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Junction In The Flesh | Battle of Yinchorr [ NIO+Yinchorr , GA+Wakeelmui ]

Shaka Sunstar



Alliance Jedi Guardian Armour
ENGAGING: Hans Rennagen Hans Rennagen

"Any civilians in the streets, we administer aid and direct them to the Spaceport." Amon said to the team. Down a side alley they went that'd take them directly to the main street towards the Council of Elders. There weren't many people this far out in the city, not anymore. Many were already further into the city, likely protesting further conflict with their own species. Amon didn't really know.

Before the team could hit the main street, a threatening presence danced on the edge of his senses, alerting him to the approaching Yinchorri that the Imperial Knight accompanied. The Alliance soldiers and the Jedi that accompanied them were not greeted with the same familiarity one did with comrades as the hostiles drew closer. Blasters raised, waiting for his order, Amon realized.

Deactivated hilt in hand, he moved through his cluster of marines to stand in front of them, he heard the Imperials voice as he called out to him.


Earlier in that very same day he was sympathetic to the Imperials. The reports they had heard were that the Imperials were in orbit, combat had likely already begun in space. He spared an upwards glance to the sky, as if he might catch a glimpse of metal behemoths slinging plasma at each other. He saw nothing. "Don't let any of them out of sight." From the hilt in his left hand, the sapphire beam of plasmatic energy burst to life with the tell-tale snap-hiss sound of a sabers ignition.

He stalked forwards, cautious, especially of the shield in the mans hand.

"All you've brought is chaos." He spoke calmly, a small application of the Force used to project his voice to the man. There was still some distance separating them on the street, and he wasn't about to get into a yelling match.

From then on, his gait hurried until he was on a full on sprint to the group of Yinchorri, blaster fire erupting behind him and lanced past him towards the Yinchorri. It seemed that the Imperial Knight was left untargeted, left for the Jedi to battle on his own. His strides grew longer until he closed the last metres, right hand shooting upwards at the Knight, to release a Force push in the hopes of briefly unbalancing him as his azure blade lurched forwards in a downwards slash from his right shoulder to left hip.

Shield or no, Amon wasn't prone to swapping his fighting style from Form VII's aggression.
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Lieutenant Cynthia "The Pixie" Alucard
Stop the Yevethan Aggression
Actions: Join in Phantom Squadron's Attack


There had been several indicative signs that perhaps Cyn was being watched, examined and scrutinized. She had caught them all, although used to such happenings in her life, it was airing on the side of annoyance. Of course she couldn’t blame, Or could I?, her heavy Imperial background had been brought into question ever since the tension with the NIO had increased. It wasn’t something that caught her off guard, in fact she had chosen to not accept missions near NIO space due to that issue.

Rather that was what Cyn told herself when she noticed her missions appeared further from NIO space. She had never let her Imperial background hang over her head, but it was she had some detractors in the officer core. Of course it mattered little to her direct superiors and her place within Phantom, but with the growing animosity between the Alliance and NIO, I’ll need to walk on eggshells from here on out.

Her eyes squinted towards the skies for a brief moment before a sudden alarm rang, her communication device barked an order for Cyn to return back to base.

An invasion.

Cyn quickly tracked down her speeder before gunning it back towards the hanger, where no doubt she’ll be tasked to assist the skies and stars. To keep them friendly and remove any aggressors. Perhaps their communications were jammed or their early warning system compromised in some way, but overhead Cyn could hear the sounds of ships breaking through the atmosphere. The once peaceful sky only a moment ago, now filled with enemy troop transports and the screams of low flying TIE fighters.

One of the few times Cyn had ever felt anxious of that iconic scream. Dare say it was close to fear. Already the enemy were raining down fire, a storm to clear away a path for their ground troops. Cyn herself barely managed to dodge incoming debris of a nearby building. The Alliance defense systems were being pressed hard to keep up but the closer she got to the hanger the calmer it became as the NIO haven’t yet broken through their defensive lines.

Scrambling towards her X-Wing, Cyn stopped for a moment, her hands holding onto one of the rungs to the ladder. Around her the hanger was in full flurry of commotion and shouts, they needed to establish a presence in the air and an escape plan for the soon to be refugees the City that this Alliance base shared. Several other X-Wings were already flying up and away from the hanger to join the fray. With one last moment, another deep intake of air, Cyn climbed up and into her cockpit.

| Olen Halcorr | Daz Farlander | Aeson Keel | Westenra Mina |

“Senator, more reports of riots coming in. This time they’re brewing near the grand library.”

Tithe offered a nod of acknowledgement to the Yinchoori officer as he gazed through the heavy transparisteel windows of the Council of Elders headquarters. The streets of Tol-Kachorn, yesterday peaceful and quiet, were now in flames. It had started in the morning with scattered reports of mobs forming, who by midday had converged on government buildings and started looting. Thick black smoke billowed into the air from barricades hastily assembled by the protesters to keep the loyal security at bay.

Then the New Imperial Order had arrived.

The timing of the riots was too precise to be a coincidence. Security forces, scattered throughout the city and configured for anti-riot operations, had hastily redeployed themselves to counter the air and ground invasion. At the same time, the riots couldn’t be ignored, and were causing a significant drain on Yinchoori ruling caste’s defences, who were at best at up-armoured policing force.

Tithe had no doubt that agent provocateurs were behind the riots. Bringing them in would be key to understanding how the NIO’s reach was spreading so quickly throughout the region.

“Keep me abreast of the, ah, developing situation.”

Senator Vosh-Sularen of Byss was preparing himself and a group of High Councillors for evacuation. A few years ago Tithe would have been at the front of the line to get to safety, pushing others out of the way as he went. But the battles of Kintan, Mandalore, Mygeeto, PL-40112-CE-021105, Dubrillion and Bastion had taught him that his chances of survival were actually quite high. He was by no means a warrior, but rather his cunning, way with words, and apparent importance as a hostage had always served him well.

“We need to apprise the Senate of the situation,” Tithe explained. “The Chancellor will need to issue a robust response.”

The Senator for Aargau adjusted the straps of his GA-issued light armour. A purple recognition vest, bearing the insignia for the GA Senate, was loosely fastened over the blast vest. As an official non-combatant he was without a blaster, but had managed to keep a hold of his favoured electro-hammer, which was strapped to the slide of his backpack. His Yinchoori escorts assembled themselves near the turbo lift.

