Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In a New Light...

Lucerne Labs Shipyard 001, in orbit via Gyndine

Gir walked through the corridors of Shipyard 001. He knew he hadn't walked its halls in over a year, yet it seemed like it had just been yesterday when he and Salmakk had first walked its halls. Lucerne Labs had just broken free of their start-up stage by renting Shipyard 001 from the Gyndine government. But things were different now. Lucerne Labs had grown from a collection of like-minded activist tinkerers and engineers to an established corporation with large facilities on half a dozen worlds. Shipyard 001 had faded from the forefront of the company's efforts since the One Sith-Galactic Republic War, but with the emergence of the Commenor Systems Alliance, perhaps that would change.

A bipedal protocol droid covered in antique bronzium stepped out from a side corridor to join him. Gir spared a glance at the droid, recognizing it is one of the administrative droids that ran the yard's control rooms.

"Yes, C5?"

"The High Queen of the Commenor is due to arrive soon."

Gir nodded, "I know. About fives minutes from now."

"Salmakk has asked me to accompany you sir, just in case there are any pleasantries or courtesies that you do not understand."

Gir nodded. That wasn't wholly unexpected. Gir's adopted brother tended to try and look after little details that Gir tended to forget as he focused on the large, strategic picture. The two passed through a set of foyers and into the shipyard's immaculate executive hangar bay. Normally it would have contained several shuttles and transports used by the yard's managers and visiting VIPs, yet today Gir had ordered the hangar to be completely cleared for the High Queen's arrival as a security precaution. Rays from the system's blue sun passed through the magcon field to bathe the hangar's floor in a glimmering cold light. Gir spared a quick glance at his wrist chrono. And we got here with a few minutes to spare...

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Lucerne Labs. Kay recalled the company from her days working in the Senate for the Galactic Republic. They were well known and the quality of everything that they produced was, to put it bluntly, some of the best. So to see a message that requested a meeting come across her desk was a wonderful surprise.

Kay sat in her chair on her small ship, The Free Lady as it made it's way towards the desiginated shipyard. A cup of Sapir tea was cradled in her hand while her arm rested on her large belly. She was nearly 7 months pregnant with twins now, so the gowns that she wore nowadays were loose drapes of fabric, all of it comfortable. As usual she wore no crown or big fancy jewelry save her wedding rings. Kay wasn't really the type to flaunt her status for in the grand scheme of things, she was just a small individual that had no power outside of her system. Outside of CSA territory, she was no one.

The hanger was empty when they arrived, the Free Lady touching down with a gentle ease that came with the experience of her pilot. No doubt they were going to have privacy with this meeting. Or perhaps [member="Gir Quee"] wanted her to feel safe. Either way, she didn't feel as though there was any reason for her to be concerned.

As the ramp lowered, Kay was already on her way down, her pace slow as she wanted to use the tea cup as an excuse, instead of her pregnancy. Two guards came with her, however they wore only security uniforms as opposed to armour. She smiled as she approached Gir and his protocal droid, bowing her head to the pair in greeting. "Thank you for the invitation. It's been some time. I trust that you've been well?" She didn't pry into the reasons for his absence. Some things just weren't her business.
Gir offered a curt bow to [member="Lady Kay"] as she walked onto the station's deck, "I have not been unwell. Some difficulties on my homeworld have regrettably kept me away from the Core."

And I almost said civilization...not that Hast isn't entirely a backwater...but it certainly isn't the Core... Gir wasn't sure how much he would want to immediately reveal to her about his homeworld. Located far from the core, the mention of the ocean world of Hast usually generated the question of 'what?' or 'where?' from most people save from those around Mon Calamari. Even if she was aware of it, Gir wasn't entirely sure that he would want to delve into the intricacies of the divisive political situation there that had only just be stabilized with his appointment as the world's consul.

"I admit, I was pleased to hear that your world has fared well despite the recent calamaties that have sprung up across the galaxy, and even more pleased to see you extend your reach here," said Gir, "Gyndine needs the stability of the CSA, and our staff here have already commented about the positive changes that they've seen under your rule. I think it is safe to say that we have a vested interest in helping to maintain that rule. If you'll follow me please, I'd like to talk to you about that in a more comfortable setting."

As they exited the hangar, Gir turned to face the woman and lowered his voice ever so slightly, "How has ascending the throne changed life for you?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded as [member="Gir Quee"] let her know of his well being. While he paused, she sipped her tea, half wondering if he had wanted to say more on the subject, but then changed his mind. Of course she didn't press him on it either. She knew well enough what it was like to be questioned and how uncomfortable it was, to not want to enact that on anyone else.

Another nod was given as he spoke of her successes at maintaining peace and prosperity in the region. But there were quite a few reasons for it, but none of which carried any weight with the superpowers of the Galaxy.

