I appreciate the three votes, but I think I'm going to withdraw considering it's clear where this is going. I truly dislike voting between people like this, as it proves to be a popularity contest.
That being said, my idea was for the Republic and Omega Protectorate to merge into a Galactic Alliance with the structure of the New Republic or Galactic Alliance of the later books before EU went bye-bye.
A Chief of State, Minister of State (Second in Command type, also a Faction Leader) then you'd have the Senate, Military and Judicial Branches under that. So, it'd be CoS with the MoS under, then the three or four main branches under them. A waterfall type command structure.
Looking at the Jedi Order, they'd be returned to their roots of peacekeepers, not soldiers. They'd return to the role of defending Republic planets, not assaulting the forefront as the ranks of the Omega Protectorate NFUs would help fill the military gaps. That being said, the Grandmaster would be on the same level of the Minister of State, but the Jedi GrandMaster would basically report in-directly (More OOCly) to the Chief of State.
The Corps would be restablished to an extent they'd actually be used by the Republic and so on. Explorer Corps, especially.
Anyways, that was my idea and I'm throwing it out there for Kiskla. Take it up if you'd like or don't.
I believe going in that type of structure would allow you to merge smoothly, bring in some of these more rogue Orders under the belt without having to worry about strife and sort've mesh in policies and procedures.
[member="Kiskla Grayson"], whatever you choose to do, good luck. Sorry to disappoint, I'm not rage-quitting but more stepping back and out of the Republic. If the Sword of the Jedi is needed type deal, I guess you can find her. It would be the same as Aaralyn did when she tried to find the Barensen'thor...or she'll come back when the time is right. No clue.
You can always find her on Dathomir, or somewhere like that...and yes, most of this is IC motivated in my opinion.