“Now, I just need to step out for a short peregrination,” he explained. While the NIO’s open invasion of Yinchoor could not be questioned, Tithe needed proof of their prior activities to destabilise the world. “Do hold a transport for me.”
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Auteme Auteme Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal Amon-Olu Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk Djorn Bline Djorn Bline Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Hiram Voss Hiram Voss Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus Teica Giraan Teica Giraan Reginald Orian Reginald Orian Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe
Tyranus-class Star Destroyer - NIV Carannia
Nebula II-class Star Destroyer - NIV Myrmidon
REC-LC01 "Negotiator"-class Light Cruiser - Four Vessels
Mantero-class Missile Frigate - Four Vessels
-- Several squadrons of SD-class vessels and their escorts
-- Various squadrons of fighters & bombers and support craft
Eta-2 'Midnight' Jedi Starfighter
Nirauan Sector Army - Two Legions

On the outside it appeared as if the motives of Nirauan's Warlord remained as muddled as the Imperial Assembly itself. The only thing that was clear was his desire to not just bring the conflict to an end, but to prevent further collateral deaths in the process. It didn't matter if it was the Imperials or the Alliance who took the first shot- fighting would bring nothing to Yinchorr but the same level of destruction that its people had once faced before. It was a shame that both sides were prepared to end the conflict with the will of the sword. Former allies brought to the brink of total war because of the actions and motives of a few.

It only cemented the thought into his head, that action would prove more effective than words, when the river awaited him in the future.


From the side of New Imperial-occupied space, multiple squadrons exited into the real, depositing themselves next to the battle line poised against the Alliance blockade. Breaking off from the line once the Imperial vessels moved to engage their foes across the void, it would become apparent that these squadrons were not just independent, but instead a battlegroup all to themselves. Transponders became active as they aligned themselves into a fast-moving formation, headed by a pair of unique Capitol-vessels from the lead group at the front. Open and brazen as they were, the identity of the battlegroup would reveal itself to be hailing from none other than Nirauan, and any ad all requests to join the assault on Alliance vessels were summarily ignored by the silent formation of ships.

It settled itself right into orbit of the planet, ignoring friendly hails from New Imperial vessels whilst simultaneously sending encrypted messages to the vessels of the Alliance, announcing its neutrality in the conflict between them and the Imperials. No matter the response, the forces of Nirauan had their objective, and its forces were not skiddish in the face of hot-drops into warzones when ordered to by their leaders. Dozens upon dozens of shuttles and their escorts would add to the confusion of the chaos, the first ones to hit the ground unloading their complement of black-clad stormtroopers onto the field. They flooded the fields of Yinchorr in far more numerous amounts than the companions of Luc had ever done, and immediately went to work establishing a working perimeter, expanding their zone of control with each successive drop of men onto the field.

Their motives were just as unclear as the presence of the might of Nirauan over Yinchorr itself, yet the objective of their enigmatic Warlord came to the fore once him and his Legion set foot onto the planet itself. Orders were dispersed across the ever-growing zone of control that Nirauan stole from their 'allies' on the Imperial-side of the siege. Patrols ventured further outside the immediate era, bringing with them scattered groups of Yinchorri natives who sought to escape the conflict, or got wrapped into the violence themselves. Fast-moving fighters soared above the capitol city, releasing their complement of flyers which rained down onto the natives to alert them of Nirauan's intent to assist all those who wished to flee the siege and seek sanctum away from the inevitable fight to come.

The efforts of Nirauan upon the ground would remain shielded by the battlegroup poised directly above them in orbit. Those same efforts would come to the fore once Lucien put all of his pieces into play, mounting up the full might of his Myrmidons to serve as the vanguard of Nirauan's efforts to open up a safe and secure corridor straight for the city of Tol Kachorn. Strict orders were given to remain clear of the fighting, and to remain neutral unless openly attacked by superior forces. There would be no interference in this war- not by Lucien or any of his allies who openly followed him onto the field. Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal , the newly appointed Moff of Shili, would find himself placed in command of a full Legion of Nirauan's finest soldiers. While Lucien had saddled up his personal Legion to open up the corridor to the city himself, he'd entrust his newfound ally with handling both the security of their safezone and the influx of refugees that were starting to flow in from outside of Kachorn itself.

It would be inevitable that elements within COMPNOR would take his presence as an open provocation, let alone those within the military itself who aligned against his influence. No matter the outcome, the stage was set for those present to witness the tiger that had been slumbering within the Empire's borders. Until peace had been attained, Luc would do what he could to remain the beacon to the lost, unfortunate enough to be damned by the fires of Imperialism and war.

"Stay safe, Auteme. I'm coming to the city as fast as I can." A message was sent back to Auteme Auteme , the familiar sound of combat looming in the distance. It remained a constant reminder that their efforts were on a severely constrained time schedule. An Imperial bulwark in their way would force his hand, or make him back down. It wasn't time to reach the banks of that great river- not yet.

"Amon-- I'm making my way towards the capitol. Try not to get yourself killed before I get there." The second message went the way of his closest ally within the alliance. A personal friend, and one who he held in greater regard than most of his peers within the Order. The final message he sent was directed at Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal . "You've got a full legion of my men under your command. I trust that our efforts here will not go unnoticed-- by both friend and foe, wherever their loyalties may lie. I've got full confidence in your command-- but if needed, you've got the tools and the power to make the decisions, even the hard ones." He'd learned his lessons through trial and error, through the deaths of his men over actions which may or may not have been the right ones. Ravraa had his guidance, but his wings were his own to spread and fly. "We take what we're given-- and sometimes that must be enough."

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R U N _ L I K E _ H E L L
THE_BOYS | Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad | Meko Sorrin Meko Sorrin | Gedeon Rath | Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk
OPFOR | CETCOM CETCOM | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Auteme Auteme | Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr
Armor | Rifle | Pistol | Grenades




<"This is our best bet, here."> One of the Vandal Squad Commandos sounded out toward his CO in Berik. Berik nodded once, motioning a thumb upwards along the ladder. Time to ascend. The sewer grate appeared in an obscure alleyway, at least 100 meters away from any red ping on their quick display map. Of course, any red ping wasn't all too enlightening as to what it was. Anything that didn't bounce back with confirmed NIO or Yinchorri Warrior certs and numbers was marked hostile. The rest was left to the judgement of the unit on the field.

The noise of cracking blaster fire and errant explosions grew far more irritating on the senses past the aural dampeners now that they were in open air, Berik's hand reached down to pull one of his comrades from the tunnel before both hands grasped the rifle once more, his eyes set down the end of the alley way with a glance to the pings in his nearby tracking.

<"Fire Team Aurek, up high. Get me over watch on the main stretch."> Berik commanded. The New Imperial's rapped at the gates, but within the city limits, they were alone and surrounded. The first four storm commandos hugged the wall of the alley way and advanced toward the nearest building with five stories or more to spare, a slice of the lock under the nose of the Alliance garrison granted them entry with a sniper's nest overlooking a prominent stretch of road, the position guarded on all sides from any sudden approach.

<"Besh, get me recon, I want eyes on our venue, get ID on the prize."> Those four went off into their own direction, delving into the shadows get tracking on where the council of the elders were kept, or where they might be getting moved to.