Kay gave him a small smile while she followed his lead, walking out of the hanger. She kept her pace even, yet slower than normal. As Gir turned to her and spoke quietly, she half expected him to inquire about her pregnancy as most do in hished tones. But thankfully he didn't. However his question was an unexpected one. How much of her that he remembered from the Republic days, she wasn't sure. When Kay answered, her level of voice matched his own. "Very much so. It's a lot of work; not that I was ever one to shy away from such things. But there are no off days. Sure I get a big house to live in, but it's not as though I spend all my time there watching holo-vids. It has kept me....somewhat out of trouble. I haven't conducted a slave rescue mission in quite some time." That was her old past time. Rescuing slaves, ambushing the pirates during slave raids and disrupting auctions. Those old days were gone now.
Gir nodded in acknowledgement as they passed by a slip that had once heavy cruisers for the Republic. The old days are gone, but those that lived them are still here, and their needs remain unchanged...wherever they are... They soon passed into the yard's conference room, a sparsely decorated room of white which was dominated by circular table of polished Wroshyr-wood with a large holo-projector in its center. At the moment, the projector displayed a rotating logo of Lucerne Lab's double 'L' monogram. C5 quickly moved to pull out chairs out for [member="Lady Kay"] and her retinue to sit in, even as a R-10 droid rolled in with drinks and refreshments.

Gir gestured at the woman's tea cup, "Can we offer you a refill, or would you like to try a different type of tea? R10 over there has a couple of varieties. I'd recommend the Manellan Jasper, myself..."

He tapped a small button on his comlink, causing the holo-projector to start and change images: the company logo began to fade away as a map of the Commenor Systems Alliance began to coalesce in its place.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The table itself was grand. She recognized the wood that was used, having some furniture made with it back home. As the chair was pulled out, she sat herself down. Normally her guards would just watch from afar, but chairs were pulled out for them as well, so they each took a seat beside her.

Kay's cup did need a refresher, so she held it out for R10 to fill up for her. "Manellan Jasper? I can't recall if I've had it before, but I'd love to try it."

Her attention soon turned to the map after the tea had been poured. The aroma was pleasant, though she wanted it to cool a bit before she'd taste it. Right now she had work to do. The map of her territory on it's own made it seem very large. Yet it was tiny compared to most and grew slowly over time. Afterall, the CSA wasn't the type of government that was driven by conquest. Neither did they seek to occupy another's lands. Their methods helped to maintain stability within their borders and help to keep tensions out. Hopefully that would last for generations to come.

Kay looked up to [member="Gir Quee"] . "Given that you've been away from this part of the Galaxy for a while, I'm curious as to how you view what I've helped to build." She didn't want to take all the credit. She's got a lot of good people working along with her.
A wry smile tugged at his right lip, which served to only partially conceal some initial discomfort at the question. People often had very sure thoughts on who they were or what they represented, and a misstep this early on would be a mistake. Yet the question itself was a fascinating one, but he wondered what framework she intended it be from: was question from a personal standpoint of her individual work, or if it was more intended to represent the process Commenor Systems Alliance itself? Gir quickly decided that he would have to start from a general if somewhat vague view and based on her responses, try to determine which viewpoint she was coming from.

"Civilizations, and governments by extension," said Gir, leaning back in his chair, "can broadly be categorized as being based on either cooperation, like the old Republic, or the threat of force, like the old Galactic Empire. The philosophy of the Systems Alliance seems to be based very much on the former philosophy. If the Empire was known for its vast military might, the Systems Alliance is known for its diplomacy, using common causes and concerns to unite people and solve problems..."

He paused briefly as the serving droid handed him a glass of Calamarian C-tea, an old standby from his duty hours on the bridges of Republic warships. He took a brief sip, relishing not in the tea's subtle, mildly floral taste, but instead in the memories which it brought back to him. For the briefest of seconds, he felt he was back on the Obi-Wan Kenobi. But he knew he was not. Gir slowly set the cup down.

"It is laudable philosophy," said Gir, "the concept of a state which is not only at peace internally, but externally as well. It has been highly beneficial to us here at Lucerne Labs. Our customers, almost regardless of their affiliation, have little difficulty coming here to buy their freighters. We've seen businessmen from Coruscant and free haulers and colonists from the Stygian Caldera. But my concern is that this peace will not last. Not everyone shares our philosophy. They follow in the old Empire's footsteps: might makes right. Sith knights or Mandalorian raiders, lowly pirates or fabulously wealthy entrepreneurs...all vastly different in how they work and what they want from the galaxy, but all with the same, basic philosophy. What will happen when the Systems Alliance encounters a people that are not interested in working together to solve your problems?

I do not say this to condemn the CSA's approach to dealing with other people's of the galaxy, but to help provide a back-up solution if that approach fails for the benefit of us all..."

Gir fell silent, wondering if perhaps he pushed too far or too quickly to the point. He glanced downwards. Perhaps Azira should have handled this instead of me...but here I am, and there's no going back. He turned his gaze back up to the High Queen.

