Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Illuminating Thoughts



Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

Boxes upon boxes of lights lay all down the pea-gravel path leading down towards the solarium. Several ladders were set up in various points along the path, all the way down the solarium doors. Small generators and power extension cords lay about in strategic piles, a type of chaos only one person could really handle since they were the ones setting it up. The one person in charge of all this chaos? Judah Dashiell.

Having brought Iko Vel Iko Vel to the Farm after the boy had returned to salvage operations occurring on Gala and Ithor. Thirty-Seven had briefed him before their arrival ; the boys father had perished. Persephone and Rue had been moved to the Farm with the impending wedding and the chaos in the Core. It has been decided to give Iko time to grieve and to keep him safe, with Judah personally delivering the boy to the safety of the quiet agricultural world. By this time, he decided he might as well stay. Going out into the 'verse and trying to make it back in time was very risky. He had an office in his suite, work would be conducted from afar for a bit. He wasn't needed on the salvage jobs, he had fallen back in to visiting and being more hands on for Iko's sake, trying to ensure the boy learned and got knowledge from him directly.

So far, so good actually. Judah was giving him time to grieve but expected the report on Gala and ocean salvage to be in after the wedding so they could discuss it. Depending on how the 'verse was and how Iko felt, they would go from there. Roles had changed after all ; Judah was no longer boss but also guardian. Soon he would have to bring up the subject with the boy regarding legalities, did Iko want to be adopted? There were plenty of advantages ; access to his wealth as if he was his own, a stable family, subsidiary companies, resources and connections. There were disadvantages too, the boy still had a mother out there, the life could be constricting, the rules and lines one had to tow.

Yet there was no rush right now.

What was a rush? Decorations for the wedding. Judah had took it upon himself to buy the lighting and then proceed to string it and figure out the power connections. The reception was outdoors under a canopy of trees just off the solarium, of course he would decorate there, but he also thought much of the surrounding area could use some love too. Besides, with the warm summer weather, the lights could be left up after the wedding and enjoyed sitting out next to a bonfire or alfresco dining.

Looking very much a Dad with a intricate plan, Judah stood on one of his ladders, flimsi directions in his mouth, as he stretched up to daisy-chain one set of string lights to the other. At least he had a few days to get this right, and a few days for it to occupy his time.


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

"Well, you are making yourself busy," An amused voice would float over towards the old salvaged, coming from the young brunette whom his son was set to marry in just a few short weeks. She had a soft smile on her lips and warmth radiated from her grey eyes. Walking over, Myra gave a slow review of all the work Judah had done.

"I figured you'd try to keep yourself busy, but I didn't imagine you'd get to decorating with lights. I don't think I've seen you string up lights in all my life," considering the Dashiell's didn't stay for Life Day, there was no need to. The pair would always go fishing or someplace new rather than deal with life day.

Coming up to stand beside him, Myra looked up, chuckling, " We can get others to do this, Judah, you don't need to bother."


Removing the flimsi instructions from his mouth with a few handwritten notes on the back, Judah looked down from his ladder in amusement.

"I haven't had a reason to string lights ever. Seemed a fitting time to try my hand at it."

Brows furrowed, he moved to get off the ladder, folding the flimsi and placing it in a back pocket. He was confused, looking at the young woman with an expression that emphasized how he felt.

"This is true, but then what would I do? Or is this a gentle way of trying to tell me you need my skill set elsewhere."

Judah wasn't sure all the details regarding the wedding but he had been filled in enough to know a few details. Not that this was a grand production, which still surprised him. Given the amount of years Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell pined over his boy he expected the wedding of the year with a guest list a kilometer long.

"What are thinking? Need a table built? Benches?Something moved? I've got plenty of time, already handled Salacia for the most part today."


x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

Myra gave another chuckle, reaching over to loop her arm through his. "I've a few ideas. If you really want, you can come back and strings some lights." she added, knowing that the elder Dashiell preferred to have time on his own without having to be bothered much by anyone. As long as he felt productive and of use, he was happy to do some manual labor. Must be his farm boy Dashiell genes.

"So, how you doing? Haven't had a chance to talk to you so wanted to see if you were feeling okay." They shared plenty of holoemails and letters, but it was not the same as their brunches when they spoke face to face.


"No, I can come along with you. I've got plenty of time to get things done. Besides, it may be wise to try some of this when the sun goes down so I can see where I need to adjust."

The first day of putting them up, he quickly realized that it may be wise to see what the lights would look like in the dark. Something he could check in after dinner, tweak a little and start once again in the daylight. Or early when he woke up ; his speed on completing the lights would depend on what Iko needed and what Salacia needed from him.

"I'm actually doing really well, in my opinion. Others may disagree but I feel really good for the most part. A rocky start in some areas but I've found my footing and I feel like Judah again. I'm looking forward to spending some time here before getting in the space lanes, maybe take a fishing trip."

