"My thoughts?" She let the question hang in the air a moment or two and then withdrew a tabac stick from her coat. The young woman quickly lit it and took a drag. Ariel looked over at the two people who drew the question, firstly the Sovereign Imperator and then the Supreme Leader. "There are two existing hyperlanes in current that run through the First Order and upward toward the New Imperial Order. Firstly, the Blood Trail and second Rausgeber Stretch, both suit our general purposes well enough."
She paused and looked between them again and then continued, "however there is the problem of the Eternal Empire and their current affiliation with the Sith Empire." Slightly she cleared her throat and then proceeded with, "how long that will last remains a mystery. Now, then, both routes are of some fair distance. The latter of them is currently out of our reach, the former is slow and both are well-known routes."
"If we are to achieve this, then it should be done discreetly and may I suggest for the time being..." Ariel's voice trailed off, "we play this softly, and cooly."
She took a sip of the spirit sent to her by
Lucien Dooku
the flavor was good and well, the drink strong - but not strong enough. Ariel set it down lightly with a coy smile she looked across the table toward the members of the New Imperial Order. While she knew and quite understood their struggles with the Sith. She could certainly emphasize, however; the Force was a tool. Those who wielded it should be used as such at least this was her mind. "We must play these cards closely."
Ariel gave a small incline of her head. "It would not do for either of our nations to have the galaxy learn of this project. We saw just how quickly they reacted to the Starbird Trade Spine." The young woman took another drag of the tabac stick. She eyed the hues on the end of it as she exhaled. The smoke wafted in the air momentarily and she looked again at the Sovereign Imperator and then the Supreme Leader. "If they heard that two Imperialist factions were working on a new hyperlane. I imagine they would all collectively..." She searched for a politically correct term. "I'm sure a few colorful metaphors might suit the description."
"As far as infastructure, and funding. We can certainly back it on our end."
If not, they would make it happen anyway, the coffers flowed from other sources. One she was sure various companies supporting either empire could assist with.
Irveric Tavlar
Tyrell Paxxus
Jaeger Harrsk
Djorn Bline
FO: Natasi Fortan | Arador Terrix | Matma Bernu | Renata Westaway | Vidia Vudrirn
TF: Caulder Dune