Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm Begging You

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"No." He told her as he placed his hand on top of his own card. "You don't stop playing until either you get too drunk to play or you get distracted by doing something else."

Kurt smiled at her.

This game was of course completely made up, but the something else was fairly obvious as to what it could actually be given the copious amount of nudity that was almost already happening. He only had his boxers left for instance, and knowing Jamie she would get quite distracted once he took them off. "When one person has all of their clothes off they instead have to trade playing an extra card for a request from the other person."

Kurt tapped the card, then flipped it.

He smiled slightly when they both revealed nines, eyeing his bottle then his hand.

"Any request mind you." He told Jamie emphatically. "Silly or otherwise."

Maybe he was getting a bit too drunk, this idea didn't seem like a good one.
Jamie looked at the cards, then looked at Kurt, then back to the cards and back again to Kurt.

"I think you're making that up!" She exclaimed. "These rules sound fishy to me!"

Now she had a choice to make, one that would leave her unfairly exposed in comparison to Kurt. In the end though it was easier to obscure view of her lower body than her upper body, her sitting position being almost more than enough to cover herself, but with her shirt at her waist would easily conceal the rest of her. Thus the decision to remove the rather vibrant pair of underwear was made.

The blonde quickly shifted to cover herself before Kurt got any deviant ideas, trying to divert his attention immediately to the seven she placed down alongside her nine, giving her a sixteen total. If he wanted to win, he'd have to remove his boxers and thus, all of his clothing.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

He frowned for a moment. "No I'm no-"

Kurt was cut off as Jamie quickly slipped her underwear off and tossed it to the side. Immediately a whole host of ideas began to swim in his head, temptations that he couldn't quite put straight in his head all immediately mixing into one primitive desire. He frowned for a moment, his eyes rolling away from Jamie as he bit his lip. The Courier crinkled his cards ever so slightly as Jamie shifted in front of him, obscuring herself just enough that Kurt couldn't look anymore.

When she finished he finally looked back her, a little bit of mischief in his eyes. "Not."

Without another word he picked up the bottle and took a drink. This time it was notably more than the others, though that wasn't because he was being daring, but more because he started not caring. The Courier had reached his tipping point, and was no spiraling into a very bad morning.

"Honest." He said drawing another card, this time a red ten. "It's the rules."

He placed the card in front of him, his eyes more traveling along Jamie's legs than anything else.
Sapphire eyes watched Kurt as the realization quickly came that he was losing focus. He hadn't really even looked at the card he drew before putting it in front of him, and his eyes were anywhere but on his hand. More so, they danced along the length of her legs, trying desperately to see what she had covered. Jamie snapped her fingers a few times to try and get his attention.

"Hey, hey! Focus!" Jamie said, waiving her hands at him.

She had drawn a seven and a four, leaving her with a two as her third card. If she wanted to win, that would mean removing her shirt, and very likely losing any chance of keeping Kurt's eyes away from her body and on the game. But if she drank any more, she knew that the wine would hit hard. Already she felt that tingling sensation at the top of her head, the warm blush in her cheeks, and the bordering edges of sobriety falling away.

This was where she had to stop if she didn't want to become drunk.

It was a lose-lose situation now.

Without speaking she crossed her arms at her waist, pulling the top off and tossing it to the floor. "Drink." She said, putting down the four alongside her seven.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

On this occasion he was more than happy to.

Kurt picked up the bottle, playing with it for a moment before slowly tipping it back and taking another largeish sip of the Tequila. This time he didn't feel the burn of it in his throat, a very bad sign indeed. He smiled slightly as he placed it back down on the nightstand, almost falling off the bed as he reached just a little bit too far. His arms flailed for a moment before he slowly pulled himself back onto the bed, this time practically leering at Jamie.

"Well...." He droned on for a few seconds, his voice just a little bit higher than it usually was. Red colored his cheeks, and it was clear that Kurt wasn't sober any longer. Were they going anywhere, he probably wouldn't be driving at this point. "I personally love this game."

His fingers reached over to the deck of cards, drawing a red three that he didn't even look at before placing it down. "I think luck is on my side."

He gave her a cheeky grin, his eyes fixed on her form.
"You lost." She said very confidently, pointing at his three. "You're too drunk, and you are too distracted."

A wide grin leered back at him. The girl leaned forward, placing her hands in front of her to brace against the bed as she looked into his eyes. Her tongue dragged along her lower lip at a teasingly slow pace. Her hand lifted, drawing a four and a Jack. The Jack was left on the bed in front of Kurt's three. The girl's eyes gestured down for Kurt to see the cards.

"Luck isn't on your side with a three, dear."

The blonde then placed a quick peck on Kurt's cheek and sat back, a smug look on her face.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

He considered her words for a moment, he also considered her legs, the curve of her chest, and then flat of her stomach. All of this, plus a glance at his cards drove him to a single conclusion, he probably shouldn't drink anymore.