The footing with Danger was still quite odd but perhaps in time. He had plans to ask Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell about her mother and just get a read on her, but that would come in time. He would prefer to ask in private, just due to the sensitive nature of the conversation, he didn't want Danger's business just out in the breeze so to speak.

"No, we haven't had the chance to talk. We will have to try to find a schedule for our brunches once again, I'm sure Makai will understand."

Judah didn't think his son was mind his wife hanging out with her father-in-law. It was their established thing and he would like to continue it if able, it was always a good chance to connect. His arm hooked in hers, Judah let her lead, and turned the questioning back on the heiress.

"How are you? How are you holding up as we get closer? You kids doing alright with everything? I see Makai is gone, busy lately."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

Myra gave Judah's forearm an affectionate path, leading the old Salvager on a little walk out of the garden towards the Solarium. "I'm glad you are feeling better. You had us worried for a spell." The heiress admitted. She had been very concerned regarding what was going on with Judah but also in his mind and what he was feeling. That wasn't to say that she wasn't cognizant of the hurt Makai felt with it all; she was fully supporting the Half-Galan too, but it always seemed as if Judah didn't have anyone else to talk to besides Makai or mama -- and things were obviously tense between them that she figured they weren't talking as much or as intimately as they were before.

"We are doing well. Just hectic. Things Core ward have been creating a chaos of things. Casteel has been doing his best to work within the means of his bank now that Empress Teta is within Imperial control. The only boon is that they are letting businesses work as normal... if with a few additional taxes. Thankfully, not much has been damaged. He managed to check on daddy's place just to make sure."

That had been a blessing. Myra had been worried that her father's apartments and legacy had been damaged, to include his final tomb.

"Other than that, just working and looking after Persie. Rue is pretty much with Makai nonstop so hasn't been bad."

All in all, Myra was grateful.


Being lead to the Solarium, Judah listened carefully as he wondered why they were headed to the glass-encased space. The old salvager was certain Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell had something in store for him to do. Which was fine, Judah was eager to stay busy during his time here. The less time he spend indoors meant there was less of a chance to speak and cause some type of ruckus all over again. Besides, he was truly enjoying his little projects around the Farm, so it seemed like a win for all involved.

"Yes, I spoke to Casteel recently and he seems to be doing well despite all the challenges. I look forward to seeing him at the wedding, we haven't spoke in person for some time. It will be nice to see him once again."

Judah had limited his social engagements until after the wedding, plus with war breaking out in the Core some events had been cancelled. Casteel was busy trying to keep his bank running in spite of the chaos. It was only natural they hadn't run into one another in some time, since Alric's funeral if he was remembering correctly.

"Its nice to hear you've been doing well. I'm happy."

A small pause.

"Yes, Rue and Makai seem to be fast friends. Not sure what the poor girl is going to do once you two are off on your honeymoon."

Judah chuckled and turned to look at Myra, brows furrowing.

"So, where are you leading me to? What do you have in mind?"


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

They meandered they way through the Solarium, the decorations already in place here. The verdant scent of earth, herbs, and citrus filled the air. This was one of her favorite places. It was also where they said a personal goodbye to her father. It would be good to share her vows here and feel as if Alric was nearby.

Myra thought he would like that.

With a faint smile, Myra patted Judah’s forearm again, “Need your opinion and discerning eye before I get the final touches done. Mama is busy and Persie already said plenty.”

“So, what’s your plan after this? And how is Iko doing?” She heard what happened to his father. While they may not have been close, simply losing him in such a manner was tragic indeed.


"Ah, so I'm your last resort at this point, got it."

A small grin would show he was teasing. He wouldn't exactly call himself a decorator or someone with an eye for fashion, but he could easily determine what was appealing and what was not. Judah would do his best in ensuring whatever opinion Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell needed however kept her tastes in mind.

"After this? The wedding? Back to work. Before Coruscant, Iko had suggested we try ocean salvage. I suppose he was inspired from what you all saw on Gala? Either way, we will be salvaging that ship that fell by the fishing villages."

Judah wanted Iko to have one of his first assignments in Corporate Space or the Tingel Arm, but that didn't seem to be happening. Gala was fine enough, and it did need their assistance, considering recent events. Plus, with Makai's mining subsidiary they had plenty of resources in the area should they need to use something.

" well as can be expected. He's lost his father, mother and another sibling have never been in his life. I think the realization may hit that he is alone in a sense. I mean, he has us, but we aren't blood of course. He seems like a good kid dealt a bad hand. I've been having him try to relax and focus on being a typical teenager right now. He's been taking advantage of the workshop and grounds, which is a good thing."

"He's also been hanging out with Persie, which is good since she knows what its like not suddenly not have a parent."
Judah paused and chuckled a little. "The pair remind me of a less intense version of you and Makai."

