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Facebook, there was no specific "source" but it was taken by the Hubble Telescope
X-4 Surface

Name: Imahalyan

Region: Outer
System: Imahalyan
Suns: 2; Red Giant, blue dwarf
Orbital Position: Habitable zone, fourth from the stars
Moons: 4
X-4: Maximum Security Prison moon. Furthest from the planet, a barren rock, Atmosphere type: 4 Population: 700, including security. Inmates are considered mentally insane. Gravity: .3
Aquallia: Water moon. No atmosphere. Population consists of aquatic species (Gungan, Mon Calimari, Aquilish) who live in underwater colonies. Gravity: .4
Balni: Desert moon. Atmosphere: 2 Very hot, water all but does not exist on this moon. Those who are seen as career criminals are exiled here. Few survive longer than a few months. Population: 100
Horoto: Rocky moon with glacier caps. A sect of Force using mystical martial artists call only “The Seeing” are rumored to populate the glacier caps of this small moon. Legend holds that those who bring them a worthy gift may ask them a question that they will answered. Those who do not have a worthy enough gift are sacrificed to their blind Goddess Rowanna. Rowanna in reality was a Miralku who taught them the ways of the Force. Fungus grows on this moon, with the occasional tauntun who were imported years ago by drunken smugglers. Estimated population: 900. Gravity: 5
System Features:
Outer asteroid belt, four additional worlds:
Drawkillix: A gas giant 4.5 times the size of earth. First planet from the stars. Incredibly hot, unpopulated. Gravity: 5
Mowan: A planetoid. Second from the stars, grows portions of food, exports them to Imahalyan. A criminal world where those who have committed mid-range crimes are committed. Gravity: .98
Res’ly: Third planet from the stars. Very hot, no atmosphere. Here a strange “race” of androids and droids have somehow existed. Rumors vary on how they got here, however they are there. They trade, have created a seeming government, repair each other, and commit commerce with each other and the outside worlds. Their primary export is Tourism and their primary imports are parts. A few beings have decided to come and live with these strange pacifists, feeling more at home with their metallic counter parts than with war-like organic beings. Population: 100. Gravity: 1.2
Coordinates: <The X,Y coordinates of the planet and its relative position in them according to the Galaxy Map>
Rotational Period: 25 hours
Orbital Period: 375 days a year.

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 1.2x of earth
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Oceans, grasslands, mountains, dessert, farmland

Native Species: None
Immigrated Species: Humans; Gungans, Mon Calimari, Aqualish (Aquilla); Rodien; Twe’lik; Mirlaku; Mirilan
Primary Languages: English, Ryl, Huttese, Gungan, Rodien,
Government: Anarchy
Population: 4.5 billion
Demonym: Imahali
Major Imports: Raw materials
Major Exports: Food stuff.
Affiliation: Justice Shipping