That being said his three wasn't much of anything at all. He could take off his boxers and land on an eight, but then he would have to do a task for Jamie to put down his other five and actually beat her score. For a moment he glanced back up at her, thinking through his drunken haze and considering just what options he had left. Another moment of consideration passed, and then Kurt slowly put down both of the cards in his hand. For a second he lingered, then began to pull off his boxer. "Well."

He said as the garment was tossed onto the floor.

"We'll see about that." He glanced towards her. "Won't we honey?"

How bad could it possibly be?
The morning woke Jamie with a piercing light as rays of sunshine bore through her open window against closed eyes. A groan escaped her, arm falling over her face to shield herself from the painful glare of the day. A hangover had settled in after a night of wine drinking and other things. Her free hand pulled her watch from the nightstand, hiding herself beneath the safety of the blankets.

When finally she set a pair of blue eyes upon the watch she realized it was mid-morning. Kurt laid beside her as she let out a yawn, setting the watch back down before resting her head on his bare chest. The slow, steady rising and falling of his abdomen nearly sent her back to sleep, if it weren't for the fact that she knew he had to get up soon, lest he miss his flight.

"Kurt." She whispered in an attempt to wake him, "It's morning."

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

He let out a bit of a groan.

His head wasn't hurting too bad, mostly because tequila was a clear liquid and that generally meant no hangovers, but his stomach did feel a little bit upside down. The Courier let out a groggy set of words that got jumbled between his tongue and his lips, his eyes remaining firmly closed as he shifted slightly. "Fivemoreminutes."

The flight wasn't leaving until 3pm, and that meant there was plenty of time...unless it was late morning.

Either way though Kurt was pretty confident that he could stay in bed and be comfortable for a little while more. The blankets were really warm, Jamie was naked and felt comfortable against him, why would he want to change that right now. His arm tucked around his girlfriend, pulling her a little bit closer.

"Justfive." He said as he nuzzled into her and made snoring noises.
Jamie poked Kurt with her fingertip in between his ribs as a means to try and keep him awake, even if he wanted to lay in bed a bit longer.

"It's ten." She added, her voice still just a whisper.

Her head was pounding, the room was still a bit of a blur and the light hurt her eyes intensely. Wine went down easy, but Jamie was hardly one to be called a drinker. A glass with meals, one or two for social proceedings or events, but that was typically all. The last time she'd gotten really drunk was with Aela, and that turned out far worse than this particular hangover.

Still, in the moment she was rather displeased with her state.

"We need to get up soon." She prodded him again. "Don't fall back asleep." Lips pressed against his chest in several places before her head fell back down.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Noooooooooooo." Kurt insisted quietly.

He didn't want to get up, he didn't want to get off Naboo, he didn't want to leave Jamie again. It was their fate of course. She couldn't follow him and he couldn't stay here. Naboo would be torturous for him, and the Jedi missions she went on would near enough kill him. They couldn't really stay together all the time, not unless they both changed how they lived, yet parting was always so difficult. He frowned for a few moments but then slowly let his eyes open.

"Fine." His fingers snaked down her body. "But I don't like it."

A bit childish, but it was quickly intertwined with Kurt gently pushing Jamie onto her side, the Courier sliding down for a moment to kiss her nose before pressing a kiss against her lips. His head was aching slightly, but that would probably fade within the hour. "We have a couple of hours."

He told her as his nose gently nuzzled hers.
"My head hurts." She said, rubbing the front of her forehead. "Drank too much."

That couple of hours would be needed to recuperate from the past night's drinking. Or at least, hiding from the blinding, eye piercing daylight. She also felt notably sore, but that was hardly worth mentioning in comparison. "I need a painkiller." Perhaps it would work two-fold, if she were lucky.

The blonde returned his kiss, before slipping out of his grasp. "I'll be right back." She said, standing up to head towards her bathroom on the opposite side of the room. Hopefully there were still a few left in the bottle within her cabinet. She knew they were rather low the last time she was home, given the headache she'd gotten from her parents, and the situation with Kurt.

"Do you need any?" She wasn't quite sure how he was feeling either.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kurt turned onto his back, sprawling out in the bed.

For a moment he glanced to his right, observing the two bottles that sat on the nightstand along with the deck of cards that had been strewn about everywhere. He smiled slightly, and then noted that he'd had quite a bit more tequila than he'd actually thought. "Nah."

It would go away on its own.

"Tequila is clear, doesn't cause much of a headache." At least not for him, and that aspha tequila was even lighter than most others, a fact that he was now appreciating more and more. He frowned slightly as he looked up at Jamie, smirking just a little bit as he watched her move about. She might not have been feeling well, but Kurt simply enjoyed watching her, even if she was rubbing her head every now and again to push away the pain.

