on the stairs.​
Come, Dune. Can’t let Lord Borli wait too long - lest he start to spittle on himself in anguish.”​
When they entered the upper area, they could see the droids from the GS-77 move about to collect the bodies, and store them away. It would be as though they were never here; luckily due to lightsabers instantly cauterizing the wounds. With no blood spilt, and no true indication of habitation, they were free to continue on.​
Assuming the Jedi hadn’t already sent information back to a mysterious space station in the middle of nowhere, but that would be absurd.​
Odd question, Adekos, but do you think they show movies here?”, Maliphant idled as he found himself a seat, resting the leatherbound holocron on the table.​
And if they do - would you like to go with me? Sith business is getting awfully dreadful.”​
Adekos' lips pressed together at the Grievous remark. "Authentic Jedi lightsabers are hard to come by; it's nothing personal."

To be sure, it wasn't. Those same lightsabers would later appear on the black market, finding their way into the homes of a number of Tionese and Tapani nobles for suitably exorbitant prices. Far be it for Darth Adekos to visit anywhere without finding a way to squeeze some credits out of it, even if it meant ransacking the pockets of the dead.

These Jedi owed him that much after the ruckus they'd caused.

They returned to the vessel, where Maliphant set down his prized holocron on a little table. Adekos regarded it only for a moment, before dismissing the possibility that it held anything worthwhile to him. But he did raise an eyebrow at Maliphant's question, as bizarre as it was.

"Movies? As in cinema, Maliphant?" Adekos balked, as if his colleague had suggested they visit a petting zoo. "Don't denigrate yourself with such boorish affairs. I have reserved a booth at the Cinnagar Opera - if you must entertain yourself, I suggest you do it there."
High brow entertainment for a man who robs from corpses.”, Maliphant quipped.​
Yet, he would not put up more of an argument than that; simply shaking his head as the ship began to take off once more - now with its hefty cargo of the dead, maimed, and otherwise rotting corpses of well over a dozen individuals.​
Then to the theater we go.”, he offered - and so the droids responded in tow. The Sith Lords would spend the rest of the evening judging opera singers belting out notes neither could likely offer themselves.​
The true beauty of wealth, judging those better than you because you’re worth more.​

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