Major Locations:
Teljas: The biggest of the desert and ranch-like areas on the planet. This area is dominated by rancheros, the type to raise cattle. The population is semi-sparse, and those who live here by far prize brute strength over brains. There are dozens of miles between homesteads, and even more so between the small towns that dot this massive desert/grassland. A large portion of the planet’s and some of the sector’s prime sources of food comes from this place. The cattle here are so prevelant, that those on world give them the nickname, ‘Cattleboys’ and “Cattlegirls.” The main city here is called Hu’Astin. Here the cattle is gathered from hundreds of miles of land-rails that snake the land of Teljas. They are gathered, processed, sold, and exported to the rest of the galaxy or the rest of the planet.
Mussipuppi: A waterland with little equal, this region covers almost 70,000 square miles of land along the main ocean. “Mussipuppians” as these locals are called, are dominated by the love of sailing and fishing. Their main city of export is the massive city called Quackstonville. Here the many small towns gather their freeze-dried catches to be sold off world for other goods and foodstuff. Other portions of the planet are also known to exchange goods here.
Oklamonah: The “Oklies” as these people of the planet are called, are known for their amazing grains that come from this region of the world. Almost 5,000 Square miles of flat land, there are massive farms here that take up areas farther than the eye can see, and with the flatness of the land, that is saying a lot. Simple farms are dozens of miles from each other, and many are even farther from the villages. This is the smallest of the populated parts of the planet.
Lou-Zanna: Lou-Zannia is virtual marsh. Poverty is quite rampant here, and its pretty much impossible to find a clean bathroom in the thousands of miles that make up this land. Those who live here often catch and kill some of the wetland’s life, exporting their prized skins at the biggest city, New Corriesland. This town also is well known for its culture, and some herald it to be the food capital of the planet, or even the sector. Their dishes are multi-cultural in a real melting pot of styles. Through this place, it is not uncommon to find houses on stilts living on or in the water’s edge. Their building materials are often sub-par but they hold together for ages. Locals are given the nickname “Lou-Zannians.”
Floripida: The sunny coast land of this planet is a hot tourist attraction of those both on world and off world. The tourist attractions of this world make a profitable business for those who live here. Many live off the massive golden beaches that make this place up. MyHammy is the Foripidian main world, though it is also known to be the most criminal of the planet’s cities. Small condos dot the shore for miles and miles. This place, though expensive, is also a popular retirement destination.
Geo’Rigda: Known as the “peach capital” of the planet, the fruit grown here is par-none. Geo’Ridgans are known for their highly outgoing nature and love of all things baked. Their homes and streets are generally clean and their easy-going nature is only second to their love of fun. Some call them the adventurous lot of the planet, though others call them the best orchard tenders in the sector. Neither are much of a stretch. Homes are generally colorful and the most decorated in the planet, though extravagant jewelry is still frowned upon.

The culture of Imahalyan, is quite peaceful by nature. They value the simple things in life, by and large such as farming, folk music, and the “baser” arts and crafts. They love plays and stories, though some hold that their songs are some of the best in the galaxy, in their own artistic and folksy way. They also love live theater, even the smallest of towns boasts at least a modest place to perform the art.
The people are highly moral, though no one religion holds sway. More often than not, a reasoning behind their morals follows with a shrug and a, “well it was the right thing to do.”
Their clothing is generally earthy in color, greens, browns, and whites. Nothing too fancy is generally worn by the common people and they are quite alright with that. A fear of “putting on airs” keeps most from wearing anything too gaudy or jewelry clad. Being contentious and “going above one’s class” is generally seen with a sever disapproval. Most nights, the people would like to gather in their local theater and watch a show. If this is not possible, then often the nights are spent in the pubs, drinking, singing, dancing and having a good old time.
Grudges among those who live here can fester for years, if not generations. That is not to say they are a hostile people, only that they are not known too well for their forgiving. Often a grievance is met with a smile and a “you have a nice day” or a slightly snarky remark. Only later, through gossip and the general whisper is the true sting of anger felt. A few males still are able to revive their honor through the art of dueling, be it through pistols or blades.
The most prized professions are those of the performers such as singers, actors, and dancers. Those who can do these well often find themselves at least “home town heroes” if not some of the riches on the planet. Even those who are wealthy tend to not wear gaudy jewelry or forgo their humble beginnings in dress. “There is need to go putting on airs” they’d say with a slight hint of disdain.

Technology: obtained hyperspace travel, modern.
Imahalyan was discovered during the late colonies period by humble and gentle country folk from Alderaan looking to make a second start. With few supplies and lacking in their education, these frontiers people quickly made a culture unique to themselves that was pacifistic and non-violent. As more people heard of this land of wonder and peace, it drew them in. A home for a second start, an home where there was land for miles as the eye could see, the rumor was held. This drew more people, each to their desired land. Various sub-cultures emerged during this time, each with a desire to hold one foot in where they came from, and another in this new wondrous.

But sadly, the peace was not to last. The Sith discovered this land’s agriculture power and sought to dominate it, which was done so easily. The people were long held under their thumb, slaving as their food fueled the Sith war machine. Aliens were massacred in the streets, leaving a pro-human sentiment that would later cause great issues for the people.