Berik's boys came up and around him as they made their way toward the city streets, stopping with a silent motion as Galactic Alliance marines rushed past them toward the walls. The City had a shield around it certainly, if he could ID its location and either ping a hit from starfighters or disable it himself, this battle would come to a close a lot quicker with less New Imperial lives being spent in the process.

<"Shield generators, keep an eye out for them but I imagine its somewhere in or around the capital, spaceport has its own set up as well. The switch is flipped off and the city will have no choice but to fold or the Alliance will have a lot of blood on their hands."> Berik said through the squad's comms.
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Allyson Locke Allyson Locke | Rurik Fel Rurik Fel | Dorian Sicarrio Dorian Sicarrio



Zaavik hadn't said a word since they reached Yinchorr. Not when they landed. Not when they met up. Not when they climbed the rocky plateau where they waited with intent to ambush. Nothing. His stubborn silence wasn't doing the tension any favors. It wasn't just the tension of the coming conflict. It was their tension. Zaavik hadn't spoken to Allyson since they reunited in that Coruscanti prison. Even now, in earshot, at arm's length; nothing.

His nerves rang thick into the air around them like the smell of must in a Zeltros brothel. The unreconciled elephant followed them on this assignment. Imposing, looming over every thought and action. The padawan wasn't going to let that impede his performance. Like he told Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt last time they were here; his concern was just making it out the other side. He wasn't about to die on Yinchorr over something like this.

Static pierced into Zaavik's eardrums. The sound undulated through his headset as he adjusted the knobs and switches on the comms radio. Finding the New Imperial frequency was a delicate game. Voices drowned beneath the constant radio hiss, while others soared above, cracking incoherently. A twist here, a click there, and the static gave way into clear intonations. High Galactic. Imperials.

Minutes gave way to hours. Imperial chatter wasn't the most stimulating pastime. Coping with the bordem, Zaavik wondered how dreadfully dull New Imperial Comms Officer must have been as an occupation. He daydreamed the lines and lines of Imperial Navy officers doing this very thing for hours on end in the bridge of an ISD. All those cups of coffee. All the tinnitus.

It eased his doubts about his own gig momentarily. In a short-lived sort of way, at least.

Half-way in the middle of his daydreams devolving into some degenerate fantasy about an attractive, authoritarian Zeltron lady-officer, he heard it: Executor enroute.

So much for that.

Zaavik took his headset off and turned to Allyson, gifting her the first and only words he'd said for hours. "Executor inbound." He seized the electrobinoculars that hung around his neck and surveyed the assault below. His mind saw a pattern in the chaos. A path. An in. He took the pulled them over his head and tossed them onto his backpack.

One more glance was offered to Allyson before his image disappeared from visible detection. He began his descent down the rockface. Shrouded by the force, he'd take his position in the carnage. Right under the nose of the New Imperials.

Zaavik waited.

Objective: Reinforce the Grand Vizier's position.
Location: NIV Malice, Command Vessel (x)
Allies: Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus
Enemies: Teica Giraan Teica Giraan | CETCOM CETCOM | Tyrel Ferri Tyrel Ferri

"Vice Admiral, further contacts have entered the system sir, bearing Galactic Alliance IFF transponders." Hiram grimaced at the news bought by the sensor operators. This was without a doubt, a reminder of Kaeshana and the blood shed atop that dying world. The normally composed Vice Admiral winced, and bit his lip as he strode back across the bridge. Captain Boars met him halfway, datapad in hand.

"We continue our move to reinforce the Grand Viziers fleet," Hiram added, before clasping a datapad from Hadrian. He now had the specs of the enemy fleet. They were largely unremarkable vessels. Kuat Drive Yard purchases. Not really the best and greatest. But perhaps more interestingly, they were vessels the New Imperial Order had schematics on. "Seems our enemy has deep pockets." Voss mused aloud, before pausing, "Prep the Petards for dispatch. We'll target the Demolisher. All squadrons, and disable it."

Voss then paused, and watched as the Malice drew closer to the Grand Vizier's fleet. It nevertheless plagues him. Was this just the first wave of reinforcements? Did the Galactic Alliance still have more? Were these just patrol fleets being dropped in to perhaps hold them back temporarily? In any case, it frightened Hiram considerably. Datapad in hand, he approached the holographic display table, "Get me Praxxus," The Vice Admiral gruffly ordered. Waiting but mere moments for the Grand Vizier to come up on screen.

"Grand Vizier," Hiram began, "Vice Admiral Voss of Malice Squadron. Sir, with all due respect, I wanted to sound you out on a proposal, sir." Hiram paused, to collect his thoughts. "Sir, the enemy's pattern of deployment, strikes me as similar to that of the old days. Back during the First Order. And well...." He swallowed, "I was curious as to whether you wanted to authorise an escalation. We have Grand Admiral Rausgeber waiting to reinforce our presence here on our mark. I think, if we continue to see this pattern of vessels dispatched? We may need them sooner rather than later."

NIV Malice
6x TIE/HF | 2x TIE/HB

NIV Venom (x)

NIV Brigadier (x)
5x Petard (2x Proton, 3x Seismic Cores) | 5x TIE/OT

NIV Brawl (x)
Final Dawn Central Command


Location | Yinchorr , Council of Elders Headquarters
Focus | Denzul Vosh-Sularen +
Lieutenant Leoet
Forces | 50 Special Security Troopers | 5 FST-62a Landspeeders
Objective | Escape
Tags | Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask | Auteme Auteme | Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr

As Senator Vosh stepped into the turbolift headed downstairs where his Forces had amassed yet another explosion ran out in Tol-Kachorn. Time was running out and he could not afford to get captured. The Senator would have preferred to simply destroy the Headquarters of the Council of Elders taking along those who refused to leave but such an act would cause problems in the future and could ruin his efforts to maintain Official Byss Neutrality in the Cold War.

Arriving downstairs , Senator Vosh met up with Lieutenant Leoet who was helping the last of the Cooperating High Councillors get onboard an FST-62a Landspeeder in which would take Vosh , Leoet , the Security Troopers and the High Councillors to a more fortified position within the City where the reinforcements of Admiral Kaine Hamilton could easily swoop them up once they arrived. As Senator Vosh approached Lieutenant Leoet saluted him and informed him of the current situation.

"Sir , we have all the Cooperating High Councillors onboard our FST-62As and we are ready to depart. Our Troops have begun to evacuate the Building and shall rejoin us shortly" Leoet said. "Good , however we must hurry and get the hell out of here for we are literally sitting ducks and easy targets for the New Imperials. They can wipe us out if they find us here." the Senator said growing ever wary of the situation. Leoet smiled and replied. "Unlikely sir , if they attack us , their goal will be to Capture the High Councillors. Either to use them as hostages or simply POWs to demoralize the Pro-GA Intelligentsia."

