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Approved Planet Impetu

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• Intent: A planet to further develop stories and create new Roleplays

• Image Credit:

• Canon: N/A

• Links: The Argentum Vita

• Planet Name: Impetu

• Demonym: The citizens of Impetu are known as Impetuians

• Region: Mid Rim

• System Name: Impetu System

• System Features: Impetu has 2 moons, Poton and Guiz, has one sun. The asteroid field near Impetu is called the Rockvanier Field. Impetu has 364 days for one full orbital rotation, one day consist of 25 Galactic Standard Hours.

• Coordinates: 29, AC/AD (see pic for exact location)

• Major Imports: Durasteel
Doonium, plus various other metals.

• Major Exports: Crops, fruits and vegetables, wheat, various crystals, and Plasma, weapons, armor, and ships.

• Gravity: Standard

• Climate: Temperate, constant tropical rain storms as well as snow blizzards. The constant rain and snow is from excessive vapor in the air, that forms into droplets in the clouds. All due to the planet being a very wet planet.

• Primary Terrain: Jungles, Frozen Tundra, Swamps, forest, oceans, mountains, grasslands.

• Atmosphere: Type I

• Major Locations:
The temple of Arknaham was built in the time of the Great Galactic War around 3,665 BBY. It was made for Darth Arknaham, a vile Sith lord ruler of Impetu. It featured 25 private bedrooms, a lounge, kitchen, library, meditation chamber, council chamber, Sith academy, imperial military academy, and tactical planning room. Upon Arknaham's death at the hands of the Jedi, the Jedi took over the temple and converted the temple into a Jedi Temple but kept all the rooms and features the same but were just altered for Jedi.

The Jedi Sanctuary is a temple of peace, built by the Jedi Order sometime 1,000 years BBY, it was a place Jedi could go for peace and tranquility. A place where Jedi could meditate and could do their studies.

The Argentum HQ is located in the frozen tundra region of Impetu. This is the place where the Argentum Legion troopers go through boot camp, basic training and where strategic planning takes place. This is also the location of the major communications between the planet and The Argentum Vita take place.

Serenity Falls is a gorgeous beautiful set of waterfalls. The cliff top has a river flowing into a deep pool to flow over the cliff creating 2 separate 200 foot high waterfalls into another deep pool seeping into another river.

Knowles Village is a small village on the outskirts of the jungle region on the grassy hills of the grasslands region. It's a village that keeps to itself and everyone is friendly and peaceful. They live off the land rather than visit Kato City for supplies. Back during the Great Galactic War Knowles Village was the home of many slaves for the Sith Empire.

< \ KATO CITY / >
Kato City is one of the biggest cities on Impetu and is located in the mountain Range of Impetu. It's home to nearly 1 million Impetuians. This city was beautifully carved into the mountain side after Darth Arknaham's defeat to landmark the freedom of Impetu from Sith Oppression.

< \ JUTAI CITY / >
Jutai City is the biggest city on Impetu. It is home to the Impetu Republic, otherwise known as the Impetu leadership. It plays host to a variety of art museums, Opera houses, restaurants, plus an elegant palace where the Impetu Consular is located.

Jutai Palace is the home of the Impetu Republic, Impetu Council and Impetu Consular. The palace is massive and has many rooms including an Argentum Intelligence center as well as the Impetu Republic Throne Room, Impetu Senate chambers.

The Plasma Refinery complex is located in Jutai City. It's where Impetu creates and refines plasma for use in ships and weapons as well as sells it to people across the galaxy.

Impetu Spaceport is the capital spaceport of the planet and where most traffic comes in and out. As well the freighter ships transport plasma out of Impetu Spaceport. The Spaceport is pressed against the cliff side of Jutai City with 50 hangars, several landing runway strips as well as public locations such as a restaurant and overnight housing.

Corone City is an outlaw city located in the frozen Tundra. Built by raiders and pirates and various other criminals. The Argentum Legion does what it can to make sure the trouble stays in the city and away from the peaceful parts of the planet. Corone City has it's own core of codes and laws that are not as much lined towards democracy as the rest of the planet.