"Forgive me, I do not mean to attack you or the CSA...I am just...concerned...on a personal level. Perhaps too much of me has seen too much of the galaxy at war over the last decade..."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Her question made [member="Gir Quee"] a bit uncomfortable. She could see it and very nearly did she jump in to tell him that he didn't have to answer. Yet he started to anyways and her curiosity let him continue.

Gir started off with a very safe answer. Kay sipped her tea and nodded, agreeing that her government was more like the Republic than the Empire. They had never attacked anyone, nor did they plan on doing so.

As he went on though, his answers changed from being vague to growing more specific. She listened intently, most especially as he revealed his concerns. Kay cleared her throat a little. "I'm not insulted, nor do I feel attacked. So don't worry. You aren't the first to say such things, especially those that thirst for battle and believe in pre-emptive strikes against those that are perceived to be a threat. I just...haven't needed to operate in that way. The superpowers ignore us, using us only for trade and that's it." She paused for a moment as she thought of the best way to convey how she felt. "Yet I know that that won't last forever. One of these days our luck will run out and we'll be on our own. Which is why I've been looking at expanding our defences. We need more ships to defend our worlds, and plenty of other things too, I imagine. Our population just isn't as large as the superpowers when it comes to the size of the military and navy."
Gir nodded in understanding, which confirmed his hunches. People were preparing for war again as a new threat appeared. Word had spread that some sect of Mandalorians was stirring again, looking to raid worlds or worse. Gir remembered fighting off one group of Mandalorian raiders who had traveled to Kashyyyk for nothing more than to burn a city and the forest around it down in a barbaric act of terrorism. People didn't tend to forget things like that, nor did it seem like the CSA had. He had heard unsubstantiated rumors of CSA restarting B1 battle droid production on Cato Neimoidia. Gir didn't doubt their ability to do so, but wondered at what purpose they would serve if it were true. Gir took another sip of C-tea.

"My company has been concern that our convoys and suppliers will be targeted by raiders," said Gir, "to that end, we developed specific warship designed to fight them, the Munto-class Escort Transport."

He tapped a button on the holo-projector, causing the map to fade away to reveal aerodynamic starship that bridge the gap between starfighter and capital warship. He let the image rotate several times, letting it display its sleek lines and bristling arrays of light weapons.

"We say transport," said Gir, "but it is just as much a fighting ship, much like the older Beta-class. It has enough weapons to beat back most starfighter attacks or hunt down the smaller transports typically used by raiders launching ground operations. Additionally, it can carry and deploy troops onto the battlefield to fight those raiders. My engineers are nearing completion of a system that will also allow it to automatically and precisely target enemy soldiers in support of friendly troops, much like a close-support gunship, but on a larger scale."

He paused.

"We have been quite happy with the initial field testing that we have conducted with the ship," said Gir, "and I have little doubt that it would prove to be an excellent fast response or patrol ship to deal with the attacks launched by raiders. We would like to offer it as a potential starship for the CSA, to be sold at at-cost basis."

I better explain that a bit more...

"We have a vested interest in seeing them deployed; we would rather not have raiders show up at our facility...but I am not sure if we will only be seeing small raids. I have commissioned several of our engineering teams to develop some other systems for larger warships if it comes to blows from another major power...but that perhaps might be a conversation for another time, or perhaps with a military or defense official to discuss official requirements, if that is of any interest..."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay furrowed her brows as [member="Gir Quee"] showed her the design for Lucerne Lab's new Escorts. They were similar in design to the Tsukkian escort corvette that her own shipyard had helped in producing. No doubt Lucerne Labs would be most comfortable with their own ships taking care of their own supply lines. She wasn't going to stop them.

And there it was. Gir was offering to design her more ships. She sipped her tea as she let him explain further. It was quite the sales's pitch. Kay traced a finger around the top of her cup. "I would love to say that a major attack would never happen here, but that would be a lie. Yet I am doing the best that I can think of in order to make the damage done to be less severe."

Kay paused as Gir seemed to suggest that she wasn't the best person to discuss such things with him. It wasn't a sexist thing, she knew, it was more of an experienced skillset kind of thing. And she had never served in the military. The closest that she had ever come to that was to run her slave rescue operations.

General Omar Santiago was her Minister of Defence, yet he took that position reluctantly. His area of expertise was in ground combat, not naval. Should a more qualified person come by, she knew that Santiago would be pleased as punch to step aside and resume his position of running the base at the foot of the Eldrich Mountains. Yet every time Kay seemed to have found the right person, something would happen to cause that person to go somewhere else. Perhaps it was the lack of war in CSA territory, she wasn't sure. But it sure made the position to seem as though it was jinxed.

"Thank you, Gir. I think that we'd be foolish not to graciously accept your offer for ships. Larger warships also interest me as that is something that we are lacking. We have some, but not as many as we should. I blame myself for that. As with any small government, there is a high turnaround in some departments. Military and Defence is one of those...If you know of anyone that's good and reliable, please get them in touch with me."

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