I need to second [member="Corvus Raaf"] on this, I accomodated you ( [member="Darth Praelior"] ) into the post by making an edit, (My posts generally take me about 30 minutes to write so I hadn't seen yours until after I had already hit submit.) but [member="Xhexania"] and I haven't fought since the building we had been in collapsed.
Quick TL;DR Synopsis:
Xhex and Sera met, talked briefly, engaged, couple scrapes here and there from both parties, Xhex destroyed Sera's green saber, building was hit with a number of mortar strikes, roof/building caved in, complex electrical generator exploded, shrapnel and other debris did some serious damage to Sera, NPC Sith entered, tried to kill Sera, Xhex killed him instead, thereby saving Sera, they talked some more, Xhex didn't kill Sera because of her own manner of beliefs in strength. They wandered around for a bit locating a way out. Finding one, Xhex exited first, entering into a large group of NPC soldiers. Sera interrupted the ordeal and ordered them to stand down, promising to get Xhex out safely in return for saving her life earlier. Corvus entered, Sera requested Corvus to allow Xhex to leave and order the soldiers to stand down. They acknowledged. My last post was her giving the hand off to Xhex to freely leave, and poof: there you are. That should be the jist of everything in a nutshell.