Senator Vosh smilled , Leoet was one of Tantamount Interstellar's Rising Stars and a brilliant officer having served various regimes in the past. He was a veteran of many conflicts already and his career was very promising. "Well noted Lieutenant. How much time until we can leave this place?" Senator Vosh asked. "Approximately 5 Minutes sir" Inside the building , the Special Security Troopers were taking out crates of ammo to load on the little space left on the Landspeeders in order to prepare themselves for the coming attack.

Eventually , Senator Vosh headed towards the FST-62a in which all 5 of them were neatly arranged in a column. Taking a seat within the FST-62a in the middle [Where the Yinchorri High Councillors are seated] , Senator Vosh waited for Lieutenant Leoet and his Men to finish their preparations. With him were only a small group of 10 Security Troopers, 5 acting as Drivers of the FST-62s and 5 as their Gunners. There was an additional 4 Security Troopers at the entrance of the Council of Elders Headquarters laying approximately 6 Meters away from the transport. If the New Imperials were going to attack now was going to be their best shot at capturing the High Councillors.

Location | Orbit of Yinchorr
Focus | Admiral Kaine Hamilton
Objective | Breakthrough the New Imperial Blockade
Tags | Hiram Voss Hiram Voss | Tyrel Ferri Tyrel Ferri
Forces [Zero Command] | BNV Enforcer | BNV Punisher | 28 Fighter Squadrons [18x TIE/DFs | 6x TIE/HFs | 4x TIE/HBs] | 8 Support Craft Squadrons [Phantom Shuttles]

Admiral Kaine Hamilton watched more Forces arrived in the system. This time a new Fleet jumped out of hyperspace and while they all had New Imperial written all over them they were surprisingly neutral. An Encrypted Message informed them of the neutrality of those ships thus allowing Admiral Hamilton to focus on the main issue , the Fleet of Hiram Voss. Soon enough the Fleet of Captain Tryel Ferri joined in further bolstering their forces.

With the arrival of Captain Ferri's Fleet Hamilton could move forward with a full offensive against the New Imperials though being a cautious commander like his superior Marlon Sularen , Hamilton knew that the best Offense was always a great defense and thus he knew that in order to beat back the New Imperials he'd have to let them make the first move. While it did give more time for them to capture Senator Vosh and his guys on the surface this option was way more safer then just blindly charging the New Imperial Fleet as it is. After all more ships were entering the system and something told Hamilton that the New Imperials had more ships in reserve.

"Captain Ferri" Admiral Hamilton said upon contacting the Association's newest recruit. "Hold your position and stay with my forces. Have your ships prepared for engagement but do not engage the enemy yet. We shall wait for them to make the first move." He then ended his transmission to Captain Ferri and relayed his own orders to his men. "Prepare to launch our Fighters upon my command and activate our Gravity Wells. We will make sure we punch through that blockade and make sure they have nowhere left to run."

  • Surface
    • Senator Vosh has a column 5 FST-62a Landspeeders parked infront of the Council of Elders Headquarters
    • Lieutenant Leoet and his men are still making preparations to leave inside the Council of Elders Headquarters
    • Senator Vosh had boarded the center FST-62a Landspeeder along with the Yinchorri High Councillors
    • There are 2 Special Security Troopers present in all Landspeeders [1 Driver , 1 Gunner] + 4 Special Security Troopers guarding the entrance
  • Orbit
    • Admiral Hamilton has the Fighters of Zero Command prepared for deployment upon his orders
    • Admiral orders Captain Ferri to hold position and to not engage the enemy yet.
    • The Enforcer activates it's Gravity Wells

if they're watching anyways

The streets of Tol-Kachorn were curiously intuitive. They seemed to wind and turn sharply, as if a fortress rather than a true city, yet she found herself gaining an innate understanding of the city's layout. Likely a few hints from the Force and the luck granted to her by her Suerton probability manipulation were what gave her the navigational edge. In truth she'd love to spend a few days walking through the city. While the buildings were new, the foundations were ancient. But now was not the time to delay; she needed to keep going.

And yet it nagged at her mind. She was no military thinker but she loved to solve problems. If she were an attacker, how might she enter a fortified city such as this? Some parts of urban design would need to be rethought entirely to fortify a city. There were a million technological solutions, but many might hinder the day-to-day living of the Yinchorri. The water and sewage systems, for example-

She stopped in the middle of the street; an image flashing into her mind. Black armor. Climbing a ladder. A familiar man. Deadly intent.

It was gone as soon as it had arrived. She forced herself to keep moving. There were people to help.

A minute more and she arrived in view of the capitol building. In truth the imposing building might be suited by the grey Imperial banners; there was an energy about those tall columns and thick walls that made it exude a dangerous strength. It was undercut by the various groups of rioters trashing the abandoned buildings but it was imposing nonetheless.

She paused, watching a group of Yinchorri rioting outside the Grand Library just down the road from the capitol building. The Council of Elders was important, but the rioters weren't helping anyone and were bound to get hurt. The Force was silent for a long few moments before she pulled from it again.

She drew the strength to her legs and launched herself over the small crowd, landing in front of the library. If there was any place she was eager to protect, it would be a place of knowledge. The Yinchorri didn't fail to notice her. Leaping over the crowd with ease -- perhaps this girl was worth listening to. While it didn't stop them outright, she made sure her voice was heard by amplifying it with the Force. "Yinchorri! Please, stop this destruction! It will only hurt you and your people."

With the grunts of acknowledgement or disagreement it dawned on her that she couldn't find their thoughts. Alas, there was more than thoughts that a Jedi could detect. She could feel the frustration and anger that had brought on this movement, just as it was mixed with excitement and adrenaline from the Yinchorri here showing their might. They were strong. Was it not their right to take what was theirs? And now an enemy had presented themselves to them. There were snarls from the crowd. Those at the front advanced.

Auteme threw up her hand, which burst with ethereal light. The Yinchorri recoiled. She was invigorated with an energy that fueled her resolve and the bright signal. "Do not mistake me for prey," she said, her icy tone and timbre almost matching Chancellor Chandra's. "You wish to show your strength? Today others come to determine your future for you. But your future is not here, not with the Alliance, not with the New Imperials. It lies with your people. Your people, those who have yet to find their strength. You must protect them so they can carry the weight of your future as well. No one else can grant you strength."

As the words flowed out so did the Force. She reached to those before her, searching their hearts for that sliver of light that had been buried in this frenzied attempt at power. Why should they need anyone else to take what was theirs? And they were theirs. The people of Yinchorr were strong, some just needed time to grow. She pulled that light to the forefront, forcing them to pause.

And pause they did. Auteme waited in suspense, in silence, until one of the Yinchorri roared out something she didn't understand. She didn't have long enough to regret not learning the Yinchorri language sooner, but nonetheless the words seemed to spread across the crowd. And then they moved, abandoning their attack on the library. The light from her hand dissipated.

