Son of Allegiance

Objective 1
Fleet Composition
Raider-class corvette (Heavily modified)
12 TIE/D automated starfighter
6 TIE/sk x1 experimental air superiority fighter
2 TIE/ph phantom
2 TIE/rp Reaper attack lander
2 TIE Sentinel
"Send acknowledgement of the compliments to Lord Mecetti on the secondary channel, we don't need to clog up the comms," Captain Ihago said. He continued to lead in support of the Mecetti command ship, ensuring its protection and supporting its barrages. Perhaps not from their vessel itself, but with their heavy fighters and support craft.
Unfortunately for Ethen, the ground was getting a little too hot for him. The rocky floor beneath his feet began to rumble, the fighting pausing, as he looked up only to witness what could spell doom for the young hotshot. He turned around, trying to retreat back into Fort Diamond as the giant worm chased him down to attack the Fort. "Imperial Ships in orbit, this is Moff Ethen Lecerson, Imperial Sovereign-4. I need emergency fire mission, grid coordinates Echo Bravo 729154, target: Giant fething worm as big as an Exogorth that's about to delete Fort Diamond from the planet! Execute immediately, over! Danger close!" Ethen rushed back behind the front lines of the Fort, hoping to head into cover. "Everybody hunker down! I called for a bombardment strike from the Star Destroyers! Get behind cover!" Ethen yelled out to soldiers as he continued running until he was behind one of the walls in the Fort.