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Dominion ILUM: I Love U Metellos | GA Dominion of Metellos Hex

Objective 2: Metellos // Ektra
Find the Jedi...

Aston couldn't help but show a sense of pride and hope at the group that was gathered here today. He had been in the woods fighting personal battles for far too long. And to return to see a group like this one, it reminded him of moments during the Galactic Republic. The more he had conversed and just listened to side conversations with the group it seemed as if they were headed to Ilum and their efforts were halted by a group called the Zweihander Union that had resided on Illum. A group whom Aston had never encountered before in his life. But as Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt beckoned the group forward it seemed a statement was released by said group and Aston read carefully.

So this seemed like a victory for the Jedi that were present. And if it was a victory for them, it was one for him too. He had the need to go to Ilum and seek out the crystal caves and gather necessary materials to construct a lightsaber. Learning more at that point that the Galatic Alliance senate was convening in a session of congress to vote to support a newly formed Jedi order.

It seems like things were coming together. Aston thought as he gave a small nod to the group, showing a smile of sorts. When Jedi Auteme Auteme spoke of this being less difficult he couldn't help but agree. "That's good news. Hopefully the senate are having equal luck in their endeavors as well."

Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Leon Gallo Leon Gallo Rik Perris Rik Perris Bernard Bernard
"Corellia supports the proposed budget for Metellos"

It was an easy choice. After all, the proposed budget was created by the committee that his delegation was part of and if it meant greasing a few wheels he was more than willing to do so. Ultimately he'd vote in favor of both motions for the sake of appearances but with his own reservations left on the table for the others to mull over he had faith that changes would be able to be made in the future.

Julius Loghain Julius Loghain Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Ido Bastra Ido Bastra Shute Gunray Shute Gunray Fable Solborne
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More government expenditure? This is not anything Gat Tambor supported lightly. But even so, it was an ultimately a necessity if the New Jedi Order was to be properly supported and viable, they'd needed to establish the infrastructure needed to actually house the Jedi within the Alliance and not leave them to pawn off resources with an existing dedication. Following in tow with his colleague from Corellia, Gat Tambor spoke up all the same in agreement with his motion. Even if it was action against personal belief in favor of greater politicking.

"Skako supports the proposed budget for Metellos." Muttered the most powerful and influential Skakoan of all the realms far and wide on behalf of his constituents, his people, his home.

Julius Loghain Julius Loghain Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Ido Bastra Ido Bastra Shute Gunray Shute Gunray Fable Solborne Maou Maou
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"I must say, Mister Karis, your speech has moved me," the old senator spoke up as the repulsorpod detached from the wall. His voice had grown raspy and feeble over the last few months as his health declined. Even still, it boomed and reverberated off the convocation chamber walls. With a warm smile in the young man's direction, he continued. "It is clear to me that the New Jedi Order is far from the robe-clad apathetic domineers that have claimed their place in the past," a small cough interrupted his brief address. It took a slighty drawn out moment for him to continue. "The Jedi are the missing piece required to rebuild the Core and make the Alliance whole," even more coughing from the withering old senator interrupted him yet again. Holding up a hand he waved dismissively as if to call of the speech he'd planned.

"Coruscant supports the proposed budget for Metellos, and the recognition of the New Jedi Order," he concluded with a raspy struggle before he repulsorpod returned and the Senator excused himself.

Julius Loghain Julius Loghain Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Gat Tambor Gat Tambor Shute Gunray Shute Gunray Fable Solborne Maou Maou
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Dash'iell Cosmos

Dash lights a cigar as he enters the room late. He immediately saunters over to his seat, his commanding presence and virile energy causing his peers to shrivel out of the dapper senator's way. A long draw of the cherry-wood cigar followed, a trail of O's dotting the air before he stands up to follow the chorus of his peers.

"Empress Teta supports the proposed budget for Metellos."

