Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 I'll give you some UCks for character feedback

Or eh, idk, maybe we can thread?

I've seen some people celebrating various milestones for their characters with feedback threads. I've never done one for Ishani, she's at more than a thousand posts, I've been writing her for almost a year, and she's managed to survive the death of the faction she was originally created for, along with the disappearance (and recent reappearance) of a major character in her story. Given my previous track record with similar characters, I definitely did not expect her to last this long, yet she has. At one point I threw a bunch of crazy ideas at the wall to see what would stick and spawn a sustainable story for her, and virtually all of them turned out to be mistakes that I've spent the past few months undoing. It's been a hell of a ride.

But anyway, just give me some general feedback/opinions. What do you think of her, what do you like about her, what do you dislike, etc. Constructive criticism is welcome, you can also say that she sucks without elaborating, lol, just give me something here.
Well, I'm writing Maliphant's 2nd apprentice at the moment, and have been hoping to get something started with Arc for a bit, so this intrigues me. (Though I really don't need Ucks, I just like analyzing characters. It's fun.)

I think Ishani is super cool, and I enjoy anything I read with her in it. I will say that sometimes I do get the feeling of things being free-floating as I read her. The writing is good, but unfocused? Not always, but sometimes. This is something I combat as well in my writing.

A general thought would just be that any character on Chaos is going to be more difficult to write if they lack a concrete identity. That doesn't have to mean a faction or Dark/Light side alignment, but it usually does. As those lines blur, characters become more difficult for us to pin down, which can reflect in our writing.

One way I combat this is finding specific themes I want to speak to with each character. When I write Venn, he is defined by his loyalty to Maliphant. Raxtos started as a study on rage, but now his writing is a study of redemption and guilt. Don is revenge personified, while Mav is a harsh look at the reality of war.

But Jyr, Roan, Uriel, and Llorum- all characters I love, mind you, they lack the themes that the others do. They're harder to write, because I don't know why I want to write them yet. I don't know what I want to say.

One thing that I love about reading Ishani is that it's obvious to me that you, as a writer, are aware of these themes in Ishani's life. Your continuity and dedication to writing the same changing, struggling, and growing person each time is epic. That character growth makes me just smile as a writer; what I wonder is where Ishani is growing towards.

TL;DR, here's my two cents: I think Ishani is awesome, and I think she could benefit from a guiding principle or theme to her story beyond a faction or relationship with a character; whether that be motherhood, mistrusting the Force, helping others, or even just looking for a place to belong. I dunno what it should be. But you do. You know her best.

So there's some general feedback. Or, maybe we could thread? Idk. Thanks for being awesome.
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TL;DR, here's my two cents: I think Ishani is awesome, and I think she could benefit from a guiding principle or theme to her story beyond a faction or relationship with a character; whether that be motherhood, mistrusting the Force, helping others, or even just looking for a place to belong. I dunno what it should be. But you do. You know her best.

I've touched on pretty much all of those themes at one point or another, I think. My problem with this character is that I've used her rather than wrote her. After her faction died and her love interest's writer went on LOA for a few months, I didn't know what to do with her or where to take her story. The quest to simply give her a direction, any direction, led me to put her on a path which, looking back, she never would've chosen for herself. I knew that, so I invented excuses for why she would - and they almost always involved her being forced/feeling like she had no choice.

So maybe I can work with that now. Her new goal/theme would be to do what she actually wants to do, rather than what she has to do.
Well based on Hilal's interaction with Ishani, she seems to be a very introverted person. It's a shame that the two didn't become friends but then again Hilal is a bit of an acquired taste at this stage of her character. XD


Snappy Boi
Factory Judge
Or eh, idk, maybe we can thread?

I've seen some people celebrating various milestones for their characters with feedback threads. I've never done one for Ishani, she's at more than a thousand posts, I've been writing her for almost a year, and she's managed to survive the death of the faction she was originally created for, along with the disappearance (and recent reappearance) of a major character in her story. Given my previous track record with similar characters, I definitely did not expect her to last this long, yet she has. At one point I threw a bunch of crazy ideas at the wall to see what would stick and spawn a sustainable story for her, and virtually all of them turned out to be mistakes that I've spent the past few months undoing. It's been a hell of a ride.

But anyway, just give me some general feedback/opinions. What do you think of her, what do you like about her, what do you dislike, etc. Constructive criticism is welcome, you can also say that she sucks without elaborating, lol, just give me something here.
Noticed a glaring issue and that's a lack of threads with her >_>

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