By day they were slaved and victims, but by night resistance and rebellion emerged. The people learned to fight, to make improvised weapons. A pride in their resilience stood. Morning would rise to find Sith warships suffering serious malfunctions or food goods being polluted beyond use by floods or deluges. The Sith of course, struck back, massacring innocence people, but it only hardened the local’s resolve. The worst to suffer was Lou-Zanna, who became poor beyond belief, leaving a culture of the poor.

A single female Mirlaku Jedi came to help, but in the process she fell to the ice moon of Horoto with her commando crew. There she taught them about the Force, feeding off the Tuantauns and the fungus. Unfortuntely, she fell in love with one of the commanders and never continued with what she was sent for. She died of food poisoning, and their descendants became the Seeing.

When the Republic finally liberated the planet of Imahalyan, they refused to join. They saw the Republic as slow to the trigger and over a hundred years of suffering had bred a skepticism that would take a few hundred more to fall away.

The planet began to arm itself for war, preparing for the next dictator that would arise. Through that, a self-fulfilling prophecy was created. The officers who rose to power, in the name of freedom and safety, became tyrants in themselves. Though the civilization was sparse and set far and few between, millions suffered. The common boundaries were drawn as they are today, their metropolises served as seats of power for the warlords who sold their goods to each other. The X-1 moon of prision was created to hold the insane. The great lord, Kadalf rose to be the warlord over them all. Through him the galaxy saw an unrivaled set of barbarisms and butchery. Aliens of the aquatic variety were deported to the moon of Aqullia. Then others were slaughtered or experimented on to death. The people cried out and prepared themselves to strike back. And strike back they did. The warlords, one by one were thrown down and brutally killed, as they deserved.
The people came to destroy every one of the war machines that existed. Tanks were changed into plows, walkers were turned into grain carriers, and the military bases were converted into schools. The world was ready for peace and after two ages of war, they felt it once more. Hundreds of years of wealth and common good came. A series of capitalists who were great traders began to emerge from the common people, selling to those off world, and gaining the near equal to royalty.
To remind the people of what they had endured, the cost of freedom and the dangers of erring on war again, the people began to tell stories. These stories became songs, and the songs began to grow more and more poetic. Soon rivalries for who had the best song turned into a prized love of music. Monologues begat plays, and plays begat the thespian culture that swept across the globe. The age of peace brought the greatest of love and lore for heroes such as Galdog, the man who had taken down a division of tanks single handedly, or Jevinna the woman who through peace had managed to convince a platoon of soldiers to surrender and saved not only her love, but their village. Romance was seen as a great thing, and became a past-time as well as a need.

As the people grew wealthier, they grew to desire greater ways to grow food and more food for more cash. Through this came a new age of industry. Robots able to harvest their own food were invented and soon wide-spread. These robots, through dozens of years began to be more and more sophisticated by design. Their ability to think for themselves was seen as a blessing but not as what It would become—a curse. Laziness began to set in. The people sat back and reveled in plays and songs as their smart droids harvested and gathered.

Until one day the droids were smart enough to all as the same day “why?” Standing idle in their fields, the droids asked why they should continue to gather and harvest what they do not eat. The people were confused; why were their droids not working? The droids would only ask why they had to work for things they did not need for others who did need it. The standoff lasted for a week in what was later called the Hungry Week. Then the droids—left.

Gathering at the North Pole they built a ship, in part from raw materials and partially from some of the more worn and wearing down others. The resulting ship left, launching into the planet of Res’ly. There the droids began to set up their own colony which had no name. They build their own parts for themselves, new versions of themselves, and began to mine for materials. Through this was begat a small but self-sustained droid culture that was fueled by the power of the suns itself. Trade commenced eventually, more droids joined and a few organics, and a nameless colony of metal was formed.
Meanwhile on Imahalyan, the people were starving, despite their fields being more than ripe with the food. They had forgotten how to farm and gather. The people through necessity began to learn again over a few dozen years. The population once more dwindled. As some learned once more, Plantations were formed. Outsiders immigrated, taking advantage of the wide-open lands. A greater mistake could not be made.

