Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'll start here


News They Don't Want Heard
*catches rock* Don't enslave my daughter, Petra. I'll be extremely cross with you.

And Spencer, you could always come to your other home. No enslaving there.
Awkward turtle...

Dad stop with your foreplay D:



News They Don't Want Heard
It's not foreplay, Spencer. *grabs Petra, bends her over his knee, gives thorough spanking* That would require I intended to do something with her.

Bronwyn Tyr

Do you have a father who is engaged
and is expecting with one woman, but
is secretly doing naughty things with
an old flame and a Jawa behind closed
doors who is not your mother ? If so,
call the Jerry Springer show !!
Rebellious Vanguard
*Whacks Darron over the head with a frying pan, then handcuffs him to a titanium bed frame welded to the ground*
Then you call a good divorce attorney. And your mother, cause someone is probably gonna take your head off. >_>

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