Honestly, if we can't even get more than five members to respond after all's gone south, I say we pack it up now. If we try and make this work and waste two or three months with something that's already very much dead then we'll have wasted our time, and I don't want to do that to any of you. Any of you that I have been training or trained with, are very much welcome to continue training with me IF you prefer, though if you would like to pursue other factions and different Masters, you are welcome to do so.
This is, however, not just MY decision. If ANY of you strongly oppose my opinion that we should fold this faction and let it go to rest then you should speak up right now or contact me privately via PM to voice you opinion why.
Also, if any of your are interested in starting up something else and wish to have me take part or just wish for my opinion on the matter, please feel free to ask. I am very open to talking and writing with ALL of you in the future, and if you see me fit to join a different faction along with you and would like me to tag along, feel free to ask that as well. I've always been more of a loner/free bird type and I'll continue flying solo until someone gives me a good reason that I shouldn't.
...Otherwise, let me say this. I appreciate all of you who have worked with me and the other Masters to give this a good run, but even before Iscariot left, things were going down hill. Some of you may have seen that, some of you may not have been aware at all, but the simple fact is that this wasn't working for a long time. I was willing to take the reins and actually make something of it, but at a time we had around 40 members here and only five responded to my message. That, as we can all agree, is not enough.
Thank you for your time and effort. Like I said, past this point, if you have anything that you need from me please contact me via PM.
[member="Morna Imura"]
[member="Paega Anginous"]
[member="Assadar Ilrast"]
[member="Ashe the Reaper"]