The humans began to enslave the aliens, forcing them into labor on massive plantations. Though not desired, they found themselves with no other choice. The days were harsh, the cruelty was horrific and barbaric. For hundreds of years this persisted, until Rym the Protester, finally said enough. Walking away the Zabrak with his Wookiee wife and their adoptive Rodien child left. Others followed him from the farm. Word spread, and soon the aliens were leaving their slavery. The masters were not happy, as their power and labor was lost. The humans tried to clamp down on their control, to no avail. The Exodus was unavoidable..
A decade passed of human hunger and the aliens began to ekk out a hard beginning in the wildlands. AT last an ambassador was sent from the starving humans, offering to remove the slavery. Through negotiations, it was gained. The aliens returned, but not to peace. A new age of Tyranny arose.

Midnight rides. Terror tactics. Sabotage. Barn burnings. Drawing off the history used to fight the Sith Overlords, humans by night enforced their fragile power. A secret society arose to this purpose, called the Servants of the Night, or the SN for short. Comprised of country folk vying for power and jockeying for their loose seat of control. Their reign of terror was permitted for a series of hundreds of years, the pacifists adapting to a semi-aggressive form to keep a semblance of control. In truth, the only affect this had was a general feeling of terror among the alien populace and a general feeling of power among those who were on the raids. This went on for three decades under permission, then another three as acceptable, and a third set of decades as celebrated. Parades were held for the SN, who were heralded in their cloaked costumes, declared as patriots instead of horrors.
At last, fed up, and tired of the continual perpetuation of this danger, the backlash occurred. This time, a human female name Elyzbeth Drenton, only a teen, began to speak out against the SN. She led a sweeping campaign of grass-roots, taking other students and helping them to see the need for the end of the SN. Socially scorned, made homeless, and impoverished she and her following grew, and gaining favor among the youth. The SN were no longer seen as needs or intuition of rebellion. Teens, seeking to rebel against something, rebelled well against this needless bloodshed. The Servants of the Night, at last feel to teenage rebellion after 40 years of Elyzbeth’s campaigning.

Sadly, the crusader of equality died of sickness in an ally, never to see her victory, at the age of 37. However, her daughter, Deanna Drenton rose to the occasion. Deanna was illiterate, dyslexic, and unable to do more than basic math on her fingers. She had been raised in allies and the poor side of everything. But she believed in her mother’s cause and was an eloquent speaker like none other. Using her latent Force-abilities and her speeches, Deanna finished what her mother started by bring the aliens to equality in social settings with the humans and in pay grade. Their house became the most influential, almost royalty, and still are to this day.

With the Gulag plague came the loss of millions. The lives fell by the wayside like wagon loads. Ports were closed, the population was cut to a third and though exposure was minimal, the time was horrible. Bodies were burned in the streets. Mass graves were made in points now honored by memorials to the nameless dead. Those who did not die were too weak to pull themselves through the threshold. A unit was created among those who were able to survive, washing away any last remains of the old anti-alien sentiment. A tight unit was created, out of the ashes a phoenix arose of morals and pure peace that would never be broken once more. At last it seemed that the planet was here for hope. When the netherworld event happened, Imahalyan was hit by the netherworld, though not near as hard as most. A few thousand out of the millions disappeared. It was assumed that they had been kidnapped, and an alleged suspect was hung. However, they had no knowledge of the truth, nor could they ever.

Peace. Peace for years without a war, control or dominion. Commerce ensued in what was called the Golden age. Arts, food, and society flourished. But wherever there is good, the evil will seek to destroy it. A deposed warlord from the Imperial remnant found his way here, taking his soldiers and whatever they had stolen for war on the way. Seeing this world as ripe for the taking, he did so. The fight was quick. The people became slaves and horrors began. Soft from several ages of peace, the people did their best to honor their ancestor’s ways but it was not as they had sung and acted out. Their efforts, though commendable, were futile. He took control. Through a series of stunning events that will become a set of threads for those in Justice Shipping to enjoy partaking in, the planet was liberated and Stardust was set up as the constitutional monarch.

Notable PCs: @stardust
Intent: To make a fun planet to have a great event on, and to add another agricultural planet for the galaxy.

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