Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
As much as this pains me to do, and I really do mean this. I have to go. Not because of any drama, work related issues, or personal family irl crises. But because I gotta do me, and that's more important than RP. Recently as you know I got a new job where I'm making up to 23 bucks an hour and while I have more than enough time to balance that and RP I don't have enough time to balance RP, Work, and my Passion.
As many of you may know I've been working on a comic for like 2 years now with Darth Vulcanus aka Corey and instead of just scraping cash together to pay an alright artist to capture the vision we have saved enough money to put everyone on retainer and pay for the entire comic ourselves rather than relying on scrapping by with part time jobs and crowd funding. And it makes me so happy to be able to actually make things beautiful and see what I have had in my head finally come to life.
I'll be working on two things for a while. The comic Starchaser Express and a Radio Play Darth Vulcanus created called the Critical Failures. And doing both makes me super frustrated, and super stressed, but in a good way you know? Like all that stress and pain is worth seeing something you create take form and life.
So is this the end? No lol, it's not the end. I'm going to finish up my threads with [member="Cora Passek"] and [member="Nikias"] that I've been super drag assing on, sorry by the way Nik. I leave the Black Ties in the hands of Shawn who is capable of leading them and you know what if the faction goes minor then that's alright, we're happy as a minor and when I do come back I'll get it going again. So [member="Tefka"] don't delete me bro cause I'm coming back eventually
This is not goodbye guys, it's see you later. And that's what I intend to do, is see all of you later. I'll pop in OOCly every now and then to see what you nerds are doing. But for now I gotta go do me. And for those interested in the comic or the play here's some new and improved art! What can be done when you have actual money or you're a talented artist
Later guys.
As many of you may know I've been working on a comic for like 2 years now with Darth Vulcanus aka Corey and instead of just scraping cash together to pay an alright artist to capture the vision we have saved enough money to put everyone on retainer and pay for the entire comic ourselves rather than relying on scrapping by with part time jobs and crowd funding. And it makes me so happy to be able to actually make things beautiful and see what I have had in my head finally come to life.
I'll be working on two things for a while. The comic Starchaser Express and a Radio Play Darth Vulcanus created called the Critical Failures. And doing both makes me super frustrated, and super stressed, but in a good way you know? Like all that stress and pain is worth seeing something you create take form and life.
So is this the end? No lol, it's not the end. I'm going to finish up my threads with [member="Cora Passek"] and [member="Nikias"] that I've been super drag assing on, sorry by the way Nik. I leave the Black Ties in the hands of Shawn who is capable of leading them and you know what if the faction goes minor then that's alright, we're happy as a minor and when I do come back I'll get it going again. So [member="Tefka"] don't delete me bro cause I'm coming back eventually
This is not goodbye guys, it's see you later. And that's what I intend to do, is see all of you later. I'll pop in OOCly every now and then to see what you nerds are doing. But for now I gotta go do me. And for those interested in the comic or the play here's some new and improved art! What can be done when you have actual money or you're a talented artist
Later guys.