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Might not have a Republic ship, but Sarri decked his ship out to be essentially a faction-neutral convention hall / bar. And he's technically considered to be a criminal.
@[member="CC-117 Canal"] Neutral, considering that while I sell slaves it's for the sake of 'preserving the Twi'lek culture' or whatever bullpoodoo I spout to get the soldiers off my left lekku.
I'm in, will play a Zith. But expect me to ditch out whenever my character feels like it. And through some semi-possible method like blackhole teleportation using molecular condesor inside a ship while in hyperspace. jk, but I intend to be subtle.
P.S. Wait, if you say this is canon, then I assume nothing from this thread comes out of it? As in, if I stole something I couldn't keep it?
@[member="Janus Rogo"] Gloriously, you mean? xD
I find it quite obvious the 'good guys' are intended to win this one. The trick will be to know when is the right time to leave the party.