Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In the Library

[member="Selena Drayven"]

"It is." She looked at her for a moment confused, why else would she say it if it wasn't a compliment or sign that she thought it was good? The jedi knight was curious while going to take a seat with the food before she moved over. "So your training, your initial training here has gone well and the training robes themselves have preformed better then most expected they would. It helps that the previous suits have the same levels of protection so the workers know what they are doing and are better able to equipment the suits with evertyhing that a jedi will need in the field. Further testing will be required of course and going to tund where there is several dangers and creatures could prove the tests needed."
Looking at my Master I said, "Dangers and creatures...what can you tell me about what we'll possibly be facing Master? Have you been to Tund before?" The squash was done frying up and I padded barefoot over to check the fish fillets. After poking them all with a fork I lowered the heat and gave them a few more minutes before I pulled them and placed the fish on a plate. Placing some flour in the coconut butter along with a squirt of lime juice I whipped together a sort of gravy and poured it onto a plate as well. Grabbing the two plates along with two forks I walked back over towards my Master and said, "Shall we head up to the viewing deck for dinner Master? I promise it's a view that you'll enjoy..."

[member="Nameless One"]
[member="Selena Drayven"]

"Very well." She looked at her padawan and motioned for them to go while she was looking over what there was on the planet. "There is not much, when the sith empire controlled the planet they used it as a testing ground for new creatures that they could make." She was bringing the information up showing some of the testing labs that had been developed and discovered where Vulpesen and his team had not encountered them in some places. Her attention while she carried the plate of food to follow up to the observation deck ready to go and see what they will be able to see. She was uncertain about it while in hyperspace as she knew most seeed to worry about going mad looking at it.
As we walked into my cabin I listened to my Master and what she knew of the planet. The fact that it'd been used for a testing ground for Sith-spawn was a tad concerning just due to the sheer amount of what that could be... Rakghouls, Leviathans, Techno-beasts, Force knew what else.... I was hoping to avoid that if possible. Making my way back into my cabin I walked to a small rug and stood there as my Master came to stand by my side. Reaching out with my left hand I tapped a hidden control cluster and watched as the hatch opened and the lift descended. Speaking to the AI I said, "Ares drop us out of hyperspace for a period of 30 standard minutes then schedule the return to hyperspace towards the destination of the Tund system."

Are's voice complied saying "Yes m'lady it will be done at once." Triggering the lift platform my Master and I rose through the ceiling into the reinforced glasteel viewing deck. The armor plating sliding away form the windows as we slipped back into realspace. Padding over barefoot to the small table in the center of the room I sat down and placed my plate and silverware on the table. Looking over at my Master I said, "Not a bad view ehh Master?" A smile was on my face as I waited to see her full expression at this little surprise...

[member="Nameless One"]
[member="Selena Drayven"]

Following around it as they were taking some time to work on things. The jedi kngiht looked over at some of the things. Going up to the observation desk when she clasped her hands behind her back lookig at some of the other things around them. In space it was quite a sight until she spoke. "It is a very impressive view padawan." She said it looking out and it was much like the observation deck of the Harlequin ships. Their rooms larger and crystasteel but more or less the same. It was made so a jedi could get a clear view of just how vast the galaxy really was and how they were not the center but just a small part of it able to do what they could to help out.
Hearing her acknowledge the view as impressive made me smile a bit more. Gesturing for her to have a seat and begin digging into her food I said, "Aye, when I'm up here in the blackness of space by myself this is my favorite place aboard. The beauty of the stars and planets it keeps me humble and reminds me that there's beauty even in the darkest places." Cutting into my fish with the fork I speared some of the fried squash and began eating my own food. Wondering where Celiana was right now I concentrated on the fact that I had my own path to walk. Hopefully that path would bring me back alongside my sister sooner rather than later...

[member="Nameless One"]
[member="Selena Drayven"]

An interesting perspective but it was good, she had seen some who saw a view and thought it was all they could control and command. Not exactly helpful in most situations and then there would eventually have to be some of the other things that they do. As she sat down to eat the food and made sure everything was proper in its place. Extending a pinkie out with the silverware as she did when taking a drink to wash it down. "A good way to view the world and the galaxy. It can keep one humble enough. Though I have seen plenty twist it to something dangerous and foul." She was eating and speaking between bites after she had finished chewing the food.
Listening as she spoke I smiled slightly when I saw her pinkie extend before taking a sip of her drink. Eating some more of the food I chewed thoughtfully and after taking a sip of my own drink I cautiously asked, "Master if you don't mind my asking was it someone you knew who you've seen twist it?" I knew my Master was a private sort of person but I was still curious about her. Partially due to the fact that I wanted to know more about my Master, and partially due to the fact that I wanted to know more about her specifically. Hopefully my question hadn't offended or upset her....

[member="Nameless One"]
[member="Selena Drayven"]

"A few jed." Where to really start there was the jedi she had seen leave the order for the silent conclave which basically welcomed working with the darkside while saying how they were the real jedi. She had seen how one of the prodigies of the order basically sought all of the power and to control the republic along with the jedi order, other masters who jus went on a spree to exile anyone who disagreed, she saw some join the reformation which worked alongside sith to prove they were the real jedi by attacking other jedi. A lot more things were coming up as she sat there and continued to eat and take a drink. "There are a great many jedi who seem to get bored and twist their ideals for selfish reasons."
Remaining silent as she spoke I listened. When she said there were a great many Jedi who seemed to get bored and would twist their beliefs and ideals for selfish reasons I nodded. "Tends to be easier to do the selfish thing and get what you want right then rather than wait and put in the time to learn the abilities or powers. Further time still to have the self-discipline to wield those powers or abilities in an honest or moral way without temptation. I suppose there's different ways of being tempted other than power or money....but still easy versus having what you want right then... I'd be lying if I said it wasn't tempting Master."

