- Intent: Forge a weapon that would replace a broken relic. The sword will also become the sword passed down to other Heirs of the Family Head, as well as signify the leadership position held within the Fire Clan upon Kro Var.
- Image Source: Licataknives
- Canon Link:
Force-Imbued Weapon
[*]Restricted Missions:
[*]Primary Source:
- Manufacturer: Ignis Imura
- Model: Dākutai - Dark Ties
- Affiliation: Ignis Imura - Future Generations of Familial Head
- Modularity: Limited
Ownership can be transferred to other via Ritual. - Usage of a Blood-poison Gem during the ritual
Production: Unique
- Classification: Katana/daito
- Size: Average - 75 cm
- Weight: Average - 1.6 kgs
- Force Imbued
- Only usable to Ignis, and those of his choosing
- Increases usage of the force.
- Greater Control of Emotional State
- Shield/Droid Disruption
- Greater deflection/Blocking ability
- "Singing" Sword
- Force Sword: Imbued with the force, The sword holds all canon affects of the iconic weapons of the Je'daii. These include a much sharper blade, Destroy Dark sided spirits, and Nigh indestructible. Also using the special Madog Steel, the weapon is greatly attuned to the force. Thus any abilities or "talents" that the sword has, are increased to a degree.
- Increased Potential: The force is very much imbued into this weapon. Various crystals, and even a special steel were used in the creation of this weapon for their special attributes. These strengthen not just the sword, but the user as well.
Heir of Blood: Using a Unique crystal created by a Sith Alchemist within the Sith Empire specifically for Ignis, The weapon can only be used by Ignis. However, added upon this, the weapon can be used by other people as per Ignis, or the current owners, permission. - Zen Sage: Emotional control is the name of the game. Using the unique crystal, the sword allows for the user to be more in tune with their emotions. Allowing them to potentially use their emotions to empower themselves, to steel themselves, or to otherwise stay calm within the most dangerous of circumstances.
- Dark Depths: When focused upon the weapon through the force, the crystal will empower the user with a greater control over their force powers and abilities. While this requires the persons focus through the force, the focus would be comparable to focusing upon a lightsaber when in use.
[*]Begone Shields!: Utilizing a Luxum crystal, the sword has an electrical disruption effect. When striking droids or beings with robotic or electrical systems, it can damage, disable or possibly shut down electrical systems. Amplified to a greater degree, the sword can be used against energy/particle shields. Striking the shields can drain the energy much faster than your traditional weaponry.
[*]Master Swordsman: Housed within the sword is an Etaan Crystal. This crystal allows for two main effects upon the blade. Greater deflection capabilities, as well as a different sound to the weapon when being struck, striking and even flying through the air.
- Counter-Attacker: The Etaan crystal when used in a lightsaber allows for other lightsabers to potentially bounce off of the blade, and have a stronger redirection of blaster bolts. While this is a sword instead of a lightsaber, The sword retains some of this. When being struck with glancing blows or specifically attempting to parry an enemy blade, there is a higher chance to do so, and should the attempt of redirection blaster bolts come, it can redirect the bolt instead of simply stopping the bolt.
- Song of Swords: The crystal was also known to amplify the sounds of a lightsaber. Specifically the hum when swinging through the air, when striking to be louder, and also giving off a brighter flash of light when struck. Impregnated into the sword, when swinging through open air, the sword has a higher pitched note. The sword when struck also has a louder clash with more sparks produced from the blade when clashing.
[*]Anti-You: The sword was created through it's various stages with Terentatek Blood. This includes cleaning the blade, and other various materials, Quenching the blade in the blood, Soaking/staining and deepening the crimson color of the wood within the grips, as well as being invested into the blade during the forging process. This works in tandem with the unique crystal to prevent enemies from directly affecting the sword with the force, taking the weapon away from Ignis, and when in the hands of someone not approved for use, the sword will increasingly react in opposition of the person. An example would be attempting to lift the weapon, in which case the sword will pull itself back down away from the person. Should a person attempt to swing to the right, the sword will fight back attempting to move in any other direction than right.
- Nopenopenope: As a force created sword, the weapon when in close proximity to a force nullification item, it will slowly weaken, and then eventually lose all abilities that the sword has. Returning it to just a simple katana with very little for its name. At best, it would act like a primitive sword.
- Undeniable: Created through the force, force imbued weapons can already be felt through the force. However, using a steel that amplifies its abilities, as well as using other materials that are affected through the force, the sword is literally impossible to hide within the force. No amount of Force Stealth or hiding one's presence will prevent this. The only way to hide the presence within the force, is to specifically create a secondary item that can somehow contain a force presence without directly nullifying the sword completely.
