Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private In a world without colour

Location: Orbital Corpsec Detainment facility - Denon
Objective: welcome a visitor
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

  • Arm mounted auto-injector
Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter

Hex had been here a month now, counting the days since she heard the voices that filled her mind and prevented her from ever feeling lonely. Thirty days in this cold and colourless place, the walls were white, the floors were grey, or black in the showers. The ceiling was a something in between, not quite white, not quite grey. It was sixty paces from her room to the canteen, forty paces the other way to the bathroom, could it be called that. There was a window on the corridor between the two, it took six paces to pass and if you took your time, not so long that the guards might shock you, you could see the planet below. When Hex looked at it, she liked to think she could see district seven.

Today when she left her room, she she didn't go forty left or sixty right, she went through that door that she saw the guards use. She was cuffed at the ankles and wrists and led out the door by two guards. Seventy six and twenty one, seventy six was new to this wing, he had been transferred after some incident in his old block that they wouldn't tell her or the other girls. But Hex didn't like the way he looked at her, if her voices were still with her, she would be certain that they would tell her to do something.... but.... nothing. Twenty one was ok though, still a seccer, but he didn't seem to wish any immediate harm.

The two guards turned her and usherred her into a room with a table and two chairs, she sat hard on the chair. "Where is this?" she asked the man as attached her chain to a loop on the floor and she heard the familiar hum of the stun capacitor charging in case she tried anything. She wished she could, she wished she wanted to, but since they put this thing on her arm.... nothing. She looked down at the device that was surgically attached to her skin, the scars in her flesh where she had tried to claw it out on her first few days had long gone.

"You got a visitor, pretty one too, won't spoil the suprise, but she is quite keen on talking to you... sounds personal." seventy six laughed at her as her yanked her chain uncomfortably. Hex gave him a look that she wished was a death stare but she wasn't herself.

"Do I have to?"

"Take a wild guess?"

They left the room, leaving her alone at the whims of whomever was about to walk through that door.

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The colors of a prison were never bright. Iris had learned that as a young Padawan early in her life as a Jedi. When she could start to see through the colors anyway. She couldn't piece together all the meaning behind them before. The emotions, the intents. She could now though. And did she ever hate what some of them showed. Criminals were all over the place with what they wanted to do and what they felt were never good. Prison wasn't a place for people to heal in.

Only rot.

The colors only seemed to get worse as she waited for the person she was here to speak to to arrive. There was so many questions she wanted to ask. Understand. She almost didn't recognize the mug shot. It was only in passing, in a celebration that they'd met. There were so many different colors coming from the girl that it stood out in Iris's mind. Now? There was only one shade. Grey as the rest.

When she entered the room, she could already see why. Her gaze immediately fell on the implant and a flash of emotion rushed through her. Anger. She was a doctor, and she knew what that implant meant. The fact that it was surgically implanted mixed with the various other colors she could see spoke volumes of how the Corpos treated people. Part of her doubted this was even legal.

".. What happened?"

Hex Hex

Location: Orbital Corpsec Detainment facility - Denon
Objective: welcome a visitor
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

  • Arm mounted auto-injector
Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter

The door opened and in walked a young woman, a little older than Hex with dark hair and the most striking eyes that instantly touched a memory in Hex's mind, but she couldnt remember what it was... who was this?

".. What happened?"

Hex raised an eyebrow to the woman as she spoke to her? "Your gonna have to be more specific?" she smirked a little a the other woman, why make things simple. "I upset the wrong person, I got scooped up off of the street while out getting dinner, ended up here chilling with the seccers?" she shrugged herself after she spoke, what more did she want? A life story, a confession perhaps?

"Am I allowed to ask who you are? And why you are here?" probably not, she didn't get many privileges here. There was also that itch she couldnt scratch, the pretty woman in front of her with those eyes that she just couldn't look away from... where did she know her from.


"Iris. I'm here because you blew up the train with my Master on board."

She wasn't going to hide anything, but it seemed like Hex didn't remember her. Sure, it was only a brief meeting, but it still stood out in her mind. The girl with so many conflicting colors, like there were other people with her. People who were absent.

"You're Darkwire. I wanted to know why you tried that, but.. Where are the others? The other colors- er, people? You seem.. Grey. Do you know what they're injecting you with?"

Hex Hex
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Reactions: Hex

Location: Orbital Corpsec Detainment facility - Denon
Objective: welcome a visitor
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

  • Arm mounted auto-injector
Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter


A slight curl of recognition appeared on Hex's lips as Iris Arani Iris Arani mentioned her escapades. It had not been formally proven she was the bomber yet, but she had been told they probably had enough to convict her. "Master? Makes you sound like some kind of Jedi, which means you are probably talking about that attack on their leader on denon right?" she raised her eyebrows, she knew why Iris was here but she wasn't about to blurt out a confession with corpsec listening.

"My guess would be that whoever planned that was trying to send a message, maybe rattle the confidence of corpsec, even strain relations between the Corpos and the alliance." she shrugged and let out a little ironic mirth... well that all worked didn't it, a complete chitshow that had her home locked down, renewed patrols in denon and now even more interference from the Alliance.

Where are the others? The other colors- er, people?

Other people? Colours? "Wait... I've met you before, on coruscant? We spoke in front of a statue or something...." she didn't know how to feel, she wished her voices would tell her, she liked that girls she had met on that event, and had wondered about her for a while after, how in the world?

