Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm just a little black rain cloud...

Live in Light, Surf Master
"Hi, Shootsy McGee!" Manu sat up and glanced over at [member="Allyson Locke"] and noticed the guns pointed at him. "How's it going? That's me! Glow bug. Good one there, I ought to ask my daughter to cross stitch it on a toque. Do girls still cross stitch? They used to." His hand drifted closer to his lightsaber Nuada, which like the rest of the Glow Bug Master shone into the Light of the Force. The man felt no threat, nor fear looking at Allyson Locke, a gun or two pointed at him wasn't the most threatening thing in the room. It would not abide the Darkness [member="Xephirus"] was throwing, Manu took some comfort in feeling the Sith man's discomfort. He also kept a bead on [member="Ember Rekali"], sending the sensation that if the Mandalorian needed a hand up, Manu would take some of that drain to himself. He pushed oxygen into Ember's bloodstream, to give the man an 'up'.

Next, on to [member="Xephirus"]. As the Sith's concentration was on Ember, Manu concentrated on Xeph's digestive system, his equilibrium and skewed it all. Malacia was a power of the Force meant to turn one's equilibrium against them and one that Manu Xextos had mastered. He spun Xephirus' world in another direction to make the man dizzy, sick mess.

Hopping off his stool, Manu hung back with Ally and nodded. "Your Captain over there. Think he's got this, or should the cavalry hoof it in there and break them up?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Manu Xextos"] [member="Xephirus"] [member="Allyson Locke"]

Ember didn't much appreciate Xextos screwing around with his guts, regardless of the effect, but when it came to formulating a response, he was a little too busy with the Force Light-versus-Force Drain dynamic between himself and the Sith Lord. Busy, distracted -- and in serious discomfort. Xephirus' right hand remained locked on his neck, and his own left hand retained a comparable lock on that wrist. The incorporeal conflict, and the very decent chance he would lose it, monopolized ninety-nine percent of his attention.

It took one percent of his attention to generate the quick and long-practiced series of facial tics and finger motions, using his unoccupied right hand, to trigger the secondary weapon built into the underside of his left bracer.

Twenty-five centimeters of beskar hookblade, a long Thorn of Ryloth, spring-loaded like a ballistic knife and electrified like a knockout baton -- the weapon's aperture was currently about three centimeters from Xephirus' ulnar artery. Ember's phototropic shielding and sonic dampeners softened the point-blank thunderclap.

Some thought Ember had retired from the Jedi for the freedom to cheat. Truth be told, they'd taught him how.



Dark eyes peered out from underneath a table, one that she'd slid underneath the moment the bartender had out the shield up. Yet she'd been expecting more banging, more curses and certainly more broken furniture. That was the usual way of things. She reached up to retrieve her bowl of noodles from the table tops and brought them down with her. She stolen a good few credits for that meal, no way she was letting some bar brawling morons ruin it for her.

She inched forward, legs crossed and slurped at the bowl, beady eyes watching the bizarre struggle in front of her. Eyes flicked to other bystanders, or was it another fight? one was pointing guns the other seemed not to notice the threat...and was also incredibly tall.

She inched little bit more out. Might as well enjoy a free show with her food.

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
[member="Manu Xextos"] [member="Xephirus"] [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Mala"]

The Nautolan walked along the streets, the visor on her helmet up despite the heavy rainfall. Nei closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the rain on her face. Ah, rain. It's been a while. The splashes of moisture against her face reminded her of her homeworld, Glee Anselm. Her head tresses twitched a manner that to other Nautolans would have come across as nostalgia.

Nei shook her head, dissipating the memories before they fully formed and continued on her way. She'd just finished delivering a load and had a few credits to spend. Plus, she was hungry.

The female began walking again when her tresses picked up an interesting mix of pheremones that she'd come to associate with fighting. Interesting. Following the scent, Nei realized that the fighting was in a cantina. Even better, she thought, grinning slightly. Food and show.

Coming through the entrance, she realized that the fight -- between a Mando, a Sith, and a really tall humanoid, though there was a female human who looked like she was about to get into it too -- was directly in front of the bar. Food... And no bartender! Well, nothing was going to get in the way of this hungry spacer.

Tapping her visor, Nei Laa withdrew her dual pistols and stormed up to the trio (or quartet, if the brunette was to be included). "Oi, I'm hungry. Mind moving?"

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