The Impetu prison is isolated from civilization in the swamps. This facility is barricaded by 50 foot high durasteel and concrete walls and watch towers as well as spotlights. Impetu prison has Locked away the criminals of Impetu. It is guarded by the Argentum Legion.

A place of a terrifying feel to it. Here lay to rest millions of people who died during the 400 year darkness. The cemetery is mysteriously always blanketed in fog, many have looked for an answer as to why but no for sure answer has been confirmed, all with different theories. Some even say they get a freezing chill rush, and the cold feeling of death while in the fog. The mysterious fog's existence is an answer that will probably never be answered. Darth Arknaham died on the plot of land where the cemetery now sits.

Silva Village is the only civilized location in the forest region. The village is built on and around the tall trees. People that live in Silva Village are very peaceful people but also are made into tribes and have their own way of life.

< \ LUX CITY / >
Lux City is a city dedicated in memorial to the Jedi. The city was built sometime after the Death of Darth Arknaham. It wasn't until after the 400 year darkness the Grand Jedi Temple was built in the center of the city.

The Jedi Remembrance Temple was built after the 400 year darkness. It was designed to be identical to the old republic Jedi temple inside and out. It has every feature that the original temple had. Stands at the same size as well. Many Jedi visit the temple all for their own reasons. Maki Dominus actually has a residence inside. The temple is located in the center of Lux City.

The Argentum Vita
The Argentum Vita is a massive space station factory and command center that orbits Impetu. The Argentum Vita has the ability to mass produce ships, weapons, and armor at a continuously high rate. The station was built to further advance and supply the Silver Jedi Order with ships, weapons, and armor.


• Native Species: Humans

• Immigrated Species: Various

• Population: Heavily populated, Billions

• Demographics: The planet is mostly humans, however various species as well occupy the planet. Due to the planet being peaceful with the exception of Corone City, all walks of life are permitted on Impetu, however trouble makers outside of Corone City are subject to being arrested and meeting justice through the Impetu judicial system.

• Primary Languages: Galactic Basic Standard

• Culture: The culture of Impetu can be summed up like the golden age of the galactic republic. It was peaceful, the citizens enjoy life by enjoying operas, the theater, shopping. Citizens would work on their farms, as well as other jobs around the planet such as the plasma refinery complex, crystal caves, as well as shops and restaurants. People could even enlist in the Impetu military also known as the Argentum Legion. Citizens enjoyed the peaceful life of the planet.

• Government: The government is summed up a sole leader with a council controlling each region of the planet. The leader known as the Consular leads the planet for a term that last 4 years then are up for election to be voted for a 2nd term or a new leader. Each Consular can only serve two terms, each Consular confides and discusses business with the Impetu council. Each member of the council oversees each region of Impetu, Grasslands, Swamps, Mountains, Tundra, Ocean, and Jungles. The Judicial system makes sure each criminal or trouble maker is arrested and goes to court for their crimes where they will be either proven guilty or innocent, even trials can be dealt. Guilty parties will be locked away in the Impetu Prison that is isolated from all civilization located in the swamps.

• Affiliation: Silver Jedi Order

• Wealth: The planets wealth is very high from constant sales of crops, crystals, ships, weapons, armor and plasma. Also each citizen pays taxes upon homes or businesses plus sales tax.

• Stability: The planet for the most part is law abiding citizens, except for Corone City which is a average size city that houses pirates, scum and villany. The Impetu Consular uses the Argentum Legion that is under leadership of Maki Dominus to maintain law and order among the planet.

• Freedom & Oppression: The mass population of Impetu is free to do as they please as long as they obey the Impetu Republic laws. The laws pretty much give everyone freedom but keep the planet safe and peaceful.

• Military: The planet has a mass military force known as the Argentum Legion. They patrol the entire planet as well as guard the Impetu Prison and the Argentum Vita. Each city except Corone City as well has it's own police force. Jutai City also has the Jutai Security force which guards the Impetu Council, Impetu Consular and the Jutai palace. Each police force member are trained in basic hand to hand combat, firearms combat and how to handle various types of Scenarios. The Argentum Legion is put through boot camp then a very strainous, extremely difficult training regime to make them a very lethal military force.