"I do feel nauseous though." He admitted. "So I don't think I'll be eating breakfast."

Mostly because he didn't want to puke.
Unsurprisingly Jamie left the light in the bathroom off in an effort not to further aggravate the headache she already had. Two fingers pressed lightly against the glass, the panes separating from one another to open to a small cabinet behind. She pushed aside several items before finding what she was after. Taking two small bottles down, Jamie took two from each before setting them both back into the cabinet and wandering back out towards Kurt.

"Here." She said, handing him two lightly colored spheres. "It will help your stomach."

Quickly swallowing the two plainly colored pills of her own, she wandered towards her closet.

"We can skip breakfast, but don't forget to take what was left from last night before we leave."

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"I'll put it in my pack after we leave." He told Jamie as he scooted up and out of bed.

He shifted slightly, then stood.

"Is there something you want to do?" He asked her. "We do have like...three hours."

They didn't have to hang around the estate the entire time and in fact this was a decent opportunity to get some sunlight before he was cooped up in a spaceship for the next few weeks. Theed was always pretty, and he didn't mind going sightseeing.

"Maybe go to the Park?" His voice was tinged with a little bit of hope.
"Okay." She gave him a quick little nod, "Need sunglasses though."

At least until the pain behind her eyes subsided a bit. Hopefully those numbing agents she just took would help with that quickly.

Jamie turned back to the closet, pushing aside half a dozen garments before standing silently, finger pressed to her chin as she considered something for a moment. With an outstretched arm, she pulled free the dress she'd been eying for a few seconds, having decided to wear it. A pleated bottom, light pastel with floral accented dress that fell to the floor, obscuring legs and feet from view. She hadn't worn it before, but then again, many of the items she owned she hadn't yet worn.

Deciding that she would rather spend the remaining time with Kurt than neatly curling her hair and looking regal she opted for a quick brush to untangle the bed head snarls and to avoid looking like a shaggy animal. Peeking her head out of the large walk-in closet after having dressed, mid-grooming, she called to Kurt. "Can you see if they're in my drawer beside the bed? I'm not sure where I left them."

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kurt nodded as he pulled on his shirt, not even bothering putting on the extra set of clothes that he'd brought yesterday. It probably would have been a good idea to do so, but he felt like that would have taken up more time than he wanted to, plus he would be leaving soon anyway. "This one?"

He asked as he rolled over and pulled open one of the drawers.

His eyebrows immediately lifted up as he saw what was inside, a quick glance shot over at Jamie before he slowly closed the drawer once more, a bit of a smirk on his face as he moved on to the next once. Eventually he found the sunglasses in the last drawer, his smirk still in place.

"Found them, babe." Kurt said as he stood up again. "I'll go put stuff in my pack."

He told her as he wandered into the bathroom and kissed her on the cheek. "That way I won't forget it."
She hadn't looked over before Kurt found what she asked for, though she did hear two drawers slide open and closed. By the time she turned to see what he was doing he was already in front of her mid-brush. "That's them." Jamie returned the kiss as he headed to gather his own things. "Thank you." Turning back to watch herself in the mirror as she worked to ensure her hair came out straight she hummed quietly some song that had popped into her head and was now stuck lingering there.

When finally she set down the brush and wandered back into the room she went to looking for a pair of shoes, something simple and easy to slip on for a walk. Uncovering a bit of the clutter on her floor she found the pair of teal banded wedges that coincidentally accented the patterns on the dress, even if nobody else would see them. Though if nothing else, it would give her a bit of extra height, meaning she would actually stand eye level with Kurt for once.

"I'm ready whenever you are."

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

When Jamie got downstairs he just finished up putting the last of his food in his pack.

"All good." He said as he zipped up the bag. "I think it won't spoil if we go outside for a bit."

The containers were good ones, and even with Naboo's mild heat the food would be fine. He walked up to Jamie as he tossed the bag over his shoulders, looking over her for a few seconds before giving her a very wide smile and slipping an arm around her.

He pulled her close for a second and nuzzled her cheek. "I'm lucky to have you."

Kurt said quietly, then slowly pulled away.
"Just make sure to get it into a cooler when you get on board the shuttle and you should be fine."

Jamie gestured towards the door with her hand, as if some kind of usher. "Yes, that you are!" Her cheeks puffed from the smile, holding back the laughter, light hues of blush accenting the otherwise fair complexion. "This way, Mr. Meyer." The door was secured behind them, stepping out into morning sun as it crested the horizon in the distance. A light breeze carried through the trees to give off a bit of comfort against the rays. An occasional chirping from a pair of birds made for a delightful little song as she led Kurt down the path.

"Sometimes I wonder..." She started, looking out towards where she thought the birds might be calling from. "What they're saying to each other."

Animals were something of an interest to Jamie, their behavior intrigued her, how they had their own little civilizations apart from humans, yet somehow it all worked just fine.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

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