Sometimes she surprised herself. She liked surprising herself.

A minute later she was running up the steps of the capitol building, two at a time.


T H E _ W O L F
A C H I L L E S _ L A S T _ S T A N D
Amon Vizsla | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Kir Dantos Kir Dantos | Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt
Armor |



The great symphony suite of the Imperial war machine. It was almost embedded into genetic memory by now. The foreboding silhouette of the star destroyers, the nigh argent duraplast of the stormtroopers, the screech and roar of the TIE fighters, all due its full force on Yinchorr. Of course, the Third Imperial Civil War was the first Maynard had ever been privy to this sensory envelopment, but it certainly had a different feeling on the opposing end.

It evoked fear, the flight. Deeply churning at those primal instincts and emotions. Instilling that urge to run like hell, leave this place. Those who were smart were punching their tickets and getting off this arid rock. Leave it to the glad hands to see to it their enlightened counterparts were seen off the planet safely. And of course, leave it to Maynard, the Jedi and the Galactic Alliance marines here to heft the bulwark and stem the tide of New Imperialism from wholly wafting over Yinchorr.

Maynard wasn't optimistic, the writing on the wall was clear, how the politicians supposed to 'take charge' here acted like Maynard and his boys couldn't read it all the same.

None of that mattered to him however. He was a soldier at the end of it. None of the rest of that mattered all too much.

The battle was encroaching far too close simply to command the defenses now, it was time to draw his saber to ignition and shed the blood of the Imperial.

An armored assault, the troopers, the vehicles dashed in blood red paint. The 307th Legion, the 'Red Riders'. He admitted, it was a welcome sight in what he'd assumed would be the Imperator's own, the 501st. But this wasn't any more reassuring of a vision. The now Major General Lyra Voi'kryt must be present on the field today. In the game of minds, he was out matched. Maybe not as much as a disparity as Lyra's own mentor in her stead, but it was still a noticeable advantage. It showed as ascension cables and jet packs scaled the ramparts of Tol Kachorn and the New Imperials began to sow chaos in the outer defenses.

A breach made and the Bescani Beasts would exploit it.

<"Wolfpack! We hold the line! None of these Imps get past the wall!"> Maynard barked out in command to his marines before the cobalt blade cracked and hissed to life and he delved unto the ramparts himself, bearing witness as a Yinchorri warrior sprung up before him with his winged pack. The pulse of blaster bolts slammed into Maynard's armor only for the Jedi General to reply in earnest with a swipe of the saber across his chest, only for a stormtrooper of the 307th to be next in his sights.

There was no veiling the intentions against one another now. What was ally was now enemy. But it wasn't Maynard's job to worry of the implications that came after, only to cut down anyone that stood in the way of him or his men here and now.

"Park a Startide over them and they'll behave eh?" One of the marines beside Marcus grumbled. Those had indeed been the words of their High Admiral. It seemed, however, that parking a vessel as large as a Dreadnought over a planet was cause for war, a thing that the Galactic Alliance continued to claim it didn't want. Regardless though, war had found them. Sure, back in the Core Worlds this would be paraded as nothing but border dispute on the holo news. They probably wouldn't even report on the deaths, there'd be far too many for the Senate to back up its claims. In fact, Marcus didn't think that most of the Senators would even know about this until after the Holo News anchors did.

Marcus dropped his blaster rifle, letting it hang by its sling, and took out a pair of macrobinoculars. HIs helmet had a built in zoom function, but he wanted to see up into the atmosphere. One after another Imperial Star Destroyers dropped out of hyperspace, appearing and then slowing down as if they had hit some sort of invisible net as they reverted to realspace. Marcus cursed under his breath.

"Border dispute my ass," he muttered, "This is a blasted full on invasion." Twilight Company and the rest of the 312th had been on Yinchorr since the first incident, training and preparing the natives for a potential incursion alongside the 104th. Initially, though, it had just been Twilight and the 104th. Even still, he doubted two battalions was going to be enough to stop a full invasion force. They were going to need back-up. The squad leader that had been standing beside him fidgeted slightly.

"Sir, General Treicolt has begun his defense. We're being ordered to join at the outer defenses." A TIE Interceptor screamed overhead, chased down by a pair of Alliance X-Wings. Marcus sucked his teeth. It was time to go.

"Get your squad ready. It's time to crack some buckets." The squad leader nodded and started to head off to his squad but Marcus stopped him. "Seargent," The man turned to look at his Lieutenant. "This ain't Bastion and it ain't Dubrillion. They stepped to us, make sure you let your men know that. They see an Imp Bucket they KTF, you got that?" The man hesitated. The 222nd had fought alongside the 501st and 307th during the Braxant Run Campaign. He knew many of his men in Twilight had friends on the otherside. That ended here today.

"KTF sir," the man replied and Marcus let him go.


THE_BOYS | Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk | Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask | Gedeon Rath | Meko Sorrin Meko Sorrin
OPFOR | Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Auteme Auteme | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

U S _ A N D _ T H E M



Jaeger was pissed off. How to tell? Well, Snake never saw the man gear up in armor for a mission, the man was always behind the scenes; plotting new schemes with intel and configuring COMPNOR operations to further the progress of the New Imperial Order. Djorn was the one out of the two getting his hands dirty, always on the field completing whatever assignments there was whether they were passive or tense.

And now Snake, Hellion, and a squad of commandos attached to Jaeger’s CompForce unit, would be one of the many special operatives to infiltrate behind the enemy lines of the besieged city of Tol Kachorn. Infiltrate the city and sabotage the defenses of the Alliance-Intelligentsia coalition, thus allowing Imperial forces to storm the city. Maybe if the Alliance wasn't putting its nose in their business they wouldn't have this problem, but that wasn’t the reality of things. The Alliance made their intentions clear when they raided a COMPNOR proxy training facility on Yinchorr and when their Chancellor released her statement on the threats of Imperialism.

They wanted to paint him and his comrades as a threat to the Galaxy? Then they’ll get it, and they would submit to it. Just like when the previous Alliance fell to First Order years ago.

They marched through the sewers, all of them anticipating for the what would inevitably come.

<Remember, no survivors.>

Of course, there would be some stragglers that would manage to flee from the rays of the Iron Sun. But what Snake meant was that none of them here in this unit would give any quarter to these dissidents, whether they were civilians or military personnel. The less that survived, the more powerful the propaganda branch of COMPNOR could release news and other media of the normalization of Yinchorr. The planet was already in crisis, today would see the completion of active measures on the planet.

<Almost there.> as he took a moment’s glance of the holomap, showing the complex tunnels of the sewers. So far they haven’t encountered any hostiles.