A small pause as he shook his head.

"I'm going to ask Iko,eventually, once the dust has settled, if he would like to be adopted. He's young, I can't see him on his own when I already have a rapport with him and the resources available."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

Myra gave a chuckle, the pair slowly meandering through the Solarium. A few droids were cleaning off in the distance, making sure the terra-cotta tiles were clean.

“No, not last resort. I do want your honest opinion,” she assured him with a wide smile.

Her face sobered, however, in hearing how Iko was doing. She hoped that being on the farm might help lift his spirits, but she knew the loss of family could cut deep. Myra took a long, long time herself processing everything that happened.

However, now she gave a surprised arch of her brow at the commentary that Judah was thinking of adopting Iko.

"Thinking of adopting Iko so fast already? He must have made an impression on you." she murmured, smiling a bit again. "Mmm...give it some time. I know I'm not saying much considering that's exactly what happened to me."


"No, more like I wouldn't want there to be an orphan if I had the resources available."

Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell was speaking from experience. Although, at five or six years old, Judah wasn't sure how much 'say' she would have had in her adoption at the time. He just remembered her as a scared,skinny little girl who didn't speak. It would have been hard to convey a 'yes' or 'no' situation, even if Makai had picked up sooner on her silent form of communication.

"I will wait a few months. He is a teenager, albeit a younger one, so he may feel old enough to be on his own. A little naive, a little sheltered so I hope he doesn't feel ready to tackle the 'verse on his own."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

They headed through the solarium into one of the many arched stone atriums spread across the estate. "I'm glad then. " a thought came to her then, musing as grey eyes turned back up towards Judah.

"Have you've been able to find him tutors that will assist him with, what was it? Using the Force? I am honestly not sure what is out there that would be suitable for him." she admitted, although added, "Although mama likely knows more."

The Queen of Trade had conducted plenty of business with organizations and individuals who worked outside of the traditional Jedi and Sith. Myra personally wasn't sure what else there could be, seeing as she wasn't a Force sensitive herself. No Arceneau that she knew of had ever been.

They were a family better known for their business sense and intellect. Then again, who knows, since Myra wasn't an Arceneau by bloodline, perhaps there might be a Force user in her ancestry.


In true 'Dad' fashion, Judah looked at the stone arch as they passed, mentally noting to play around with the lighting on the structure this evening. He was thinking a dramatic but elegant effect, if there was such a thing with white outdoor lighting. He would do his best however, enjoying his time already. Now he could see why people strung Life Day lights. Maybe he would make an exception this year.

"No, I have not. I do have a few ideas though. Didn't the Tingel Arm have some type of Force group at one time? I will have to do more research and talk to the boy, make this a joint effort. Plus, I've heard they have learning tools....holocrons? I've seen them at auctions before, they go for quite a bit. I'm willing to spend the credits if they help him."

Judah paused.

"Just focused on the wedding right now, and letting him grieve. He mentioned never having the time or ability to do 'normal kid' stuff. I also remember Makai telling me something similar recently. So I'm trying to let him do all the things a normal teenager would do without pushing too hard. Uh, he and Persephone are going to that Three Moon Festival that's happening in the village, plus I will encourage him to do....normal stuff?"

Brows furrowed as they walked, looking at Myra.

"What did you kids do?" Meaning Myra and Makai. Husband and wife they soon might be, but to Judah they would be collectively referred to as 'the kids' no matter their age. It was hard to break nearly twenty years of tradition. "I remember you two going off on your own a lot, and in hindsight, after what Makai told me....I think I should have kept a closer eye."

Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

Myra had to clear the cough that came in when Judah made a small wry commentary regarding Danger, Alric, and Judah likely having to have had a better eye on what Myra and Makai got into. A faint blush made her cheeks pink but she did her best to try and comment anyways, "Hmm.... Makai and I would go to a holofilm, or go out to eat. Sometimes wander around the farm and go swimming at the cavern."

No need to say it had been skinny dipping.

"Just did our best to find things to do together. Sometimes go surfing -- well as much as I could, I didn't really know how to do it when I was younger." she had practiced more and more on her own to try and keep up with Makai, although sometimes he spent it doing work with his pa than focusing on surfing with her. That one time where she got good and properly upset at Makai's obliviousness still caused Myra to shake her head.

"He's what? Thirteen? School, hanging out with friends, exploring interests I imagine. What else is he interested in?"


Judah chuckled, gently bumping her shoulder as they walked to let Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell he was highly amused. What could they really do now? That had been years and years ago. Now all he could do is look back and shake his head. Perhaps Makai got some streak of being oblivious from himself.

"I don't think Iko and Persie are as advanced as you two were, so less I need to worry about in the moment."

