There is no peace between the Light and the Dark. Forever shall they be at war and eternal is their progress. Their peace is but an illusion. Complacency. Slothfulness. A more carnal, security. Containing nothing. Now I do fear for the souls of our Republic brothers. Because already do they wear the cunning chains of hell's most loyal servants. They have not found peace in treaties accord. In their blindness and doubt they never will. But know this. if the Sith have already pacified their first opponent. Then the Sith have already won their first victory.
Trust not the Republic. For they cannot trust to themselves. But invite whom you can save. Invite those who will come. Beckon to those who have not yet wandered too deep into the darkening waters of pacifism's subtle lie. Welcome them. Welcome them my brothers and sisters of Omega, to the war that was raging long before they were ever born. Show to these lost sheep that that war is their inheritance. That war is their domain. The soil of their past, their present, and their dimly lit future. The Sith claim it, but it is not theirs. War belongs to all men. It is the kingdom forged beneath our feet that we might stand. Stand firm and know ourselves. For in the fire's of this eternal conflict, we choose. We choose and we are remade. We choose and we are reborn. We die and yet we extinguish not. For like war, we are eternal too. We. Continue still.
No. War is not coming my brothers and sisters of Omega. It was already here. We need only open our eyes, to see it. There is no peace between the Light and the Dark. There never was.
So make no mistake. Entertain no cunning lie. War. War is the inheritance of all Omega's members. And we shall rule it still. Just as we rule this side of space. With justice. Temperance. Patience. And with the sword.
Our peace is the peace of self. Of knowing who we are and what we stand for. Our peace is the peace of mind, the peace of the heart, and the peace of the soul. We are the peace of nature and of her stars. The order that shall ascend. The light that shall endure.
We are fighters. Warriors all.
We are Omega. And we are not afraid.