Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In Between Dreams So Sweet {Raaf}

A few minutes had turned into a few hours, and a few hours had turned into a few infinities. Strangers filtered in and out of the room, around it, moving about as if nothing had happened. As far as most were concerned no events of any importance were taking place. Perhaps they were right. But then again... they weren't. Every little action was important- Nyx knew that- no matter what anyone said. Doing anything in this galaxy was much like standing in shallow water, making the subtlest of movements. Whenever you shifted the liquid would react. Ripples were sent out, affecting anything else they reached. Right now the two were in the center of this metaphoric pool. And even though they had been quiet for quite some time there were still waves being sent out. Some would eventually come back to them (having bounced off something else). Others would simply be noted by people. The point was that even if this seemed like a meaningless meeting in the scale of things... it wasn't. It, like every moment, held the potential to change everything. This would likely decide Nyx's future. Maybe even change her perspective on the Jedi in general. Or it may simply lead her to the situations that will.​
Corvus spoke, drawing the Zorren out of her thoughts. Their gazes met. For once the reason that she didn't look away wasn't because she was trying to be tough, or trying to be the 'top dog', no, that wasn't it. This time she just wanted the Jedi to know she was listening. She was paying as much attention as she could. Fixed. Can I be fixed? So much damage had already been done. Nyx's chances were still as iffy as they had been before. Almost, at least. Having someone helping her through this would be very helpful. Though she wouldn't admit it, it was clear that she would have a support network while here. Was... was [member="Corvus Raaf"] going to be part of it? The room was quiet for a couple moments. It mirrored the sick woman's thoughts. Despite being unsure of what to say she eventually spoke up. This time she was a bit louder. Not as loud as her outbursts had been, but loud enough that they could carry on a conversation.​
"Getting fixed... you make it sound like they're gonna... Never mind, crude humor. So, uh... questions... 'Don't think I really have any. I know that I grew up with fraking schuttas. Which means I don't know sheb about how the force actually works. The folks would like me to think that Sith are great and that all Jedi are crinking losers who don't do chit." Was she opening up? Eh, maybe. It was more likely she was just taking the opportunity to remind herself that she doesn't like her family. For a good reason at that! They hadn't exactly raised her well. Or kindly... "I'm, uh, still working on realizing how wrong they are. Were?... Something. The point- look, the point is, nothing here is like I expected it to be. You alone have disproved ninety percent of what the parents tried to teach me. But these kinds of things are the kind that I like to work over by myself."​
Corvus was pleased on two counts. Firstly the expletive to word ratio had decreased. It made following the conversation easier. And secondly the patient was opening up, sharing thoughts that she'd heard over and over again.

"You know something Nyx?" She smiled as she spoke and it leaked into her voice. "We all think we're unique. Even me. But do you know what? Yeah, you know what I'm going to say. But the thing is that we're all better talking it through. Even me."

"Do you know what they call me around here? The cold-fish. But even I need to open up sometimes. I'm not saying you have to, but trust me, I know more about being a Jedi than you do. And also your parents by the sound of it. So hit me with your best question..."

[member="Drapeam Nyx"]
"Well..." She started to speak but cut herself off. Opening up takes effort. Especially for a paranoid soldier with PTSD like her. What could she say anyway? There were, in fact, a lot of questions on her mind. She just didn't know how to ask them- or if she was ready to hear the answers. It was worth a shot though... "Most of the information about me is on a need-to-know basis. Parts of it are considered classified- or at least they were, back in the Empire. However... you do already know more than you need to..." That much was true. [member="Corvus Raaf"] knew more about Nyx than anyone else in the Protectorate or Republic. Except maybe Dr. Stone and the person who recruited the Zorren. What harm could telling her more do? It could be used against me... That wasn't likely though. She was having trouble convincing herself of it, anyway.​
This is Drapeam Nyx we're talking about here.​
"Perhaps I do have a few... inquiries. First, I must say, you do not seem like a fish, nor are you cold in any manner that I can see. Now let's move on to the questions: Firstly, how much of the current Jedi Order follows the traditions well? I have, unfortunately, seen a few more warmongers wearing robes like yours than I'd like. Some of them, if I was told correctly, are still in the Order. Secondly, and more importantly: Redemption. Is everyone capable of being saved? Does the Order- do you- believe that? And what if someone was unable to control their actions- are they really being redeemed, or just regaining that control? Can people-" She paused, realizing that it would probably be better to stop there. She had already asked a lot. Anymore might be a bit overwhelming...​
It would also be noted that the swearing had dropped from her speech entirely. Moreso the Correlian accent had disappeared, replaced by a more... sophisticated Imperial one. Had her previous speech habits been a ruse to hide her background?... No. What she did was a way to try and keep people from judging her to quickly. A lot of people still had a lot of hate for the old Empire. It was better to be safe than sorry.​
Corvus sat and listened. The patient was opening up and that could only be a good thing. She smiled at the challenge to her being a cold-fish but let it pass.