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F O R C E _ C O R P S
Objective: Infantry Protection & Anti-Jedi Warfare
Engaging: Amon-Olu

As the Jedi began his charge, Hans brought his lightsaber down closer to his side and readied his shield for the oncoming attack. As the Jedi outstretched his hand and the force began to ripple around him in waves, Hans jumped backwards with the force, letting it carry him backwards like a leaf in the wind. Though as his feet hit the ground he began to stumble, then falling to his knee to catch himself. He de-activated his lightsaber.

The Jedi's aggressive rush reached it's apex and the blue blade came down upon him. Hans covered himself with his shield, the lightsaber connecting and dragging across its surface. It could not indent the phrik, but it left a black burn mark across it. Hans pushed back against the lightsaber strike. It would hardly qualify as a shield-bash in Hans' position, but he nevertheless pushed upwards from his kneeling position, leaning his weight into the shield to deflect the lightsaber and push the Jedi away.

With a brief moment to recover himself he stood up and ignited his lightsaber again. He looked around quickly. The Alliance and Yinchorri soldiers had entrenched themselves, firing wild shots from cover, both sides at an impasse and no doubt fearing the outcome of the lightsaber duel. Hans had sought this fight for his own gain, to take home the glory of defeating a Jedi in single combat. But this battle meant more than that. It meant the lives of the Yinchorri soldiers he was supposed to protect.

Hans just couldn't see it, so he focused back on the Jedi, readying himself for his enemy's next attack...


Shaka Sunstar


The Alliance comms in his helmet spoke of battle that raged throughout the city. Riot enforcers versus civilians, evacuations, and the walls under assault by the New Imperials. Part of him had sought to be at the front, to rally and hold back the tide of the pristine alabaster duraplas of the Imperial horde that sought to take the city.

But first, he'd have to deal with the Imperial Knight in front of him.

When he had realized his slash wasn't going to find purchase on the mans body, as he had suspected, it slashed across the shield, but it had indeed left a mark. There were few things in the galaxy that could withstand the power of a lightsabre. Phrik, Beskar, Songsteel. The options raced through his mind. His arm raised again and his saber came down across the shield again for the second time.

None of those metals could withstand a saber for long. Resistant, but not impervious. If he had to, he'd cut the shield to pieces.

Before he could bring it down for a third strike, through the rendered silence of his comms came the voice of Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku . For a moment it gave him pause, and opportunity for his opponent to slam his shield into his chest, shoving the Jedi back. He didn't resist, instead allowing himself the brief reprieve to reassess his opponent. But he didn't wait for too long.

Force enhanced speed brought him forwards, on the same side as his shield and he leapt up, stabbing downwards towards his shoulder. The armour that protected his flesh enhanced physical strength. Made him faster and stronger. He was sure to take advantage of it and push it to its limits to win.


Location: The Heart of the Fight
Engaging: 104th Bayaz Bayaz & Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt at the gate.

The young man had lost, in the span of about an hour, half his platoon and most of his original squad. This was the job of a trooper, of a front line joe, to hold the line and to fight until you died. The Alliance was making them bleed for every inch of ground that they took.

The Marines as expected were dug in and returning vicious fire from the gates to His men. Yamaguchi was in the 1st Infantry Division, the 1st to the fight, the 1st to die and so they did.

Six times attacked, They were six times repelled. On the 7th rush Yamaguchi was in the squad, they charged over the bodies of their own brethren and their enemies alike. He shouldered His blaster and let the training take over.

As He was flooded by fire He managed to point and squeeze, firing at the Marines and their leader, firing at the gate in desperation and fury. They were exaughsted, working on fumes but they kept attacking the gate.

Around then the entire place was a bloody war zone with potshots and explosions everywhere. What once were buildings of trade and business were turned into machine gun nests and sniper holes to further bog down the Imperial Forces. Fanaticism alone brought the young man so close to the gate, today maybe he would die, but he did he would assure the small inching forward of the line with his own blood.​

Scenes of cultivated chaos was a sign of a job well done for the COMPNOR operative, nestled in his high-rise apartment hideout. It gave him a lord's view over the city, away from the smog of descending civility and the loss of innocence. He sniffed and winced. The bruises from the last raid on the now defunct base had just settled in, and he could not afford the luxury of a bacta immersion, so deep into his operation. He resorted to chewing on a piece of gum, letting the thin, sharp taste of menthol swarm his mouth and distract himself from the pain.

"Sir." He peeled away from his macrobinoculars and looked left at the other occupant of his balcony. One of the COMPFOR troops, taken from broken up units and amalgamated into a disposable squad that Daros pioneered- it left virtually no trail to his existence within the organization, even if he was still technically attached to TF66. The woman pointed out towards the Grand Library, and Daros had a closer look.

He had spent a good time underground currying the favours of the underworld in Yinchor, bribing officials and families alike for this exact moment. He needed the chaos to consume, to drag onto the enemies and slow down their military response. When he saw an indistinct figure quell the rioting by the Grand Library however, his grip tightened around his macrobinoculars. He swept around the vicinity, trying to track down where the figure went. He had his suspicions that they were headed elsewhere on some vague, important errand.

But then he witnessed the arrival of a new Imperial battle group emerging from the skies, flying through the thick clouds and seeking to establish themselves away from the thickest fighting. A few more minutes of silent observation gave Daros the lead he wanted- those troops disgorging from the newly arrived transports weren't simply engaging enemy hostiles, but seemingly aiding the locals evacuate. He wasn't privy to the upper echelons of command in the Order, but he had a sneaking suspicion that those troops, though bearing Imperial insignias, weren't exactly following the grand mandate that moved his hand.

That mandate also didn't specify wasting precious troops on humanitarian work, but immediate and brutal pacification of the planet. "We're moving." he said quietly to his companion. She didn't reply, but simply walked back into their room and barked a few short rapid fire orders to the rest of the squad. 6 other similarly clad troopers, dressed in nondescript bodygloves assembled, kitted for rapid-fire maneuvers. Daros had given unusual orders as well to sew Sith emblems onto their equipment, and to give all possible attention and detail to market themselves as Sith Special Forces on Yinchor.

Even if, statistically speaking, there were no evidence to prove that the Sith had, nor employed any variant of specially trained forces.

But it was fuel for the rhetorical warriors out there, and Daros, in his infinite wisdom of street talk, knew nothing spread faster than someone claiming that they saw something with their own eyes.

He pulled the balaclava over his eyes and put on a standard, commercially available military-surplus helmet over it. Painted black, just to fit with the rest of his outfit. "Observation period is over." he reported back to the squad, cradling his heavy repeater. "We have a slight complication: one of the reinforcement battlegroups may have gone rogue, likely under orders of some uppity warlord." he paused, remembering the face of one particular Nirauan warlord that he had met before.

