Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm back!

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
So, uh, I didn't exactly plan to come back when life got busy. School, work, etc etc. Things got crazy, as they often do. Surprisingly, it's been a year.

But hey. Here I am. Internet crack, and all. What's up?
[member="Qae Shena"]

Eh... had a laptop stolen from me at gunpoint, landlord die, and I'm currently on a World of Warcraft kick now that Warlords of Draenor is out xD I'd say now they are good, but they got bad multiple times. I couldn't think of a stable character here either @_@

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
You're still switching chars? Part of me isn't surprised. :p

The rest sucks, though. I feel you. It's been a crazy couple weeks here too.
Yeah, well, I DID break a few barriers while making a few characters xD For example, this character is one of the first females I made here, and I made her on a Drakengard kick xD got the flower in her skull approved in the Codex and all, but I lost my muse for her

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Qae Shena"]

There was a Skype hijinks a few months back - 'If your character was another race, who would they be?' This one stuck. Velok came perilously close to being Morgan Freeman.
On the note of hijinks... I wonder how OP we as writers can be in a fictional world, cause for kark's sake, I fight like "a Final Fantasy character stuck in a fighting game" on Skype with any character I'm using... and it's karkin' epic nearly every time cause like a Final Fantasy character, I believe in the art of massive combinations xD

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