She gestured to the device on her arm, that if Iris was to delve into her medical records, would show a variety of mood stabilisers, anxiolytics and anti-psychotics. "I dont know what they are sticking in me, I went to sleep one night, I woke up in my bed, this was here and my friends..." she made a gesture with her fingers akin to birds flying out of the window. "It's for my own safety apparently?" she didn't believe that for a second.



Iris glanced up towards the camera watching them. They weren't in a safe place. The Corpos weren't her allies in the slightest. She frowned, deeper than before, but turned her attention back to Hex. Mood stabilizers. Limiters, more likely. Illegal. Very, very illegal. There were laws against just forcefully injecting people with drugs of any kind, let alone a surgical implant. This was the Alliance.

".. Yeah. The statue. You didn't agree to have that installed?"

Hex Hex
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Reactions: Hex

Location: Orbital Corpsec Detainment facility - Denon
Objective: welcome a visitor
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

  • Arm mounted auto-injector
Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter


You didn't agree to have that installed?"

Hex laughed loudly, "No way, I've seen what chems do to people... but the doctors said after my episodes when I first got here, and the fact I wouldn't cooperate with them meant the courts had let the do it, I could appeal but have to prove competency or some chit like that." she rolled her eyes, she knew what she was, and the idea of trying to prove her sanity to people who locked her up because they thought she wasn't just didnt seem possible.

She stopped and went quiet for a moment, her moods were still trying to break out of the box that the drugs were putting in them in. "I miss my friends... they have always been there and now they aren't... I miss...." she looked up and scowled at the Jedi, realising she was about to confide in her how much she missed her real, living breathing friends, but she wouldn't give the woman that door in to her life, Hex was here because of her own actions, she wouldn't drag her friends down too.

"So what, you just want to know why somone might want to asassinate the queen of the Jedi? Is that it? I cant imagine its the first or last time someone tried, Jedi have a lot of enemies." Hex wasnt even sure she was an enemy of the Jedi herself. The restraint from Valery Noble Valery Noble on denon had shocked her after all the stories she had heard about Jedi removing limbs or summarily executing people in the street for the most minor crimes.



"I've killed enough people who've tried to kill me, her, her daughter, to know that there are people who will always come after us. But that's not how Darkwire operates. Assassinations of high government officials, let alone those not even from Denon. I'd assume you'd have gone after that crime syndicate Senator that's no longer in office before a Jedi." Logically, anyway. That's how Iris thought through it, anyway. Behind the colors of emotion, only logic could work.

"I.. There's a lot to talk about. I'm sorry that you're stuck in here, but- I really want to know. All of it. So I can actually help you."

Hex Hex
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Reactions: Hex

Location: Orbital Corpsec Detainment facility - Denon
Objective: welcome a visitor
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

  • Arm mounted auto-injector
Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter


Hex stiffled a laugh. "A senator, sounds good, you know we don't do requests right?" she raised her eyebrows playfully.

She wanted to know everything? Of course she did. "I've been here thirty rotations, how many times do you think people have told me the same, that they can help me if I fess up and give you everything you want to know." she shrugged the doctors, the seccers, her lawyer, and now the Jedi, all had that golden key, she just had to earn it by talking. She reached around and itched her arm where the device was attached, she had a small rash where she was reacting to the compounds.

"I'll tell you this for free, it wasnt anything personal with that Jedi, I'd not even heard her name before I.... er... saw it on the news." she grinned and glanced again at the cameras.



Iris glanced up to the cameras in turn. Visibly frowned. So they weren't targeting Valery for Valery? She couldn't think of why they would do something so drastic at least in the terms of what it'd accomplish. But she did understand why they'd feel they had to. It was a far cry from seeing Cartri spray-paint his logos and beat up some guards, but she hadn't exactly been keeping up. Grant it, the threat of the Corpos behind this jail trying to get in the way of actually helping people made all of this difficult.

"Who's your lawyer?"

Hex Hex
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Reactions: Hex

Location: Orbital Corpsec Detainment facility - Denon
Objective: welcome a visitor
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

  • Arm mounted auto-injector
Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter


"Who's your lawyer?"

She shrugged, "Dunno, some Bothan called Orson, they said because I wouldn't give them my family details I had to be assigned someone from legal outreach, seems OK, I dont see him much though. Something about case loads?" Hex sighed, then had a curious look of her own on her face. This was the first time she had ever had a conversation with a Jedi like this, and a
Certainly the first one whom she could ask questions related to her crimes. She would have to phrase her words carefully to ensure incriminating herself further or harming her defense, but the Jedi knew enough anyway.

The bald girl leaned across the desk rewards Iris and held out her hands light she might grasp the woman, but stopped and just bared her wrists, hiding that the Jedi might open her cuffs. The seccers always did them just tight enough to be painful, but not tight enough that corpmed would force them to loosen them.

"I'm curious, if things hadn't gone to chit and the Jedi queen had bought it... what would the Jedi have done? Come after us for revenge?" she doubted they would likely to be having their relatively civilised conversation.



Yeah that tracked. It made it easier to put someone in jail when they didn't have a good lawyer. She sighed, frowned. They were probably abusing a lot of laws to get what they wanted. A terrorist in jail. Not that Iris didn't think Hex deserved to be here, but.. This wasn't going to help anyone. Not this kind of jail. She glanced to the cuffs, though. Frowned deeper before raising a hand. A pull of the force unlocked them entirely.

"The Jedi? As they always did. Find the culprit, bring them to justice the proper way, as Valery would've wanted. Me, though?" Iris paused.

"What would you do to the person who killed your only family?"

Hex Hex
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