Julius Loghain Julius Loghain Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Gat Tambor Gat Tambor Shute Gunray Shute Gunray Fable Solborne Maou Maou

Taega Vrav'lan

The continuous support of the budget for Metellos made Taega sick inside. What was this budget for? To put the world indebted to the Galactic Alliance and the aristocrats who controlled it? To then spread their influence to the Outer Rim like the core tried many times in the past? Then again, there was the CIS who controlled the entire economy of the Midrim and are dominating markets in various parts of the inner rim and the colonies. A trade war was going to breakout because of this, though it was a matter of time before other system were to be victim to imperialism once more and many other worlds were to suffer. So what did Taega want? What did Balosar want? To pursue the imperialist interests of the Alliance until it intersects with the CIS resulting in conflict over economic dominance? Or let the CIS take what it wants before it implodes? Either way, this was disastrous for the galaxy and for Balosar. CIS or GA control over Balosar didn't really matter and Metellos was only a stepping stone in a greater game.

Then again they saw Senator Adhira's proposal for what the Alliance should do for its development. Guaranteed employment and benefits for the homeless? This was pretty vague in it of itself, something they were desperate to critique the senator from Balmorra on. But now there was no time for debate. Maybe the centrists were going to make changes for the all the Alliance, but Taega thought that was remained to be seen when she drafts her legislation. But this was becoming a multipartisan effort and despite their reservations, maybe this was something the Alliance needed. So swallowing their pride, Taega's pod glided to the center of the convocation.

"Balosar supports the proposed budget for Metellos."

Julius Loghain Julius Loghain Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Gat Tambor Gat Tambor Shute Gunray Shute Gunray Fable Solborne Maou Maou
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An aide looked to Sssar then to one of the other aides "Senator, you are going to support your own committee's budget plan correct?" Sssar looked down at the woman with a withering gaze "Do not be deceived. I may sssleep with my eyesss open, but I am well aware. I'd caution you againssst insssulting me again." the aide, panicked, began to reply "Senator, I apo-" the giant serpent snapped his mighty jaws and hissed "Sssilence!" then turned towards the floor when his microphone was activated "Eclipssse votes in favor of the bill and thanksss you for your expeditiousss votesss."

Sssar turned back to the vocal aide, his head pushing towards hers, now mere inches away as he stared here down snout to nose "You have the privilege of witnessssing the most expedient vote - the bureaucratic Kesssssel Run record - in sssenate hissstory and you ssssullied it with your mouth. Do not be confusssed! Had it not been for the regulationsss of thissss alliance and the cusssstomsss of our people - with the Force assss my witnesss - I would ssswallow you whole." Sssar hissed with a quiet ferocity. The grand serpent's bifurcated tongue lashed out and slowly licked up the face of the horrified human "Dissssgusssting." he turned away without further action. The aides around Sssar were both shocked and speechless while the Nautolan chief of staff rub her face in exasperation.

Julius Loghain Julius Loghain Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Gat Tambor Gat Tambor Shute Gunray Shute Gunray Fable Solborne Maou Maou Taega Vrav'lan Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge
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It's one of life's mysteries, sir...

Objective: Metellos // Ektra // Unknown Safehouse
Wearing: Flightsuit
Equipment: LBP-3 light blaster, in chest holster.
Tags: Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt , Allyson Locke Allyson Locke , Rik Perris Rik Perris , Bernard Bernard , Leon Gallo Leon Gallo , Auteme Auteme , Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs


''The pleasure's all mine, ma'am.''

A bigger and relieved smile entered onto her lips, as the first introductions were made. The majority of the nervousness from before were blown away in an instant. It felt like no one here would be as blunt as Red, the CIS special operative that she had worked with before, if they knew about her past unruly ways in the cockpit at the academy. Either way, that was a long time ago and people change. After being major and later acting colonel of the CIS, she had learned to lead in a whole different perspective. That had mitigated those risky ways of the past, or refined them as admiral Hayes had put it, keeping her ingenuitive and crafty piloting style intact.

She gave a greeting nod and a friendly smile to the two persons that was arriving after her, Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs and Auteme Auteme . It seemed that there was many new acquaitances in the group, and she guessed there would be plenty of time to get to know everyone. Hands clasped in front of her, she turned and listened attentively as Matson gave everyone a short briefing. The following message from the Zweihander Union, if true, just turned the mission into that milk run. Hm, interesting!