”Your question are valid and I would suggest searching. But I am nothing if not honest. I have had potential Padawans come here and after talking we have agreed this is not the place for them. That os not to say we are right and everyone else is wrong. We are just who we are and that is not what everyone wants to be.”

“Your first point is around the Code, or rather adherence to it. It is, at least to me, a simple guide to living your life as a Jedi in this Order. But not just the few lines that people quote. There are pillars that underpin the Code. And I suggest this is where we have the greatest challenge. The Code is not some buffet that you can choose from, picking out only the bits you like. It is a set-meal and you have to eat all of it, even the parts you find less palatable.”

“Does every Jedi follow the Code? I suspect not. If evidence is presented then action will be taken, that’s all I can offer. There is a part of the Code that is specifically relevant here. It is about honouring the Order. If the Jedi you mentioned before was the only Jedi you’d ever met, it would be safe to assume you’d think we were all like that. If the second was me, then you’d ask yourself, was I the true Jedi or am I the odd one out.”

“Sometimes a Jedi must take a life. But it is always the last option. Jedi are peace-keepers. We are not aggressive or militant, which is a words I’ve heard used recently. These terms are the opposite of what it means to be a Jedi.”

Corvus sighed, ”I am sorry if I am lecturing but I think you deserve a full answer. And as for redemption, we are Jedi. We do not judge. We cannot waive previous crimes, that is not in our gift. But we welcome into the Order anyone who wishes to walk the path of the Light-side. If your heart is true to the Force, you may become a Jedi.”

And yes, Corvus noted the change in vocabulary and also accent – but wisely decided not to pres the matter.

[member="Drapeam Nyx"]
Her answers were good. They could, quite possibly, be considered a lecture. But that didn't matter in the long run. They managed to tell Nyx what she had wanted to learn. Perhaps the more important piece was how she felt about it all... Yes, that was a good question. Having to, as Corvus had put it, 'eat all of the meal' made sense to her. Sometimes she had a problem doing so with the Imperials. Sith weren't about protecting the people. Except for a few of them... those always seemed to be the first ones to die though. A few managed to survive long enough to be Darths. However not to many people gave them the respect they deserved. To many 'Jedi' assumed they were just like the rest... In the end, maybe they were, or maybe the so-called light-siders weren't always so light-sided. At least, she thought, there are people like this lassie. There may be hope for us yet... Looks like she was warming up to someone for once! Or at least deciding not to hate them! Either way it's great! Ha ha ha ha... ha... ha.... Insert sight here.​
"That makes sense. I... sincerely hope that there are others like you and Dr. Stone. I'd be rather disappointed if it turned out you were the odd one out. But I trust that the Order does it's best to keep the troublemakers away- when they can't be helped, that is. When it comes to redemption... I can see where your answers come from. But I don't think I could treat it the same way. Perhaps because of my own actions... Hm. Those I will not speak of. I have one more question, Ms. Corvus, before I would like to get some more rest. I do believe the good Doctor will be back soon anyway." Nyx started. This was less of an inquiry she wanted answered and more of a... test of personality. For [member="Corvus Raaf"], that is. "Tell me... what do you think is stronger: The light or the dark? And don't worry, this is not my way of deciding which I'd rather follow. That would be silly. I simply... wonder what your opinion on the matter is."​
Corvus shook her head. ”The Code is not ambiguous. Perhaps, in times of need, we have turned a blind eye to certain behaviours.” Corvus used the term ‘we’ on purpose. She had personally never ignored such behaviours and had alienated Jedi because of it. Was she repentant? Not a bit of it. But in saying ‘we’ she was accepting part of the blame.

”Those that can say their heart is true to the Force are in the majority, believe me. And will continue to push those who wish to walk a different path somewhere where they can do most good. We should not be blinkered and assume only those of our Order can use the Force. It is not ours to gift. All we can and should do is decide who is fit to wear these robes.”

“But to your question, there can be only one answer. Were you a Youngling I would ask you to check the history holocrons for the answer. And yes, I do say that to them. After a few days or even weeks they come back and say they can’t find the answer. How far back did you go, I ask them. Millennia they say, since the first days of the Sith. And in all of those years, which has prevailed? Neither, they say. Then that is your answer, I would suggest to them. And it is my answer for you Nyx. Neither is stronger. The Dark-side is easier I grant you. But at what price?”