"Objectives still remain the same. Don't engage unless necessary. Maintain radio silence. Shoot to kill when I give the order to." They knew their mission objectives front and back, having drilled it into their memories for the past week that they had played undercover in Yinchor.

It stung, but his handler had assured him that these men and women were loyal to COMPNOR first and foremost. They wouldn't balk at shooting at friendlies if given the say so, in order to maintain their guise. It was Daros who had trouble giving the orders.

The unit maintained an air of dignified silence as they took the stairs down to the lobby, weapons pointed at every corner and angle- Daros took the lead, his head still cloudy with judgements and doubt. He paused at the doorway to the lobby and looked back, priming his weapons. "Remember." he whispered.

"Absolute silence."

"Absolute silence." was the nearly monotone, unanimous reply. He nodded, then swung the door open.

Their hotel had been home to offworlders, businessmen and people from all other branches of the galaxy. With the Imperial invasion underway, many of them hurried to cancel their bookings and tried to hail a cab, maybe even try to walk the rest of the way there. The more dignified of the visitors remained waiting in the lobby, certain that they would be given civil treatment by the staff, forced by management to wait on them.

Daros hefted his weapon up as the rest of the black ops unit fanned out from the stairwell. A few heads turned their direction, and then the entire room.

A pin dropped.

Flashes of violent colour forked out from the gunmen, zipping in and out of flesh and clothing as they painted the lobby shades of scorching orange and crimson red, blue or whatever colour they bled. Cries of pain crowded the thick air as they jogged out of the lobby and into the streets- they weren't interested in leaving a trail of dead bodies.

Wounded civilians, Daros quibbled several weeks back, often took higher priority for the noble and bright hearted. It also complicated matters for any military seeking to win the hearts and minds of the local populace.

They left the hotel, but not before Daros dropped an active emergency transponder in the middle of the room. It was a bright, stark marker that played on every available channels, set to transmit all the noises of the wounded into the air. The unit maintained their fire outside of the building, adding a few more bodies to lead the would-be heroes to the crime scene.

His unit quickly shifted to the next phase as they entered their pre-parked transports, leaving the hotel in unmarked speeders. Daros sat behind the wheel, keeping an eye on the rearview mirror, his grip tight. So far, their plan was going well. At a junction, the second speeder, carrying four of his unit, split off and headed towards the spaceport. It was unlikely they were to survive their objectives- it was even expected for them to avoid capture by the oldest trick in the book.

He simply bid them a quiet good bye, watching as they sped off. He took another turn, away from the Grand Library and towards the landed reinforcements. The female trooper next to him gave him an odd look for it. "We have our own jobs to do, Two."

"You're driving away from the Grand Library."

Daros nodded. "Let it stand. We have another directive to pursue."

She moved her hand towards her holster.

Daros was quicker, and quieter, as he pulled his own blaster and pressed it against her side. "My orders come from above your paygrade, trooper. I've not gone rogue, if that's what you suspect."

She remained quiet.

"I could shoot you." he added quietly, taking another turn to their destination. His attention was split three ways- one on his trigger finger, one on the road and the last vestiges on the looming battlegroup overhead. It was difficult, to put it gently.

They passed by a burning storefront, and then another block before she finally relented. Daros felt the pressure on his seat shift away- he was under no uncertain impression that he would've been riddled with bolts from the back if he pulled the trigger as well. He breathed out and holstered his weapon, but then immediately hit the brakes.

Their speeder responded poorly, and it took all of Daros' strength to pull their speeder away from the roadblock and into a multi-degree drift. The inertia won over, and they smashed the rear end of the vehicle into the piled up burning vehicles on the road. Daros only briefly saw the steering wheel rapidly approaching him, before the airbags exploded outwards.

His head threatened to split wide open when he opened his eyes. How long had it been? A quick glance at the chronometer on his HUD showed three minutes had passed. Any longer, and he would've feared permanent grey matter damage. As it stood, he could be sporting a massive concussion. He grimaced and kicked the door open, dropping out onto the rioting streets. He heard footsteps approaching, voices asking if he was alright. The voices changed emotions when they saw his patches and insignias.

Fear exploded, and some of the weaker willed natives fled. The ones that remained were uncertain, and Daros knew firsthand what a lynch mob looked like seconds before it exploded into violence. He reached for his pistol-

- screaming bolts zoomed over his head, dropping a civilian onto the tarmac. More scored admirable marks on the crowd, before they finally gave way and fled. Daros shook his head, struggling to stand up as he coughed up his lungs.

"Are you combat effective?"

He stopped Two right there and took a long drink from his canteen. Chills ran down his spine in tandem with the trickle of ice cold water. "I'm good." He rasped out, picking up his weapon from the speeder wreck.

"On me." Daros signaled the rest of his team to gather. The other two troopers followed after him, one of them trying to hide his pain with each step. The agent looked back at his unit, then towards his objective. In a series of quick hand signals, he gave the order to maintain a low profile as they double timed it. Without so much as elaborating further on their actual objective, he lead the charge, hoping their immediate situation prevailed over their concurrent doubts of his loyalty.
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Operation Screaming Vengeance
Location: Yinchorri Base Gate
Objective: Defend Tol-Kachorn
Equipment: Battle Armour | Orange Lightsaber
Midnight Company, 104th Marine Battalion
Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Amon Vizsla | Bayaz Bayaz


"Company! at ease!" He ordered as the marines in front of him became less rigid as they went to the 'at ease' position. Command was not something he was completely used to. Attempting to copy the mannerisms of his teacher was something that had more or less worked, but he understood that to the men standing in front of him, respect had to be earned. And he hoped over the time that they had been fighting together that he had earned their respect.

"Alright people, our orders are to take up positions at the gate and defend Tol-Kachorn from the enemy. Am I understood?"

A rousing "SIR YES,SIR!" came from the assembled crowd as they stood at ease. "Let's not keep em waiting, Midnight Company, move out! double time troopers!" He announced as he removed his lightsaber from it's holster and ignited it as a long orange blade peeked out of the top of the emitter. Raising his lightsaber above his head, he made a dash for the gate to reinforce General Treicolt and Lieutenant Rail's forces.

The fire-zone around the gates couldn't have been more hot as soldiers on both sides crumpled, blaster shots appearing in their pristine armour. Kir pushed down in a slashing motion letting blasterfire deflect off of his blade, keeping it out of danger. Cautiously, he made his way to Maynard's position, hitting a stray blaster bolt straight into the path of an unsuspecting Yinchorri warrior. Never had he really entertained the thought that one day, he might actually be fighting the New Imperials.

It made sense, of course, the two vastly different political systems and ideologies could never truly peacefully coexist together without some sort of conflict arising, still, it was peculiar that he wasn't assisting the stormtroopers. "My unit is prepared Master, good to be back on the frontlines?" He mentioned, twisting his lightsaber to redirect another volley towards this time a trooper who soon fell. On their side, they were holding but the bodies of Wolfpack Marines reminded him that they might not be able to keep this up forever.

