Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife [OPEN]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden

"I would squeeze the life from you right this very second, if it did not mean I would lose my vessel. You and I were allies once, lesser, but do not forget your place! You are but an instrument in my game, your wallows of self-pity are of little consequence to me" the armor rattled, its dark possessor doing his best to show emotions.
[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

"Well you know what Krag! You wouldn't be where you are now if it wasn't for me! You'd still be getting your home world glassed and having creepy incest children with your sister!" Giving the armor on his body a punch dredge quickly pulled his hand back and shook it back and forth as some burnt skin peeled off his skin. Feeling more frustrated dredge let out a sound of frustration. "Uuuuggggghhhhh!!" He said aloud as he rose from his seat. There was no more time to waste here on therapy, his legs willed his body forward and began to trump to the door.

"Why do you always do this?! I can't even have friends besides Paul and Mig!" The Vong let out another frustrated sigh and the dark lord and ex overlord left therapy to go do some revenge type stuff that Krag obviously wanted to do!
I looked up, slightly bored, at the half-crazed Mandalorian trying to shoot somebody.

"Besides Ms. Sekairo's options, I have one more: Keep shooting... And I'll eat you. I'm very hungry. And I rather like the taste of beskar."

I gave an innocent look around the room, trying not to grin.

"There's no reason I can't, right?"

I winked at the Mandalorian, and lit my hand on fire.

@Dredge [member="Darth Vulcanus"] [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] [member="Ceran Moerelle"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Broorn Sabor"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
With all the commotion, it was hard to read. He threw it somewhere into the circle as he sighed and played around with his comlink. The people here really had problems, rather mental, flashbacks, or just greed. Especially bounty hunters. Oka couldn't help but stand up and walk towards the door. He didn't plan on leaving but that probably was an option.

@Dredge [member="Darth Vulcanus"] [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] [member="Ceran"] @Moerelle [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Broorn Sabor"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Malachite Avachei"]


Ceran raced across the roof top reaching the broken glass in only a few seconds. Dropping down into a sliding kick the Bounty Hunter shattered the last of the glass, breaking it apart and pulling the pieces out onto the roof. He smiled slightly, and then pulled himself into the building, dropping down into the empty meeting hall with a loud thud and a clatter of weapons

He came up standing opposite the group, spotting the woman who had kept them from their target and [member="Vilaz Munin"].

“Not to worry, were only here for her.” He pointed towards Ven.

She had gotten in the way of a two million credit Bounty, and that was a lot of money. He could live off of a million credits for nearly three years, and he didn't like missing out on such a big score. Frowning he slowly began to walk towards the woman, his eyes perceiving every little move in the room.
His blue eyes kept on staring at the woman through his buy'ce and began reloading his scattergun with five more slugs in order to operate the weapon properly. Now he was being given options on how he should work as a Bounty Hunter. Thing is, you never give options or put conditions on a Bounty Hunter who happens to be a Mandalorian. And you never give options to a Mandalorian.

"You ain't gonna put no conditions on me, di'kut. Imma give you your options. One: shut up and come with me quietly. Two: I beat the crap outta ya. Or three: I kill ya." The Rally Master predicted that the woman would choose none of his options and would rather initiate an actual brawl. And once he finished giving her the third and final option he had inserted the fifth slug in his scattergun and aimed it at the woman with his trigger finger on the trigger.

Seconds later his partner finally arrived at his area. Now, it was up to the woman to pick her choice, and that would determine how things would go.

[member="Ceran Moerelle"] [member=Ven'Rain Sekairo]
God, Ven had forgotten how much she hated bounty hunters. They were almost always pompous assholes. Sometimes even more so than the Sith. And that was saying something. "So, your options are almost the same as my options. Interesting. Funny how that works... You're a Mandalorian, I see, so I'll ignore my instincts, and go with you. Semi-quietly. Not because I'm scared, which I ain't, but because I have a lot of respect for your kind. Now let's go and leave this poor, poor souls to do whatever the hell it is people do at support groups." With that Ven turned off her lightsaber, put it away, and walked towards the door.

{OOC: Start something up if ya want to interrogate her or whatever. I ain't bothering the people in this thread anymore. They've been interrupted for long enough.}
[member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Ceran Moerelle"]

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