Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Illuminating Thoughts

"An excellent job, Miss Fleruie. Although it had to be easy considering working with such a beautiful bride."

There was a tinge of fatherly pride. Judah had watched Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell grow up from skinny little mute girl to a rather confident and take charge woman. He had taken care of her just as much as Danger had taken care of Makai, so to see this moment was bittersweet. Proud to see her grown up and starting her own life but it also made him wonder where the time went and how he got so old.

"No, I can get my own drink, you're busy."

He stood, drifting off to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, returning a short moment later as Fleruie was pinning a small section at the side.

"How are you feeling? Nervous?"


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

Am I nervous?

Myra thought on the question as Fleruie made adjustments for a moment before shaking her head. "No, more like excited. You now how it feels when you are so reved up for something the night before that you are just a ball of anxious energy?"

That was the only way she could explain it.

"I'm not nervous or doubtful that I want to get married to Makai; I wanted to do that since we were kids. It is a bit surreal that this is actually happening," She admitted a bit sheepishly, if still mentally chiding herself that they could have fixed this years ago.

"But I'm glad, ecstatic, and just anxious that we are here and that I can finally say he is mine and I am his. " she admitted, blushing a bit.

"Its a good feeling."

A thought crossed her mind.

"What about you? How are you feeling about all of this?"


Judah cautiously took a seat not on the couch, but one of the accent chairs, sitting on the edge just in case Fleruie needed something from him.The seamstress seemed extremely capable, but habits tended to die hard. He would offer the women drinks, but something told him liquids near the stunning white dress wasn't a good idea at the moment.

"I wasn't asking to pry,just curious. Makai has told me enough times the dynamic is not mine to understand.I'm pleased that you're happy."

Judah noted the blush, hoping to put her at ease. The old salvager was genuinely interested in how she felt, he didn't expect cold feet but sometimes as one drew closer weird emotions could be pushed to the forefront. That had been the case when he went to live on Huila Station and re-integrate with everyone, nerves had gotten the better of him that day.

"Makai told you about the back and forth we had on my first morning back from Centrality, I assume? Worried I'll have another...outburst?"

Judah paused, taking a sip of his water.

"I've been watching you two, despite getting a caf maker for my room on Huila Station so I wouldn't disturb your mornings." It had been the least he could do, and in-room caf with shelf-stable creamers, leaning back against his headboard while he worked was actually an amazing new routine. "I can admit that I was wrong."

Did one of the levels of Hell freeze over? Admitting to Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell that he was wrong?!

"I thought Makai was too immature to get married. Too young. Not taking things seriously. Spending time with the two of you has shown me that I was wrong, there's a thought process thats evolved from the last time I thought you two were dating as teens to today. I was the one behind not seeing how you both have matured and are handling things now."

"Its obvious he puts you first. There's a level of...emotional initmacy? you share that I surely didn't have when I got married."

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Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

Fleurie and her assistants would flutter and check pins as Myra was instructed her hold her arms up. They only needed to make minute adjustments so it wouldn't take long to finish up, the wedding was just a few days away after all. Granted, with the vine silk, aurodium thread, and woven crystal thread, the dress was enough to warrant just about the economic worth of a solar system.

Myra's dresses did not come cheap.

All throughout Judah's explanation and admission that he was wrong, Myra simply observed the old Salvager with a gentle, reassuring expression. She had figured that had been the case. Anyone looking from the outside in, would likely have similar thoughts. Honestly, she didn't feel offended or hurt that Judah had considered that her and Makai were moving fast, because without the context of their relationship and history, it would seem as if they were making a haphazard choice.

To be frank, even Myra had suggested that they elope and that would have likely not have been perceived well at all by both of their parents.

"It's okay Judah, I understand where you are coming from, especially after you told me what happened in your past and with Makai's mama. I don't blame you for thinking so." she told him.

"I'd hoped that reading Makai's journal would have helped some bit, but honestly, without the entire context, I understand why you thought as much. I'm glad that you reconsidered though." Certainly showed as much growth.

"Have you had a chance to talk to Makai about that yet?"


"This is true, without being privy to events and details, I'm reading through passages where I only have a mild clue to some events. Some none at all, which is fine, I don't need to know. It just makes some of the journal difficult to understand, but it was written with you both in mind, not some third audience."

Even finishing the entire thing ; which he did, there were things he was entirely in the dark about and how it even related to the pair of them. Did it give a clear picture? Not quite, but Judah could discern enough to understand the pair did love one another. Coupled with watching them over the past few weeks, he was fine in assuming the pair would be fine. That neither would experience the hurt he did.

"We talked a little bit. He's been busy trying to get everything done before the wedding but we were able to squeeze it in...things are....shaky, which you are aware but I got a chance to apologize. He doesn't need my blessing, he's grown enough to marry, but I think we are back on a more positive track since I apologized for speaking out of turn. Knee-jerk reaction and all. Which, I think he can minute you kids are fighting tooth and nail not to see one another and the next you're getting ready to marry."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

"I'm glad. It's a start... I don't mean to push or anything... I just know that it hurt Makai a bit to lose you like that." Myra told him. She'd seen how it had affected Makai throughout their wine nights and get together. This was just a first step.

"Alright, we are done. You are ready!" Fleurie said, and Myra gave a nod. With an arch of her brows in excitement, she glanced back at Judah.

"Okay, let me finish this up. Thank you Judah, for giving me your feedback. It means a lot to me. With daddy gone, you are the only father figure I have left."

Moisture grew in her grey eyes and Fleurie was quick to get the tissues.

"Now now. Only happy tears!" She clucked out with a gentle expression.

"Well, with this, all shall be ready."


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