"Any way we can signal for CAS, Master, there's a whole lot of em." He grunted out, an opportunistic trooper dashing for the ramparts of the gates. Kir held out his hand and pushed forward, ending the adversary in a fierce force push. It was a strange matter, but nevertheless, they had a job to do. And the padawan intended to do it well.
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//: K I L L E R //:
//: Galactic Alliance //: Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl //:
//: New Imperial Order //: Rurik Fel Rurik Fel //: Dorian Sicarrio Dorian Sicarrio //:
Allyson should have expected the silence that she was given when Zaavik had arrived. She had wondered if she had made the right choice in enlisting him for the mission she was assigned. It was nothing new for the Corellian; she typically worked alone. Being alone meant that they were going to be ones that could potentially contribute to the loss of life or limb. Fortunately for the Corellian, luck was on her side usually.
Calling Zaavik in was an olive branch. The boy struggled to understand her side of everything that had occurred. Allyson had reasons that only someone in her position would understand, and she hoped that her padawan would never be in if she was even still allowed to call him. His silence showed her where she stood, and she knew there was still uncertainty within him. As much as she wanted to provide the boy with some sense of guidance, she didn't even know if she had the right words to say. Instead, she would let herself and his focus on the mission at hand.
Maybe after all of this, she could help provide him with something anything that could ease the storm in his heart.
Static crackled as the woman found shelter in the shadows. She had been dispatched several weeks ago on whims of chatter from the New Imperial Order. Having worked with them before and having previous access to some of their communication channels, she could pick something up. It was nothing more than potential, but it seemed luck once more was on the Corellian's side. Yinchorr was the new battlefield, and her target was one of the prolific men within the organization.
Rurik Fel was an ambitious man; if the rumors were true, he was also just as ruthless as those that came before him. With the death of Vaulkhar Zambrano on Bastion, the information had stated he took the man's place. She wrinkled her nose as she went through the dossier that was compiled. Fel was an anchor to the New Imperials and the Knights that followed him. He was one head of the hydra that needed to be removed. If she and Zaavik were able to remove Rurik from the equation, snuffing out the Imperials would become that much easier.
The Knights were similar to an elite force from her understanding of the Imperials. Without them, it would leave only the military. Yet, even then, the military was a force to be reckoned with.
Zaavik moved beside her; she knew he was restless. It didn't take the visual queues of the boy's shift to let her know that. Unlike the rest of the people in Allyson's life, Zaavik's bond with her was still intact. She could feel the wave of his emotions as his mind wandered. A small smirk spread across her face as she turned away from him. He would be fine, and the silence between them spoke more than any words he could say.
It scared her; she cared about him; he reminded her of what her brother could have been. Her mind wandered into potential scenarios of her life if things had happened differently. Zaavik spoke; she didn't move but only listened. Finally, looking over, she watched him disappear. Something tore at her chest as she watched him, feeling his signature shift through the waves of the Force. She stood from her crouch and looked towards the direction of where he would be. "Zaavik, survive." Pausing, she chewed on her lower lip, and she let her image shimmer from sight like the Zeltron. She focused on him, giving him her total and complete attention. May the Force be with you, selba. The nickname was one her father would say to them when they were younger in Old Corellian. Zaavik had the potential to be one of the best, and she regretted now seeing it until now.
The sniper rifle she brought aimed towards the coordinates given; she could see Rurik's mask and armor's distinctive markings. Frowning, she hated this part. The sniper's scope meant you could see the moment of impact and watch the life leave the face of the target. Better for confirmation, but she hated it. This was why Allyson preferred using the bow; she would shoot and not have to watch. Either way, the sniper was loaded with armor-piercing projectiles.
Setting the man's head within the crosshairs, the woman exhaled and held her breath for just a moment. Her gloved finger caressed the trigger until enough pressure rested upon it. The long-ranged weapon fired; she felt the recoil against her body but held it steady as she continued to hold her breath, watching everything through the scope.
Objective: Break trough New Imperial Order Blockade
Forces: Sentry Squadron:

When Tyrel received orders she immediately started analyzing typical NIO strategies and Formation of ships in blockade and Association Formation, she understood that biggest chance for next move of enemy forces is to atack Demolisher, She Informed Admiral "In most of possible scenarios Enemy will atack Demolisher" she received answer and ordered to her crew to prepare for enemy to strike them.

They were ready, whatever NIO will send she will be ready, then she was asked by her right hand very interesting question " Ascendency is risking much to free this man, Why?" "This is important figure" she answered quickly and then continued "We all are tools for greater powers... Remember, only few Rule Galaxy rest is Merely Pawns. Now lets show these Pawns that we are not weak
" Tyrel looked at her soldiers, risen her hand and exclaimed "Today is the day of War!" waited a moment and Risen her voice once again "The day during which you will show how much you are worth!...So show that you are worth the Title of Warriors!" She looked on battlefield and started to count, seconds untill first wave arrive

Hiram Voss Hiram Voss


GANG | Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask | Gedeon Rath | Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad | Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk

Deep crawl.

His HUD flickered as he came out of the sewer. His comrade standing at the top of the ladder gripped his hand as the Storm Commando pulled himself up. His rifle bounced against his chest softly as he now stood at the top of the ladder, crouching down towards the entrance. Another Commando made their way up the ladder, and Sorrin held his hand out. He watched the perimeter slowly as the Commando finished climbing, letting go of their hand to let them pull themselves up. Sorrin stood around the rest of his black armor-clad brethren. The Squad Commando called out from a couple of meters to group up, and four commandos went off to complete their objective. Sorrin, however, had been assigned to a different group.

As he moved towards his CO, he hid in the dark ambiance of the alleyway. He crouched, looking over his weapon. Simply assigned blaster rifle, clean beyond normal cleaning standards, ready to blow the head off of a hostile from 200 meters away. He inspected his rifle again as the voice in front of him spoke up.

<"Shield generators, keep an eye out for them but I imagine it's somewhere in or around the capital, spaceport has its own set up as well. The switch is flipped off and the city will have no choice but to fold or the Alliance will have a lot of blood on their hands.">

Sorrin was a bit skeptical. They knew the objective, knew the enemy, and damn near knew the area, but the only approximate location they could come up with was "around the capital". He sighed quietly. It was a brash way of thinking but he did have his reasons. What if it wasn't in the capital but in a whole other location in Tol Kachorn? Most likely the intel would be correct but in the off chance that it wasn't, it would set the whole assignment off track. It was the real lead they had, however, and brooding in the shadows was taking time out of the time frame. The squad was assembled too so there was no time to lose.

He tapped the shoulder of the LT, signaling he was ready. <Acknoledged, time to go.">


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