Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In need of a Slicer?

[member="Freya Grogner"]

The cartel is lacking in skilled slicers for their vile work. And so we are looking to set up a team to start handling this. Note, its not in place so this is the time to be part in molding a new position in the faction.


Neutral Good for the Win
I could always use a new partner in crime! I'm a slicer myself, oh is trying to move up in the world.

[member="Freya Grogner"]
I'm always in need of people willing to break into places and steal documents. I'm looking for multiple people to work as employees of my company. The pay is good and you get access to good gear. You can even get payed in custom equipment if you want. I'm always looking for talent. In fact I may have a slight job that requires someone with skills like your's. If you are interested hit me up some time or just @mention me.

[member="Freya Grogner"]

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