Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm back.

So before we begin I'd like to apologize to a few people. To @Mastu Ike, [member="Cole Dagos"], [member="Shmi Labooda"], and [member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"]. I involved you guys in a story of mine with Claire, Kayden and Kaia then promptly disappeared into the abyss and kept you guys hanging for a really long time. I'm truly sorry for that.

So a few months ago I joined this site, got a bunch of stories started over the course of a few months, and then I disappeared until now. Why? Personal stress was running high at the time and website stress added onto that was not doing me any favors. Why am I back now? Well things have calmed down and now I have a bit more free time then I did before. Again I apologize for inconveniencing everyone and leaving my group stories unfinished, I hope it never happens again.

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