''Guess it's gonna be a milk run, after all.'' she said after Autemes statement to the ZU declaration, giving her another soft grin before offering her a hand.

''I'm Kathryn, nice to meet you all.''

Introducing herself to Auteme and then offered her hand to Leon, the two pilots that she seemed to have been paired together with.

''I'm ready when you guys are!'' she said enthusiasticly, having high hopes for this mission, once again under the banner of the Alliance.
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Gᴜɴɢᴀɴ Hᴏᴜɴɢᴀɴ
Coruscant // Galactic City
Senate Chamber // Grand Convocation Chamber

Senator Kael Sazen kept his silence during the speeches of his fellow senators of the Assembly. He, personally, believed that the Jedi were a necessary force in the Galaxy. Yet, he had long watched historical and mythological holos about how the ancient Republics and their Jedi became too close, and the danger that posed. But for now, he was deciding how to cast the vote on the matter of Metellos.

On one hand, it was a world in need of financial help and could prove to be an asset to the peoples of the Alliance. After a moment of reflection, he made his decision. Kael pushed the button on his podium's microphone. For the first time in this session of the Senate, Kael Sazen spoke.

"Prakith votes in support of the proposed bill for Metellos." He voiced firmly, before returning to his previous stance.

Dash'iell Cosmos Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Gat Tambor Gat Tambor Shute Gunray Shute Gunray Ido Bastra Ido Bastra Maou Maou Taega Vrav'lan Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn
Metellos // Ektra // Unknown Safehouse —> Ilum Hyperlane
Bernard Bernard // Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster // Rik Perris Rik Perris // Allyson Locke Allyson Locke // Auteme Auteme // Leon Gallo Leon Gallo

Allyson’s, nee Adele’s, reports had been unsettling. Despite the proclamation that was just issued as an invitation, Loske was apprehensive about what they’d be flying into. Things had changed since their last scouting run.

While everyone went about their handshaking and name-offering, the Saber Leader gave a once over to the coordinates in her datapad. The exclusivity of this hyper lane made it difficult to determine the accuracy of the input and outputs, and some level of trust was required. It’s not like ZU could have sealed a travel route that had existed for centuries –– right? She gave a glance in her Corellian friend’s direction, as if Allyson would be able to read her mind and pat her brain reassuringly.

Glancing up, she caught the last few hello’s and gave a small wave. “Your guys’ enthusiasm could power these ships by themselves. Definitely make sure your life support is ready to help out with heating, and you’re all bundled up. We’re wheels up in ten.”

The X-02s waiting for them were a relatively new issuance. Despite many of them arriving in the metallic silhouette of vengeance, they’d probably want to have some time to adjust.

Lacking a giant arm to help with transporting Frank from the ground to his insert, Loske entrapped him in an invisible tendril that levitated him from the ground and to his designated spot in the X-Wing’s cavity. All the while, he bleerrp’d in protest. He hated it when the wizard stuff was used on him. “You gotta buckle yourself in, Frankie.” She smirked, at the bottom of the ladder and leaning back to make sure she’d done an appropriate job on aligning his treads with the divot. He blorp’d back.

With practiced ease, Loske scaled up the ladder to her cockpit and sank into the accelerator seat. Without a ground crew to assist, she’d already had to network up all the wires and umbilicals ahead of time. Frank had helped too, of course.

Muscle memory ignited all the required systems, and her ship gave a thunderous din when the engines were activated, and she flipped the comm system that would be shared with the other Sabers. The network of their trajectory was hooked up so everyone should be pointing to the right destination. “Alright squad - give me a roll call when you’re good to go.”

She’d wait patiently for the names and numbers to roll in, mentally going through the checklist to make sure everyone was accounted for. Barring any major issues, she touched the small lever on her dashboard and her X-Wing rolled forward, picking up speed as the landing gear folded back into the belly and she tilted upward.

The formation of pilots broke through Metellos’ atmosphere quickly. Once they were out of the planet’s immediate sky, she pushed the hyperdrive ignition with the heel of her hand and punched forward. The void swallowed her X-Wing into a flurry of white streaks, a one-way tube of stars to destination Ilum.

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