Stuffing my face full of fish and vegetables I hoped again I didn't sound like a know it all... I spent quite a bit of time thinking about what decisions I should make. The easy road or the long difficult way that wouldn't compromise my character. I looked back out the glasteel panels and took a sip of my drink while I waited to hear from my Master. After dinner I'd have ARES resume our prior course and I'd probably be working on some kind of small project to keep my hands and mind busy. For now though I was content to eat a good meal, enjoy the company of a beautiful woman even if she was my Master and bask in the beauty of the universe...

[member="Nameless One"]
[member="Selena Drayven"]

Looking at her while she was finishing up to have a look on her face. "Temptation to do what is easier is always there but there is a difference between doing things the right way, doing it easy and doing it in the way that is making it harder on purpose. From my observations they try and put so much pressure on themselves to master something within just a few sessions of using it. Then they become frustrated because there might be someone else who is more skilled with it." She said it offering a small look and that had been one of the main things she had seen. "I have seen that many fail to grasp the concept that one never stops learning or growing."
Finishing off my food I looked at my Master and said, "Destination being worth the journey or something along those lines Master?" Looking off into the galaxy I said, "Ability and power wouldn't mean anything if were easy anyways. Neither would having what we wanted right away either I suppose much better to actually work for what we earn I think..." Looking towards the pa system I said, "Ares re-initiate the jump sequence to Tund as soon as the ship is able."

[member="Nameless One"]
[member="Selena Drayven"]

"Something like that, there is always a place for raw natural talent but you can't let because something comes easier to yo then someone else make you arrogant or think of it. Learning and developing the skills for yourself goes a long way and working at all of it will give you what you are able to do. I have more interest in developing my talents with the academic arts of the jedi so I spend hours, weeks month, years pouring over the information, using everythign that we have to better understand the force and all of its mysteries. Any progress for my own skills is earned through understanding and deep knowledge."
The engines picked up and the hyperdrive made its jump. Hearing of her devotion to her work and what seemed to be a calling of hers to learn and teach impressed me but I felt a bit bad for her too... I triggered the controls for the armor plating to slide back and cover the glasteel windows then said, "I admire that you've such dedication to learning Master, must make you a good teacher too but it sounds terribly lonely as well..." I wasn't trying to flirt with her now but I felt sad for her too, she spent such time in the books in dedication to her own version of the Jedi way that she might not have many friends or people who loved or cared for her...

[member="Nameless One"]
[member="Selena Drayven"]

Looking at her there was a small shrug of her shoulders. in truth yes it was lonely but she ahd found reason to not worry about it. Most of the time people would let you down in the end and few really could hold up in the long run. "Perhaps but I have found being by myself means less people to try and compete with or even to be held up against." She smiled weakly for the time while checking the robes and could feel the lightside of the force for herself to focus the force energies themselves to meditate. "Plus if I don't see it then I don't have to worry about them all breaking the rules that can be a danger."
She spoke of how being alone made it so there wasn't anyone to compete with or be held up against. She also mentioned not having to worry about them all breaking rules that can be a danger. Smiling at her I gathered up my dishes and said, "Aye but that'd also mean there's no continuation of learning since there's no feedback from others or their differing viewpoints. As to the rules well breaking them can present a danger, but so can being constrained by them. I read somewhere that it is our choices that show who and what we really are far more than our abilities."

Heading towards the lift I turned towards her and said, "Alone time is nice Master, but I don't think there can be any true growth or happiness in life by choosing to be alone all the time either... Just my thoughts though Master. If you're ready we can head back below and work on some projects of our own before trying to get some rest..."

[member="Nameless One"]
[member="Selena Drayven"]

"Choice is ivaluable but so is knowing when and what you can do. If there was no structure and no direction. If all we had was choices, many of our padawans would choose to be like anyone else in the galaxy. They would go for being part of it instead of being noble. Wanting for credits, seeking fame and admiration. Jedi do not need these things. It isn't like giving them a chance and instead of something healthy they will choose to eat sweet cream in the morning before their lessons instead of something filling and proper. There are real dangers we must make sure they understand and why they are a danger." She was looking at her padawan and working to get a better read on her as she wondered other things but kept her face neutral.
Looking at my Master I listened as we headed back through the deck back to my cabin. It was interesting to talk with someone who had differing viewpoints than your own... The look on my her face was almost as if she was trying to figure something out about me. What that was though I had no idea...

[member="Nameless One"]
[member="Selena Drayven"]

She was looking at her padawan with a look on her face while looking over it with a small look. "You seem interested in something padawan and I do now require my empathy to understand it." She was looking at her and moving with hands clasped behind her back. THe custom robes were one thing as was the important training robes for here to use.
My Master mentioned that there was something I seemed interested in and turning towards her I said, "Aye there is something or rather someone on my mind Master. My sister Celiana, I know we've all got our own paths to walk but I miss her quite a bit. She was last I knew a member of the Silver Jedi but she left me a message before I'd even made my way to Voss. It made it sound like she wasn't coming back..."

[member="Nameless One"]

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