Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In Search of a Padawan [Jedi Sentinel]

"Or perhaps it is investigating the mysteries of the galaxy, seeking out injustice, and bringing it to light? Such are the ways of the Jedi Watchman in the time of Ulic Qel-Droma...and Exar Kun."

As the title suggests, I am looking for a Padawan, and namely one that would be interested in the route of the Jedi Watchman. A sub-class of Jedi Sentinel. While we would do a handful of training threads together, the majority of role-play I will be doing are missions (Ex. Mission to Blenjeel). After all, the best type of training is experience. If you're interested, please let me know. Oh, and here is some information about the Jedi Watchmen.

Jedi Watchman
These Jedi Knights opted to stay in one place, operating alongside a sector or system government and ensuring diplomacy was maintained in all matters. These Jedi would also oversee the testing and reporting of any Force-sensitive born in their sector, turning the child over to the Acquisition Division if positive result was returned.

The Watchmen's presence in the galaxy ebbed and flowed with the passage of time. During the rule of the Sith Triumvirate, the Watchmen had been extinct for decades, with Meetra Surik, under the alias of the Jedi Exile, being the first to show interest in the role since the start of the First Jedi Purge. Returning with the rebuilding of the Order, the Watchmen took up their familiar posts all throughout the galaxy.

Studying special Force techniques to better equip themselves for their missions, Watchmen were skilled at fading into the background, allowing them to subtly manipulate political events in a benevolent fashion so as to sustain peace and prosperity. Serving as an extension of the Council of Reconciliation and the Jedi High Council, the Watchmen were trusted to make their own decisions based on their familiarity with the local governments, without having to report back to the Councils before making every decision.

Lira Dajenn

Already have two great Masters, but i would very much like to be taught some stuff if you have the time.

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