Imogen Daniels
Blind Fury

NAME: Imogen Daniels
AGE: 28
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’1”
WEIGHT: 105 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
Curious: Imogen has a strong desire to learn about anything she can.
Efficient: Though mostly hidden away and secluded, Imogen is quick to pick up on things and learns quickly.
Reserved: Years of seclusion and fear of the same taunts she has grown accustomed to has left Imogen keen on not opening up to individuals quickly.
Unpredictable: Over time, Imogen learned to keep her behaviors spontaneous so people can't read her as easily as they once may have.
Imogen was a freak. This was what she had been told her whole life and as she grew older she believed it more and more. Having grown up on a planet so small it wasn’t given an actual name – just a location number, 5251977 – there was no knowledge of the Force.
When Imogen began showing signs of using the Force the comments about her being a freak began. Parents sheltered their kids away from her, steering clear in markets and shops. Harsh whispers that weren’t so quiet thrown her way, all with laughter at her expense. Imogen had grown reserved, keeping to herself and all but giving up hope in making any sort of connection or friendship with her peers. Angered and hurt, it would only be so long before something terrible happened – and terrible it was.
Imogen had been lured into a decrepit building, cornered by kids she had ‘grown up’ with. Imogen used the term lightly as she had stopped trying to get to know those around her ages ago. Still she followed them blindly and that was the first mistake. The second was not having learned how to protect herself. They attacked her – fists, shoes, and stones alike were slamming into her at all angles until she was on the ground hands raised trying to protect her face from the onslaught. It happened suddenly – a burst of energy expelled from her throwing those attacking her across the room and into broken duracrete walls. Skulls were cracked open, a dark crimson pouring out of open wounds as their bodies slouched, lifeless and floating in pools of their own blood.
It melted into a hazy blur for Imogen as she laid there staring at the bodies, their deaths caused by her. She remembered walking at some point, a man’s screams when he found the bodies, and her being apprehended. Imogen spent the next two weeks eating scraps of food and small amounts of water, locked away in the dark and that is where [member="Jacob Crawford"] found her.
Hidden away with the thoughts she would waste away in a hole in the ground, this is where her story begins.