Location: The Greywall, Ruusan, Outer Courtyard Landing Pads
Relevant Tags:
Kano Stone
Minka Vosh
Objective: Work, work, and work some more!
Force users, of bloody course. R3 was thankful, to a certain extent, but that thankfulness was tempered by a natural wariness. Quite frankly,
Cedric Grayson
had far more luck pissing other force users off than he did making friends, so the reason for this specific wizard to be here was a mystery - and R3 hated mysteries.
The duo of unlikely partygoers, a force user and a man that appeared to be under the influence of more narcotics than were known to exist in the galaxy, were discussing something of import to one or another. Something involving an organic child and a stolen talisman or some other unimportant tripe. Quite honestly, R3 had no time for such nonsense and desperately wished to see these partygoers somewhere that was not its domain.
The maintenance droids had stopped their slow march and stood unmoving, having witnessed their objective completed and now lacking further orders to do anything else. So, R3 ordered them to continue at their lumbering pace, massive feet trudging over the dirt and pavement with all the haste of a mollusc. They would serve as 'escorts' to show these lost souls the most expedient way somewhere else! To articulate the necessity of this, R3 whined loudly and rocked back and forth on its legs. R3's actions would surely translate the request for them to leave, and naturally, nothing would be lost in translation (for astromechs have a perfect record with translating complicated or even basic commands to organics)! Let Grayson deal with the rogue Force Users and raving drug addict wandering his castle.
Relevant Tags:
![Kano Stone](/data/avatars/s/23/23798.jpg?1619146291)
![Minka Vosh](/data/avatars/s/21/21639.jpg?1607622707)
Objective: Work, work, and work some more!
Force users, of bloody course. R3 was thankful, to a certain extent, but that thankfulness was tempered by a natural wariness. Quite frankly,
![Cedric Grayson](/data/avatars/s/7/7122.jpg?1663450588)
The duo of unlikely partygoers, a force user and a man that appeared to be under the influence of more narcotics than were known to exist in the galaxy, were discussing something of import to one or another. Something involving an organic child and a stolen talisman or some other unimportant tripe. Quite honestly, R3 had no time for such nonsense and desperately wished to see these partygoers somewhere that was not its domain.
The maintenance droids had stopped their slow march and stood unmoving, having witnessed their objective completed and now lacking further orders to do anything else. So, R3 ordered them to continue at their lumbering pace, massive feet trudging over the dirt and pavement with all the haste of a mollusc. They would serve as 'escorts' to show these lost souls the most expedient way somewhere else! To articulate the necessity of this, R3 whined loudly and rocked back and forth on its legs. R3's actions would surely translate the request for them to leave, and naturally, nothing would be lost in translation (for astromechs have a perfect record with translating complicated or even basic commands to organics)! Let Grayson deal with the rogue Force Users and raving drug addict wandering his castle.