“I am a Jedi. I do my best – every day – to bring about a balance. To end bloodshed, to foster peace, to save lives. All these things yes. But I never, ever fall into the trap of believing I am stronger. A man called Darth Bane once tricked the Jedi into believing this. It nearly proved our downfall. But it didn’t. Because balance prevailed.”

“But I have lectured enough. Do you need rest now?”

[member="Drapeam Nyx"]
Thin, rosy lips curled up at their ends, rising just enough to form a mischievous grin. If this had been a test... then Corvus had passed with flying colors. The visitor's words had been met with a sly smirk fitting of an Imperial Bastard. Which, in some way, was a good way to describe the woman that she faced. Or at least who she used to be. Protectorate queen was a better fit. At least at the moment. What about the other lass present? She with flowing hair and a soft smile? The one who stood tall, a shield of the Jedi? What title fit her? Was there any pair of words to describe her? Well, yes, of course there were. But, just as the words above could not show all of Nyx, no duo could fully express [member="Corvus Raaf"]. Now... we've wasted enough time. Let us return to the matters at hand: Smirks, challenges, and rest.​
"Well well well! Damn good answer, Ma'am! Maybe not the same as mine- which I don't feel like sharing just yet- but good enough for me. You've done a better job than I expected. At what? Things. A couple of things. Not the greatest answer of course. Oh well. They didn't call me the Boomshot queen for nothing- queen being the key word. I'll hurry this along. After all I assume you're a busy woman. Back on 'Kaas they taught me to be quick to the point. Sith like that. Unless you're talking about their glory. So: I reckon Dr. Stone is gonna be back real kriffin' soon. How soon? Faster than a fether can recite their krackin' code or some sheb like that. At some point she'll probs offer to explain what harz is up with my systems. She'd do a better job than me, if yer interested in that sorta kark. And... yes, I say we have about ten seconds. Then I'd like some rest. Perhaps I brought back the accent too soon? Eh, krong it. Come back if you ever got any questions a schutta like me could answer. I just might tell you what you need- or want- to know. Now..."​
Nyx paused before smirking widely. A moment later her expression switched to a sort of grimace. With a growl she parted her lips, speaking again, the fake Correlian tone filling her voice again. Right as she did Dr. Stone quietly opened the door. Looks like our Zorren was good at timing things after all. Or those advanced senses of hers could simply recognize the sound of footsteps.​

"If you don't fracking mind, I'd rather like to get some karking sleep. Being poisoned ain't fun, ya know."​
Mischievous grins. How they should be banned. Or at least rationed. You never knew what the other person was thinking and your imagination assumed it was invariably something you wouldn’t want to hear.

And then it happened – the woman she’d so recently been speaking to disappeared. The change wasn’t subtle; it was like a vibrosword to the brain. One second a connection and the next a few words held together by a string of expletives.

So Corvus let her return to behind the façade. She’d sensed the doctor’s arrival too and wondered if it was hearing or the Force that had informed Nyx. It mattered little. Corvus was sure the woman behind the act was definitely one worth saving. The only question that remained unanswered was if she wanted to be saved. From the poison. From the Sith. From herself.

“Good-bye. Until next time…” Corvus smiled and turned to the doctor. “Over to you now. Take care of her and please report to me if there’s any change. Thanks.” She bowed to both present and walked out of the room.

As she walked away, Nyx would have not been able to avoid hearing Corvus chuckle. “The Boomshot queen eh…”

[member="Drapeam Nyx"]
"Next time? Frak..."​
It sounded a lot like she was dreading her next meeting with the one and only [member="Corvus Raaf"]. Was she? Perhaps a little, just not for the reasons one would expect. It wasn't because she hadn't enjoyed parts of this evening. Nor, for once, was it because she feared betrayal. Nyx simply hadn't forged any friendships in some time. How were those supposed to go anyway? Were there certain things she was supposed to do? Things she should say?... Before she could wonder about that her visitor had left, Dr. Stone had greeted her, and the door had closed. We'll see each other again. Of course they would. The force said so. But first it wanted the Zorren to get better... it was time for a second round of treatment.​
Oh boy.​
{OOC: Well, I think that about does it for this thread. My sincerest apologies about the late response! I got caught up with schoolwork and neglected my other duties. After all, I am only 15! This was, by the way, one of my top 5 threads I've done on this site so far. And I've done a lot of good ones. Thank you for the good read! I look forward to future interactions between our characters. Next on my to-do list is to get Nyx involved in a few invasions (likely assisting the Republic in at least one) along with having her 'socialize' with other people at the Academy. If you want to be involved in that in any way, shape, or form, just shoot me a PM. Once again, great thread, thank you, and have a wondrous day/afternoon/evening/night!}​

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