Listening to Myra recall what her and Makai would get up to, it wasn't quite news to him, but instead wanted to confirm what he remembered about what teenagers typically liked to do in their free time. Of course, the kids had been a bit of an exception with the surfing, but that was just a variable. Every teenager would have their likes and dislikes.

"Fourteen. I'm just checking to make sure teenagers still do the same things. I can't be that old man that suggests to go to the Holo-Plex only to find no one goes there anymore. As for his interests, he likes metal. As in smithing and cranking out his own creations. I figured he might be interested in woodworking too, Makai took to that, so I can see Iko perhaps doing the same? Makai tells me he put a workshop in on Joiol, so that will be great for both of us. I haven't made anything in forever."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

"Oh please, don't say it as advanced," The last thing she wanted in her mind was thinking if Persephone was fooling around. Actually, now that she was thinking about it....

"Maybe we should get Persephone a personal droid crafted for her. Like EL three and Thirty-Seven. Not only to think like she does... but keep an eye on her. It will make sure it works on her bests interests .... whether she likes it or not."

Yeah, that would be something to talk over with Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell .

"If Iko enjoys working with his hands, perhaps forgers or other mastercraftsmen might work out for the best." By now, Judah would be able to recognize that Myra was leading him towards the direction of the suites. It wouldn't be long before they arrived at hers.


"Could be a good idea. You two seem to have her out with Thirty-Seven quite a bit. Perhaps a modified version of Thirty-Seven would be beneficial to you all. A nanny droid without her knowing."

Droids certainly weren't for him but he could see the benefit in this situation. Especially since Persephone had already ran into numerous problems regarding her safety.

"That's the plan. Maybe get him an apprenticeship under a forger or two. Corek might know some people since he's mando and all..."

A shake of his head at the suite.

"So you need me to re- arrange the furniture and give my opinion. Should have just said that Myra."

Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

A laugh, and Myra shook her head, the door sliding open.

"No, no need to move furniture," She told him, just as another woman drew near from inside the suite.

"Oh, good. You found him. Come, come, we must hurry." it was another human, but she had dark black hair, violet eyes, and appeared to be in her fourties.

"Ah, Mister Dashiell, welcome. My name is Fleurie, please have a seat," She told him, ushering him inside while she gestured for her assistants to help Myra.

"Please sit," the woman was a force to be reckoned with, already guiding Judah towards the living room area of the suite that had been redesigned into some sort of bridal area in preparation for the wedding.

"Don't worry, Judah, she won't bite," Myra's voice could be heard as she was ushered herself behind a large nine panel decorative screen.

"As for your idea, a version of Thirty-Seven makes sense. That way Persephonie doesn't realize the difference. Then again, she will need to answer the questions.... hmm... how to get her to do that."

The rustle of fabric would flow and Fleurie would move on back to take a look. "Ohhh, wonderful. Yes, yes. Perfect!"

"Now for what I really wanted your opinion on...." Myra's voice trailed before she appeared out from behind the screen, wearing a soft, white, flowing wedding dress. It hugged her modest curves, and certainly complimented her willowy frame.

"It is the final fitting and I wanted to know what do you think?"


"Don't worry, Judah, she won't bite,"

"I don't know, I have had the most horrible luck with women lately, however it is a pleasure to meet you Miss Fleurie."

Judah laughed, sitting down on the couch that had been pushed aside to make room for the panel screens, tailors dress form, and various other supplies that looked to be needed for the upcoming wedding. It didn't take long to realize he was at a fitting for the wedding dress. Surprised colored his features, figuring he wouldn't see Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell until just before the ceremony.

"Right, there are intensive questions for this, I remember Makai telling me about some."
Having never taken the personality test and analysis for the advanced protocol systems from Arceneau, he wasn't sure how to draw Persephone into the space. "I don't know. Maybe frame it as a way to have more freedom? You and Makai have put down rules she must have a bodyguard, maybe mention its this or Corek Junior again."

Judah chuckled but it was cut off as Myra emerged from behind the screen, followed quickly by Fleurie. The old salvager smiled before wiping his eyes a little, finding himself teary at the sight.

"I think you look entirely too grown up and I don't like it."
A shake of his head. "You look perfect."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag:

Framing it as more freedom might work, Myra mused. Although her attention was not focused on how Judah was looking at her. Speechless for a moment was the word. Then came the slight moisture in his eyes. A blush pinkened her cheeks in pleasure. Well, if Makai's pa thought it looked good on her, then odds were Makai would be as equally as stunned.

"Well, then, we did wonderfully, Fleruie,"
Myra complimented the dressmaker, who tittered and basked and continued to ruffle and adjust the dress.

"Oh La, wonderful, wonderful. Just a few adjustments, and everything shall be ready!" Fleruie would indicate, gesturing to her assistants to take notes while the woman made sure the fit was perfect.

"Did you want anything to drink? Otherwise, hahahaa, I guess I just need you to comment or sit there pretty while I get done."


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