• Technology: Impetu is on par with the rest of the galaxies technological standards especially along with Naboo as they share similar designs for the Plasma Refinery Complex.

In the early stages of the Great Galactic War the Sith Empire invaded Impetu for it's crystals and land to further expand the empire. The planet was put under control of Darth Arknaham. Darth Arknaham quickly put the planet under Imperial marshal law and enslaved thousands of citizens and raised taxes on everyone to fulfill the pockets of the empire. People lived in poverty, oppression, depression, and fear from the Imperial Military and Darth Arknaham. Darth Arknaham had a temple built in the jungle in his honor, a place where he did dark Sith alchemy experiments on Impetu Citizens. Darth Arknaham then had Jutai city built to be the Imperial capital city of Impetu. The Jedi quickly begin plotting a plan to save the planet from Darth Arknaham. A small Jedi strike team was sent to the planet and defeated a majority of Arknaham's forces with the help of the Republic Army. Arknaham then fled to a empty grass field to escape the Jedi, but once he arrived he was caught by a squad of republic troopers and the Jedi strike team quickly caught up. The Jedi did battle with Arknaham after Arknaham used force storm to kill the squad of republic troopers. The Jedi managed to defeat Arknaham freeing Impetu of the Sith Empire. Upon Arknaham's death, a Dense fog begin to fill the area, Jedi scholars assumed it had to due with the death of Arknaham but could never fully prove it. The planet remained free and under republic control for almost 4,000 years until the Jedi purge, fall of the republic and rise of the Galactic Empire. The planet fell into dispair under the control of the Galactic Empire. The planet hid many rebel alliance refugees during the galactic civil war.

After the fall of the galactic empire, Impetu once again was free, formed the Impetu Republic which also led to the Impetu Regional Council and each region having it's own law enforcement. A leader was elected by the citizens and was titled the Impetu Consular. The Consular would meet with the Impetu council and discuss future plans of the planet. Laws were made, a judicial system was established as well, the city if Jutai was rebuilt and a Plasma Refinery complex was built to drill and refine plasma from the planets core to use for ships, weapons and for sale. When the brat Kylo Ren, Snoke and the First Order went to war with the new republic, Impetu remained fairly untouched by the war. The only effected part of the planet was an average sized city built by criminals known as Corone City. The Impetu Consular allowed this movement as long as they kept to themselves and didn't bring trouble to other peaceful places through out the planet. Impetu sat in peace for the most part for the next 400 years, but then it came. The Gulaug plague, the 400 year Darkness, technology was limited, space travel was restricted. The planet begun to suffer for building materials to repair structures and tools and weapons due to lack of space travel. As for food and substance the planet is very self efficient growing crops. When citizens begun getting infected, Impetu Consular quarantined off the Swamps and Impetu prison was used to hold the the infected. Impetu's only problem was keeping the infected away from the infected, watching loved ones and families being taken apart due to the plague. Once the 400 year darkness and gulag plague came to an end, all those that died were buried in the grasslands regions in a special cemetery that had been made right after the start of the plague called Gulag Cemetery. Millions were buried here.

Now the galaxy in a state of chaos, Impetu watched as the One Sith became the Sith Empire, and the rise and fall of both the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire and the Jedi. Impetus tried to remain a peaceful haven despite all the turmoil in the galaxy. But then a silver light shined through the darkness for Impetu. The Silver Jedi Order rose, Impetu became under the Protection of the Silver Jedi. Then one of those Jedi, a Jedi master named Maki Dominus met with the Impetu Consular and foretold him of a great space station factory he was building designed off of the ancient Star Forge. Maki had also formed an Army for this factory known as The Argentum Vita, the Army was known as The Argentum Legion, which quickly became the Impetu Military force. The Argentum Vita was stationed in orbit of Impetu and Impetu used it's plasma to power the station and help create ships. To this day, Impetu stands as a symbol that the light will always break through the darkness.
[member="Maki Dominus"]

Hello there,

In the image credit field, I need you to remove all Pinterest links. It's not an accepted source.

Have you made a separate submission for the Argentum Vita?
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