Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ijaat Mereel - Iron Father, Force-Smith

[member="Gilamar Skirata"] - Sometimes, working for a former Sith Empress..... Weird stuff happens.... Like you die, and get shoved into a Jared Ovmar clone body...

As for being the same man? Time will tell...
[member="Darth Prazutis"] - Very probable.

Began working on the bio... Been writing this guy almost in the double digits of years now, and he morphed to Star Wars from a fantasy setting, so the core of his story is about 15 years old now, so patience.... Should be done this week.
[member="Lyth Meran"] - Honestly right now my posting freedom is loosening up, but it is still pretty limited, and I am still developing Ijaats' crafting style with the Force, he was an NFU for a long, long time. So I hate to turn you down, but I just don't have the time at current. If I do later, i'll look you up though.

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