- Battlemind Downside: The Unique crystal used within the weapon has a downside very much kin to the downside of using the ability Battlemind. (NOTE: The sword does not give him the direct Battle mind ability, only the weakness plus more)The user isn't just empowered, but at the same time, will be unable to tell exactly where their limits are. The metal increases this potency dramatically. Thus Ignis may be able to use the force to a greater degree, but as the force is infinitely powerful, Ignis could be literally consumed through the force. This could injure him in a couple ways. Namely, Degradation of the body, Heart/muscle spasms, seizures, Palpitations, Rapid solidifying of the blood, and Extreme Corruption of the Force, or even severing himself from the force. Of course, Death is a very real possibility.
- Forever Pass: The sword can only be used by Ignis, or those he deems worthy to use, or allows. Giving them the ability to use the sword is not as simple as saying "yes" to the person. It must be done through a ritual. Specifically drawing the persons blood into a basin. Focusing upon the blood through the force, then submerging the blade within the blood. The person must then attempt to take the weapon from the basin of blood. Yet the blood will be boiling, and cause extreme amounts of pain. Further more, once a person has claimed the ability to use the sword, that person can forever use it. They are not limited to any time. So if a friend of Ignis were to betray him, or otherwise fight one another, both could potentially use the sword.
- Severed Ties: Relating to the Unique crystals downside of having the wielder potentially have themselves severed through the force, should they be severed, they lose their connection to the weapon, and are thus unable to use it. Even if they were to regain their force potential, they must go through the ritual to reclaim the blade. If no one is able to "gift" or start the ritual for the person who had their force severed, then they will be unable to ever use the sword until someone is claimed as the "owner". If Ignis never gives permission to use the sword to anyone else, then the sword will forever be unusable by anyone. (NOTE: The sword can be picked up and used like a normal blade within the force nullification field due to losing this ability, as it is force based.)
- Do Ya 'ear That?: With the sword having a "singing" swing through the air, as well as a louder clash, and potential for sparks when clashing with other weapons, the sword when being used is loud and can be obnoxious, even annoying at times. It makes it easier to tell when the owner of the sword is fighting. A notable addition to this, is dropping the blade, banging it against something, or simply rapping on it with your knuckles makes louder sounds. Moving around with this sword and smacking into everything can give away your position.
- Worthy Through Might: While the sword directly fights against anyone who is not approved to use the weapon, one could still physically fight the weapon to do it's bidding. This can be done through an Apex Master Level user of Telekinesis, Physically gaining enough strength to over power the weapon, or by using an indirect connection to the sword. An example would be someone using Possession/Mind Trick upon someone who can use the sword.
- Physical Limitations: The sword is considered a Katana by common name. Its slightly larger, and heavier than you average Katana to fix the size and strength of Ignis specifically. Despite the increase in size, the weapon is sill shorter than your average arming sword, and much shorter than long swords. Both of these can measure anywhere from 100-150 cm depending upon the weapon. The Katana could potentially be half the size of any weapon Ignis could come across. Compared to a Lightsaber with a blade of 140 cm, this too, is also a notable weapon he will come across.
- Impeccable Timing: While the weapon is capable of blocking and redirecting blaster or laser weaponry, it requires a swift hand, mind, and planning to redirect the bolt. Blocking is fairly possible with the flat of the blade or simply holding the blade in front of the bolt will get the job done. However, redirecting the bolt is risk versus reward. It require the user to directly strike at the bolt into the direction they are wanting to force it to. As the person is directly striking at the bolt, if they were to miss, then they can be injured by the bolt, or over extend themselves.
There comes a time when one must be bound. Oath, Law, Ties, or Bonds that one has created and must hold to. While this was once a symbol for him as the Oathkeeper sword, It has served its purpose. The sword Oathkeeper was very simple in its design and its function. It was created as the first weapon by Ignis as his trial for Vur Tepe to be completed. However, since Ignis has been claimed as a Ranger of the Je'daii Order, A Steward of Vur Tepe, and is the current leader of the Fire Clan upon Kro Var, Ignis needs to replace Oathkeeper. More so used as a symbolic gesture, The new sword, Aptly named "Dark Ties" in his native language, Will be the focal point of his current life, and also for any of his own children that will take up the mantle of his legacy.
Created using a long forgotten steel, Madog Steel, It is much more attuned to the force than your average Force imbued blade. It takes the abilites that one sword could possess, and amplifies them, as well as strengthening the bond of the materials used in the weapon's construction. Gaining this information by having memories of a previous Master Smith of the Je'daii implanted into his own memory, he garnered some idea of how to recreate the metal.
While the process of forging such metal takes time, dedication and practice, Ignis with the aid of the current Master of Vur Tepe, Thorve Emberfall have constructed this sword. As Ignis himself is very much a swordsman, like his father and uncle before him, The additon of a unique crystal given to him by the Sith Alchemist Cerbera, as well as the Windu's Guile crystal, and the Ettan Crystal used specifically to allow Ignis to only be able to use the weapon, or those he chooses to allow to wield it. With this, the weapon is specifically designed for combat against other melee weapons.