@[member="Tyrin Ardik"] @[member="Ven Balterius "]@[member="Tae Reek"] @[member="Lucien Cordel"]
Darth Vazela had observed the exchanges with a somber expression. He had not lifted a single hand to assist or stop it either. When it was over, he had averted his gaze from the gaping hole where the young Sith had escaped to an older one. His yellow, predatory eyes locked onto the eyes of Lucien Cordel. He pondered as to whether the Sith Knight had recovered his memory, since their last encounter. Perhaps he had not.
The Sith Lord averted his gaze from Cordel to Tyrin. He had not spoken a word to man, other than acknowledge he there with a passing glance. He returned to his conversation, after allowed the Umbaran to deal with the situation. "My proposal does not involve an all out attack on the Jedi. It involves deception and darkness incarnate. I plan to destroy them center to where they are their strongest."
Vazela got up to his feet and crossed over the broken floor towards the plinth center to the room. Drawing a chip as he walked, he levitated the fallen bits of debris with the Force and inserted the chip into one of the ports in the machine. The machine whirred, moan and struggled to life. Eventually, the chip was activated and a holographic representation of Coruscant appeared into the room. After it came up, Vazela left the hologram to play the world before them and returned to his seat.
Then he continued. "My proposal will instigate a plot where I will take Coruscant from the clutches of the Republic. Then I will use Coruscant as a bartering chip with other factions, vying for control of galactic center. And my price? The High Council of the Jedi Order. If they refuse to comply with my demands, I will burn Coruscant to the ground. The Jedi Temple will be destroyed, many Jedi will die and who will be blamed for the destruction? That will be up to you, Lord Ardik."
Clasping his hands back over into his sleeve, he settled his somber expression on the Emperor before continuing. "Do not under estimate the power of the dark side, my Lord. What I say sounds unbelievable. I cannot possibly take Coruscant, center to the Republic, in among our enemies. It is impossible. Yet I would not have called you here, in among this ruin for effect in the company of these Sith," Vazela gestured to the assortment of apprentices, "If I was not confident that my plan could work."
"The final stages of my preparation are almost complete. I have the Obscurity and soon, I will meet with a Sith Knight you know as Circe, who will provide me with the complements of my Star Destroyer necessary to instigate the down fall of the Jedi on Coruscant, and if the dark side wills, across the galaxy. The resulting destruction will pull the Republic, the surviving Jedi and another faction of your choice into all out war. Here, the Sith Empire will be in an advantageous position."
"All I request is the resources and people I will need to do this, your full cooperation and to allow me to take the Obscurity with me. It was why I had the vessel built, my Lord."